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10,000+ apps.

4,00,000+ movies and TV episodes.

Music and more.

Avatar tile Avatar blur tile Your apps navigation tiles Butterfly blur tile Tab headers Tumble Dry movie blur tile Netflix app tile Amazon Prime Air tile NCIS tile Pluto tile Top Gear tile ABC News Live Prime with Linsey Davis Popular tab Meet the Press NOW tile Vevo app tile Hypnotised tile Amazon Music tile Tigerweather tile Anachronist tile In bloom tile YouTube Music app tile

Everything you
stream, all on
one screen.

Everything you stream,
all on one screen.

Get Google TV
Hero background glow Background frame with nav menus Hero TV shows screen

Google TV streaming devices and smart TVs bring together everything you stream on one screen. So you can find what to watch without jumping from app to app.

Why choose Google TV

Background image for liveTV

No more jumping between apps

Everything in one place.

Browse movies, episodes, live TV, and more from across your favorite apps. It’s easier than ever to discover what to watch.

Everything for you poster image

Just ask Google Assistant

“Show me dramas”


Find what you want fast, just ask Google Assistant.

Use your voice remote to search across all apps including live TV and YouTube. Find exactly what you’re looking for.

A white Google TV remote. The Google Assistant button is highlighted.
Voice Search

Build your watchlist

Instantly update your list from anywhere.

Add movies and shows from your TV, mobile app or Google Search by clicking the watchlist icon. Ready to watch when you are.

Build your watchlist TV main tile



Build your watchlist TV second tile



Watchlist TV background image


Build your watchlist mobile device image
Get Google TV

Stream on your favorite

Chromecast and remote in three different colors.

Chromecast with Google TV

A TV with the ”For you” tab on the screen.

Smart TVs

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