[go: nahoru, domu]

Jun 28, 2007


It's been an amazing six days: I started with FOO Camp, flew back to Chicago, moved into our new office, and had the grand opening for the office, and just now collapsed into a heap. It was quite an awesome ride:

FOO Camp was, of course, fantastic--I went to some great sessions, saw old friends, had many hallway chats with new folks, and gave my own talk on why consensus-based "open development" is so important to open source. Oh, and of course, I played werewolf until the wee hours of the morning every night. I think I slept a total of about seven hours all weekend because I just didn't want to miss anything.

Our new office in Chicago is great--we've now got twice the space, and that includes a dedicated engineering area, which I'm excited to share with the folks from Feedburner (and I've never seen so many Noogler balloons in one place!). And to top it all off, I've got an 8' tall x 30' wide whiteboard wall right by my desk. Oh yeah.

We rounded off the hubbub with the "official" grand opening of our engineering office in Chicago which included a riff on the Taste of Chicago with our "Taste of Google" lunch and, of course, Chicago Google t-shirts for everyone. I'll try and scrounge up some pictures when I get a chance, but for now, it's time to get back to catching up on my sleep.

Jun 22, 2007

Change is Good

Even though I've typed exclusively on a Maltron keyboard for almost ten years, I'm about to change to a different keyboard. While the curved "bowls" of keys on the Maltron are quite comfortable, and I've gotten very used to the "Malt" key layout, I'm in the process of switching to a Kinesis Advantage USB keyboard using the Dvorak key layout. Here are the pros and cons as I see them:

Maltron Pros

  • Comfortable keyboard layout
  • I type about 85-110wpm on it
  • I have three of them (2 PS/2 and 1 ADB)
  • Like an old friend
  • Weird design freaks people out
  • QWERTY and Malt key layouts

Maltron Cons

  • Keyboard has weird bugs--certain key combinations flip CAPS LOCK on, keys repeat or get stuck on occasion
  • Keyboards don't feel very sturdy
  • New Maltrons (USB) have different physical key layout, which means if I buy one new one, I need to buy three new ones as I can't deal with slightly different layouts. The physical layout has already changed once in the past. :-(
  • $500 price tag
  • I really need to buy at least two new ones

Kinesis Pros

  • Even more comfortable key layout
  • Slightly less weird design still freaks people out
  • Does Dvorak and QWERTY
  • Well made
  • USB Native
  • Lack of keypad makes it easy to mount a touchpad in the middle of the keyboard
  • $300 price tag (still, ouch)
  • If I learn Dvorak on the Kinesis, I can probably pick up Dvorak on a flat keyboard pretty easily
  • If I learn Dvorak on the Kinesis and a flat keyboard, I don't have to drag my huge keyboard with me on road trips
  • Got one at the office
  • Only need to buy one

Kinesis Cons

  • I can only type 32wpm on it so far
  • I don't have three of them
  • Not wired into my brain for emacs keybindings

So I'm switching to the Kinesis soon and my goal is to do it by July 19th (my next road trip that I'll need to do a fair bit of typing on). When I switched to the Maltron so many years ago, I taped a layout of the keyboard to the top of my monitor and spent an hour a day for two weeks typing in correspondence to get the hang of the keyboard. After that I switched to Maltron at home for two weeks, went on vacation for a week, then switched to Maltron at the office. It was a pretty painful transition with several extremely frustrating days when I was only typing on the Maltron.

So in the interest of avoiding a ton of pain and suffering by just switching cold turkey to the Kinesis, I'm spending 15 minutes a day with Ten Thumbs (which I bought many years ago) until I get my speed up to 50wpm on the Kinesis, which seems likely to take me another three weeks or so. I'm hoping that by the time I get to 50wpm, the cost of switching won't be quite so high as I'll at least be somewhat familiar with the keyboard.

So here's hoping... now if only there were a way that I could get Ten Thumbs to test me on my emacs keybindings...

Jun 6, 2007

If you use Gmail and Firefox, this could change your life...

[This is for people who are keyboard shortcut junkies. If you like to mouse around, you might want to skip it]

It's a five-step process:

These scripts were written by the amazing Mihai Parparita. Thanks Mihai!

Jun 1, 2007

May 22, 2007

How to "bus-proof" your open source project

[This was first published on 10/5/2006. I'm putting all of the articles I've published on here so that I'll have one place I can look for all of them.]

People often talk about a software project's bus factor -- the number of people on your project that need to get hit by a bus to leave you with no one familiar with your codebase. In the open source world, the disappearance of even one developer can herald the death of your project -- if you don't prepare in advance.
The most important thing you can do to bus-proof your project is to attract a strong developer community for it. Since open source developers usually first get involved in a project as users, you need to attract users for your project. This means that you need to create something that people want to use and then listen carefully to the user feedback -- today's user may turn out to be tomorrow's release manager.

Start by creating something that people want to use. If you create a project to scratch a particular itch, you may attract a few contributors, but unless it's something that people actually use, it will succumb to bit rot after the initial itch is scratched. Interest in something built only for its own sake can only last so long.

You'll usually work on a project that people (namely you) want to use, and your project will attract a community of users and developers, with people fixing patches and making suggestions. If you want to keep these users around, you need to keep your project in good working order. That means vetting bug reports, fixing bugs, and working on new features. Regardless of the technical level of your project's users, odds are that they see your project differently than you do, so it may take a lot of dialog to understand a user's bug report or feature request. It can be a lot of work to translate a user's feedback into something that a developer can make sense of. But listening to your users, fixing bugs that they report, and paying attention to their feature requests will keep them coming back to use your software, and in many cases make them some of your biggest proponents. They'll usually wind up bringing you -- yep, you guessed it -- more users.

Now, to be clear, I'm not advocating that you spend your valuable time fixing every tiny bug and implementing every whimsical feature that a user requests. But before your project has grown to more than 10 or 15 developers, it's usually in your best interest to at least let your users know that they've been heard. Even if your email is only to let them know that you likely won't be implementing their pet feature, you let them know that you're listening by responding to them (and drop their requests into your issue tracker so they won't get lost).

As your project attracts more users, you'll inevitably pick up the odd developer (and believe me, some of them will be odd) as part of the community that you're building around your project. The first you'll usually hear from a potential new developer is in the form of a patch to fix an existing (often trivial) bug -- be it a code bug or a minor documentation fix. Users that show up on a development discussion list with patch in hand merit careful attention, because if you determine that their patch is a good patch and you apply it promptly, you could wind up with the ongoing attention of another project contributor, and attention is the common coin of the open source world. If this new developer is clueful, understands your project and the direction you're taking it, and keeps submitting patches, you'll find yourself wanting to let him just commit their own work. If you offer him commit access to your project as soon as you determine that he'll make a good team member, he'll usually stick around for a while to help you with your project.

Now you've got a project with a thriving user community and a small community of developers. You start to dream of a large castle with your minions bowing before you, paying homage to your greatness as a project leader, making offerings of Amazon wishlist items and PayPal donations.

Stop. Right. There.

Running your project with an iron fist is no way to increase your project's bus factor -- specifically, your bus factor.

Life changes can have a drastic effect on the amount of time that you can put into your project. You might get married or have a child. If you don't have a job, you might get one. You might get hit by a bus (or a meteorite) or contract a terminal disease or, heaven forbid, actually lose interest in your project.

Relinquish control.

Build a community of developers who make decisions by consensus and you'll have a project community that is not only lacking a single human point of failure, but that has the flexibility to lose one or more committers either temporarily or permanently. This kind of community allows developers to take turns leading the project (as much as you can "lead" a project run by consensus) and is remarkably robust as developers depart and return to contribute as their time allows. This is the true hallmark of a long-lived, productive open source project.

There are many other things that you can do to make your open source project successful, but by maintaining interest, paying attention to your users, and building a strong community, you're well on your way to developing a project that will grow for years to come. Best of all, you can stop panicking every time you see an oncoming bus on the way to lunch.

Author's note: Thanks to Karl Fogel and C. Michael Pilato for reading drafts of this article.

Apache, Open Source, and the Small Software Company

[This was first published on 05/30/2005. I'm putting all of the articles I've published on here so that I'll have one place I can look for all of them.]

The Apache Software Foundation is one of many open source software organizations shaking the business world all the way down to its proprietary software toes. Along with Linux, the Apache HTTP Server has long been the consummate example of the power and quality of open source software. Its runaway success against Microsoft IIS illustrates that the better product can triumph over both monopoly and marketing dollars.

Today, most small software development companies are acutely aware of the advantages of collaborating on open source software; at the very least, they're aware of the high costs of writing and maintaining closed-source software. With so little to be gained by writing and maintaining commodity software components (e.g., a Web server, a relational database, or an operating system), many companies are finding it cheaper to use and contribute bugfixes to an existing open source product than to start from scratch.

While the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) started as a group of Webmasters who just wanted a decent Web server to help them do their job, it has since become home to dozens of successful software projects with thousands of contributors and millions of lines of code. In fact, the ASF currently has the largest collection of active open source Java projects owned by a single organization.

The ASF accepts only individuals - not companies - as members and committers; however, many companies pay developers to work on ASF projects part- or full-time. This isn't because these companies are inherently altruistic, but because they've realized that it's cheaper to pay one or two developers to maintain and fix bugs on an open source project than to pay a team to maintain a closed-source equivalent in-house.

Large and small companies alike ignore open source software at their own peril. Years ago, "Not Invented Here" described a corporate state of mind that dutifully avoided using any solution not developed "in-house" - you had to either build it or buy it. Today, using "Not Invented Here" software is practically a requirement. Who wants to reinvent a Web server? Or an XML parser? Or a servlet container? But with open source, there's another choice in addition to "build it or buy it": get it for free.

Amidst all of this upheaval, the role of the developer has changed as well. Gone are the days when a development team can lock themselves in a closed room and knock out an application written from scratch over the course of a year. Companies need developers who are more archaeologist and assembler than fabricator. The smart, small company needs people with the ability to wade through the thousands of open source projects, find the gem with a stable codebase and an active community, and build on it.

The ASF understands that the long-term viability of an open source project is directly tied to the community that develops and maintains it. As a result, ASF projects are organized around communities and not only codebases. Sourceforge.net is a great example of why it's not all about the code - a bit of research reveals that close to 80% of the projects that reside there lie dormant. It's a testament to the number of open source software projects that go by the wayside every year. Many projects that exist are attempting to solve the same problem in a slightly different way, and software is subject to the process of natural selection. The strongest projects survive, the weaker ones combine or die out, and you're left with a better piece of software in the end.

Even though open source software has its idiosyncrasies, small development shops are gaining more power from it than ever. By building applications out of premade components, a modicum of glue code, and as little of their own code as possible, software companies are saving money and bringing products to market faster than ever. Developers spend less time reinventing wheels and more time concentrating on solving business needs. Leveraging open source saves licensing money at the outset, but the true win comes further down the road from the savings on maintainability.

As the ASF grows, it continues to work to ensure the long-term viability of its projects. And open source software continues to change the way that companies think about software solutions as well as the way they build their software. Leveraging open source drives the cost of development down, shortens the time-to market, and improves the quality of the software built on it. Gone are the days of having to choose between good, fast, and cheap - with open source software, companies can have all three.

May 21, 2007

Painting the Bikeshed at BSDCan 2007

Ben and I spoke at BSDCan last weekend up in Ottawa and had a great time hanging out with the FreeBSD folks. One of the cool surprises at the conference, was that we met Poul-Henning Kamp. The Subversion project has been talking about his famous bikeshed post for years now, and Ben and I make explicit mention of it in our Poisonous People talk for the last year. Poul-Henning attended our talk and we wound up talking with him for a few hours afterwards--he's a great guy and we even got our picture taken with him wearing his "no bikesheds" shirt:

From left to right: Ben Collins-Sussman, Poul-Henning Kamp, Warner Losh, and myself. Here's another shot:

Photos by FreeBSDGirl, another cool BSD person we met at the conference.

May 8, 2007

How to Collect Money for a Dinner With More Than Eight People Without Going Broke

Have you ever found yourself as the (perhaps unwilling) ringleader in a group outing? Did the check for the group somehow wind up in your lap and people are suddenly looking to you for guidance in how much to pay? Was the meal with a bunch of people who ordered wildly varying meals (and, more importantly, drinks)?

Wilfredo Sánchez and myself, as the unofficial "Cruise Directors" of the Apache Software Foundation, have found ourselves in this role year after year (voluntarily), and having done this at multiple conferences, have learned some valuable lessons about collecting money after the fact for a group outing.

Time and time again, I've seen some poor sap stuck in the "check master" role come up way short of the amount of money owed, and out of fear, wind up eating $100 or more of the group's tab. Typically this happens not out of malicious intent, but out of lack of organization and ignorance on the part of the participants. Should you ever find yourself in the role of this poor soul, here are some tips to make sure that the venue gets its money--and your servers get adequately tipped--without going broke yourself.

  • Split the bill evenly: Your best bet for saving your sanity is for everyone to pay "Alla Romana", which means that the amount each person pays is the total cost of the evening (meal + tips) divided by the number of attendees. If someone pulls out a calculator and tries to calculate precise tax and tip for their meal, you have my permission to throw rocks at them (or at least stale dinner rolls). One exception for this is if a few patrons drank a lions share of the bar bill, it's completely fair to ask them to pony up a bit more to cover their part.

  • Tip your servers well: If your servers have done a bang-up job of serving your party, tip at least 20%, and make sure you add this into the cost before splitting up the bill. Make doubly sure that the tip isn't already included before slapping another 20% on. But even if the tip is already included, it doesn't mean that you can't tip a little extra if your server went above and beyond the call of duty--remember that it's really hard to serve a large group of people well.

  • Round up: After adding the bill and the tip together, divide by the number of people, and round up, not down. If the bill comes to $17.48 per person, round up to $20. If the bill comes to $21.24 per person, round up to $23, or even $25. Odds are that most people are just going to have Yuppie Food Stamps (twenty-dollar bills), so making any change that's not a multiple of 20 is going to require some effort. After everyone has been paid and tipped, you can attempt to get change and give people a few bucks back. If the remaining amount is less than the number of people in whole dollars, consider just adding it to the tip.

  • Don't mix up your money: Whatever you do, do not start stuffing people's money into your wallet or, even worse, just pull out the contents of your wallet to use as a bank for making change. This is a fine way to make people wonder if you've turned this into a profit-making opportunity for yourself or, more likely, to wind up spending more of you own money than you should. If at all possible, pay your part first, and pay it in smaller bills that you can use to make change. But basically: keep track of the exact amount of money you've collected, and keep that amount visible at all times.

  • Don't mix up your credit: While you can gather all the cash and pay the balance with your credit card, I don't advise this if at all possible--some people might wonder if you're actually paying or if they're collectively paying your bill. I don't care how many miles you get on your credit card, just don't do it.

  • Don't be the loan officer: If you're collecting money, avoid loaning anyone money at all costs. This is one more thing to keep track of, and it's a fine role for someone's other friend to fulfill while you handle collecting for the check.

  • Be careful making change: If the cost per person is $15, don't let people just start throwing twenties at you and then try to figure out who owes what to whom. If possible, start collecting from people who have exact change and then start making change for others who don't have change.

  • Don't fight for the money: You're always going to have one or two people who had nothing but an appetizer and a glass of water and steadfastly refuses to put up a penny more than the menu price of their meal. Fine. Don't argue--they either a cheapskate or they genuinely can't afford to shell out more money. If it's the former, making a big stink is going to make you at least one enemy. If it's the latter, making a big stink can potentially make you many enemies. Basically, there's no way of winning here, so you can use some of the extra cash you came up with when you rounded up (you did round up, didn't you?).

  • Don't play credit card poker: But more importantly than that, don't let individuals start paying with credit cards. Beg them to go to an ATM or to borrow money from the guy next to them, but nothing says "screw you" to a waiter more than a check folder with half a dozen credit cards in it.

Apr 20, 2007

Failed Subversion Slogans

These are some failed slogans with Subversion that we came up with on a CollabNet offsite many moons ago. You can see why we rejected them...

A place for your stuff.c.

Like a mom for your data.

If you kept your car keys in here, you'd never lose them.

Why recycle when you can save everything.

We'll watch your code while you sleep.

Subversion : code :: bank : money

It's like CVS, except for the sucking bit...

If your data lived here, you'd be home by now.

Don't remember how bad your code was 4 years ago? We do.

Those who forget the past are condemned to rewrite it.

Developing snapshots faster than that PI tailing you...

Like a photo album for your code's childhood.

It's Jims's world, we're just living in it.

As American as baseball and apple pie.... mmmm...... pie......

Apr 15, 2007

It's Made of Meat!

If you've ever talked to me for more than 20 minutes, you've probably heard me say "It's made of meat, so it's good for you!". This quote comes from a spoof radio ad that I found on the internet circa 1996 (which is 134 years in internet time). After I first heard it, I downloaded it and listened to it a number of times, laughing uncontrollably--I can't explain why.

Somehow over the next few years, I lost my copy of it, and no amount of searching the net would turn it up, so I pretty much gave it up for lost until one day in 2001 when I was going through some old hard drives. I was just making sure that there wasn't anything valuable on them before I threw them away and I came across a file with the somewhat odd name meat.au (ogg format here). Sure enough, it was The Meat Ad.

The upside of this discovery is that I now have proof that I didn't just dream up this whole meat thing, even though I still can't explain why I find it funny. And when I visited the guys at skinnyCorp a few years ago, they gave me a Meat T-Shirt.

And yes, it's all meat. So it's good for you!

Apr 12, 2007

God Bless You, Mr. Vonnegut!

Kurt Vonnegut died tonight. He was my favorite author. So it goes.

All time is all time. It does not change. It does not lend itself to warnings or explanations. It simply is. Take it moment by moment, and you will find that we are all, as I've said before, bugs in amber.

-Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse Five

Apr 11, 2007

My Maps Rocks

Google Maps' newest feature, "My Maps" is totally awesome. Since I lived in Rome for three years, friends and family are always asking me where to go when they go to Rome. Now I can just point them at my map of places to see in Rome.