[go: nahoru, domu]

ICU 75.1 75.1
No Matches
Internal List
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::BasicTimeZone::getOffsetFromLocal (UDate date, int32_t nonExistingTimeOpt, int32_t duplicatedTimeOpt, int32_t &rawOffset, int32_t &dstOffset, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::BasicTimeZone::kFormerLatterMask
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::BasicTimeZone::kStdDstMask
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::BreakIterator::BreakIterator ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::BreakIterator::BreakIterator (const BreakIterator &other)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::BreakIterator::BreakIterator (const Locale &valid, const Locale &actual)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::BreakIterator::getLocaleID (ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::BreakIterator::operator= (const BreakIterator &other)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.. Assignment Operator, used by RuleBasedBreakIterator.
Global icu::Calendar::CalendarFactory
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::CalendarService
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::computeJulianDay (UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::computeMillisInDay ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::computeZoneOffset (double millis, double millisInDay, UErrorCode &ec)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::DefaultCalendarFactory
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::defaultCenturyStart () const =0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::defaultCenturyStartYear () const =0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::ELimitType
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::getAvailableLocales ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::getCalendarTypeFromLocale (const Locale &locale, char *typeBuffer, int32_t typeBufferSize, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. For ICU use only.
Global icu::Calendar::getDefaultDayInMonth (int32_t eyear, int32_t month)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::getDefaultMonthInYear (int32_t eyear, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::getFieldResolutionTable () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::getGregorianDayOfMonth () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::getGregorianDayOfYear () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::getGregorianMonth () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::getGregorianYear () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::getLimit (UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::getLocalDOW (UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::getLocaleID (ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::getRelatedYear (UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::handleComputeFields (int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::handleComputeJulianDay (UCalendarDateFields bestField, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::handleComputeMonthStart (int32_t eyear, int32_t month, UBool useMonth, UErrorCode &status) const =0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::handleGetExtendedYear (UErrorCode &status)=0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::handleGetExtendedYearFromWeekFields (int32_t yearWoy, int32_t woy, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::handleGetLimit (UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const =0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::handleGetMonthLength (int32_t extendedYear, int32_t month, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::haveDefaultCentury () const =0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::internalGet (UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t defaultValue) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::internalGet (UCalendarDateFields field) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::internalGetMonth (UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::internalGetMonth (int32_t defaultValue, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::isEra0CountingBackward () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::julianDayToDayOfWeek (int32_t julian)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::kDatePrecedence []
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::kDOWPrecedence []
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::kMonthPrecedence []
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::kResolveRemap
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::kResolveSTOP
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::kYearPrecedence []
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::makeInstance (const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. For ICU use only.
Global icu::Calendar::newerField (UCalendarDateFields defaultField, UCalendarDateFields alternateField) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::newestStamp (UCalendarDateFields start, UCalendarDateFields end, int32_t bestSoFar) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::prepareGetActual (UCalendarDateFields field, UBool isMinimum, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::registerFactory (ICUServiceFactory *toAdopt, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::resolveFields (const UFieldResolutionTable *precedenceTable) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::setRelatedYear (int32_t year)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::unregister (URegistryKey key, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::validateField (UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Calendar::weekNumber (int32_t dayOfPeriod, int32_t dayOfWeek)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::CanonicalIterator::permute (UnicodeString &source, UBool skipZeros, Hashtable *result, UErrorCode &status, int32_t depth=0)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::CollationElementIterator::fromUCollationElements (UCollationElements *uc)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::CollationElementIterator::fromUCollationElements (const UCollationElements *uc)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::CollationElementIterator::toUCollationElements ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::CollationElementIterator::toUCollationElements () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Collator::fromUCollator (UCollator *uc)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Collator::fromUCollator (const UCollator *uc)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Collator::internalCompareUTF8 (const char *left, int32_t leftLength, const char *right, int32_t rightLength, UErrorCode &errorCode) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Collator::internalGetShortDefinitionString (const char *locale, char *buffer, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Collator::internalNextSortKeyPart (UCharIterator *iter, uint32_t state[2], uint8_t *dest, int32_t count, UErrorCode &errorCode) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Collator::setLocales (const Locale &requestedLocale, const Locale &validLocale, const Locale &actualLocale)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Collator::toUCollator ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Collator::toUCollator () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::CompactDecimalFormat::parseCurrency (const UnicodeString &text, ParsePosition &pos) const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DateFormat::getBestPattern (const Locale &locale, const UnicodeString &skeleton, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. For ICU use only.
Global icu::DateFormatSymbols::ALTERNATE_TIME_SEPARATOR
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DateFormatSymbols::createForLocale (const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. For ICU use only.
Global icu::DateFormatSymbols::DateFormatSymbols (const char *type, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DateFormatSymbols::DateFormatSymbols (const Locale &locale, const char *type, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DateFormatSymbols::DEFAULT_TIME_SEPARATOR
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DateFormatSymbols::ECapitalizationContextUsageType
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DateFormatSymbols::EMonthPatternType
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DateFormatSymbols::getLeapMonthPatterns (int32_t &count) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DateFormatSymbols::getTimeSeparatorString (UnicodeString &result) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DateFormatSymbols::setTimeSeparatorString (const UnicodeString &newTimeSeparator)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DateIntervalFormat::parseObject (const UnicodeString &source, Formattable &result, ParsePosition &parse_pos) const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.0
Global icu::DateIntervalInfo::DateIntervalInfo (UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.0
Global icu::DateTimePatternGenerator::createInstanceNoStdPat (const Locale &uLocale, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DateTimePatternGenerator::getRedundants (UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.8
Global icu::DecimalFormat::DecimalFormat (const UnicodeString &pattern, DecimalFormatSymbols *symbolsToAdopt, UNumberFormatStyle style, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DecimalFormat::format (double number, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPosition &pos, UErrorCode &status) const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DecimalFormat::format (int64_t number, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPosition &pos, UErrorCode &status) const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DecimalFormat::format (int32_t number, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPosition &pos, UErrorCode &status) const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DecimalFormat::format (const number::impl::DecimalQuantity &number, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPositionIterator *posIter, UErrorCode &status) const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DecimalFormat::format (const number::impl::DecimalQuantity &number, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPosition &pos, UErrorCode &status) const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DecimalFormat::formatToDecimalQuantity (double number, number::impl::DecimalQuantity &output, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DecimalFormat::formatToDecimalQuantity (const Formattable &number, number::impl::DecimalQuantity &output, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DecimalFormatSymbols::getCodePointZero () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. For ICU use only
Global icu::DecimalFormatSymbols::getConstDigitSymbol (int32_t digit) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. This API is currently for ICU use only.
Global icu::DecimalFormatSymbols::getConstSymbol (ENumberFormatSymbol symbol) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DecimalFormatSymbols::getCurrencyPattern () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DecimalFormatSymbols::getNumberingSystemName () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DecimalFormatSymbols::isCustomCurrencySymbol () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. For ICU use only
Global icu::DecimalFormatSymbols::isCustomIntlCurrencySymbol () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. For ICU use only
Global icu::DecimalFormatSymbols::kApproximatelySignSymbol
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::DecimalFormatSymbols::setCurrency (const char16_t *currency, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Edits::Iterator::toString (UnicodeString &appendTo) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Class icu::ExternalBreakEngine
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 74 technology preview
Global icu::ExternalBreakEngine::fillBreaks (UText *text, int32_t start, int32_t end, int32_t *foundBreaks, int32_t foundBreaksCapacity, UErrorCode &status) const =0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 74 technology preview
Global icu::ExternalBreakEngine::handles (UChar32 c) const =0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 74 technology preview
Global icu::ExternalBreakEngine::isFor (UChar32 c, const char *locale) const =0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 74 technology preview
Global icu::ExternalBreakEngine::~ExternalBreakEngine ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 74 technology preview
Global icu::Format::getLocaleID (ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Formattable::adoptDecimalQuantity (number::impl::DecimalQuantity *dq)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Formattable::getDecimalQuantity () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Formattable::internalGetCharString (UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Formattable::populateDecimalQuantity (number::impl::DecimalQuantity &output, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::GenderInfo_initCache (UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. Forward Declaration
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::getEpochDay (UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::handleComputeFields (int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &status) override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::handleComputeJulianDay (UCalendarDateFields bestField, UErrorCode &status) override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::handleComputeMonthStart (int32_t eyear, int32_t month, UBool useMonth, UErrorCode &status) const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::handleGetExtendedYear (UErrorCode &status) override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::handleGetExtendedYearFromWeekFields (int32_t yearWoy, int32_t woy, UErrorCode &status) override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::handleGetLimit (UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::handleGetMonthLength (int32_t extendedYear, int32_t month, UErrorCode &status) const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::internalGetEra () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::isEra0CountingBackward () const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::monthLength (int32_t month, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::monthLength (int32_t month, int32_t year) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::yearLength () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::kInternalNumSysNameCapacity
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::ListFormatter::format (const UnicodeString items[], int32_t n_items, UnicodeString &appendTo, int32_t index, int32_t &offset, UErrorCode &errorCode) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. for MeasureFormat
Global icu::ListFormatter::ListFormatter (const ListFormatData &data, UErrorCode &errorCode)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. constructor made public for testing.
Global icu::ListFormatter::ListFormatter (const ListFormatInternal *listFormatterInternal)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. constructor made public for testing.
Global icu::Locale::locale_available_init ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::Locale::locale_set_default_internal (const char *, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::Locale::minimizeSubtags (bool favorScript, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Locale::setFromPOSIXID (const char *posixID)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::locale_available_init ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::LocaleMatcher::internalMatch (const Locale &desired, const Locale &supported, UErrorCode &errorCode) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (has a known user)
Global icu::LocaleRuns::fLocales
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::LocalPointerBase< T >::ptr
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::MeasureFormat::adoptNumberFormat (NumberFormat *nfToAdopt, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only..
Global icu::MeasureFormat::getCurrencyFormatInternal () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only..
Global icu::MeasureFormat::getLocale (UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only..
Global icu::MeasureFormat::getLocaleID (UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only..
Global icu::MeasureFormat::getNumberFormatInternal () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only..
Global icu::MeasureFormat::getPluralRules () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only..
Global icu::MeasureFormat::initMeasureFormat (const Locale &locale, UMeasureFormatWidth width, NumberFormat *nfToAdopt, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only..
Global icu::MeasureFormat::setMeasureFormatLocale (const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only..
Global icu::MeasureUnit::getOffset () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::MeasureUnit::initCurrency (StringPiece isoCurrency)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::MeasureUnit::initTime (const char *timeId)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Expression

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Builder

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Builder::addAttribute (const UnicodeString &key, Operand &&value, UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Builder::setOperand (Operand &&rAnd)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Builder::setOperator (Operator &&rAtor)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Builder::~Builder ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Expression ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Expression (const Expression &other)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::getAttributes () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::getOperand () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::getOperator (UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::isFunctionCall () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::isReserved () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::isStandaloneAnnotation () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::operator= (Expression) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::swap (Expression &e1, Expression &e2) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::~Expression ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::data_model::Literal

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::isQuoted () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::Literal (UBool q, const UnicodeString &s)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::Literal (const Literal &other)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::Literal ()=default

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::operator< (const Literal &other) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::operator= (Literal) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::operator== (const Literal &other) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::quoted () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::swap (Literal &l1, Literal &l2) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::unquoted () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::~Literal ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::data_model::Markup

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::addAttribute (const UnicodeString &key, Operand &&value, UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::addOption (const UnicodeString &key, Operand &&value, UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::setClose ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::setName (const UnicodeString &n)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::setOpen ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::setStandalone ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::~Builder ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::getAttributes () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::getName () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::getOptions () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::isClose () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::isOpen () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::isStandalone () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Markup ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::~Markup ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Builder

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Builder::addOption (const UnicodeString &key, Operand &&value, UErrorCode &status) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Builder::setFunctionName (FunctionName &&func)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Builder::setReserved (Reserved &&reserved)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Builder::~Builder ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::data_model::Option

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::getName () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::getValue () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::operator= (Option other) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::Option ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::Option (const UnicodeString &n, Operand &&r)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::Option (const Option &other)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::swap (Option &o1, Option &o2) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::~Option ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Builder

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Builder::add (UnicodeString &&part, UErrorCode &status) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Builder::add (Markup &&part, UErrorCode &status) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Builder::add (Expression &&part, UErrorCode &status) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status) const noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Builder::~Builder ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Struct icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Iterator

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Iterator::operator!= (const Iterator &a, const Iterator &b)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Iterator::operator* () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Iterator::operator++ ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::asMarkup () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::asText () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::contents () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::isExpression () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::isMarkup () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::isText () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::operator= (PatternPart) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::PatternPart (Markup &&m)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::PatternPart (Expression &&e)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::PatternPart (const UnicodeString &t)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::PatternPart (const PatternPart &other)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::PatternPart ()=default

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::swap (PatternPart &p1, PatternPart &p2) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::~PatternPart ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::data_model::Reserved

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::data_model::Reserved::Builder

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Reserved::Builder::add (Literal &&part, UErrorCode &status) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Reserved::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status) const noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Reserved::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Reserved::Builder::~Builder ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Reserved::getPart (int32_t i) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Reserved::numParts () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Reserved::operator= (Reserved) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Reserved::Reserved ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Reserved::Reserved (const Reserved &other)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Reserved::swap (Reserved &r1, Reserved &r2) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::Reserved::~Reserved ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::Builder

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::Builder::add (Key &&key, UErrorCode &status) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::Builder::~Builder ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::Builder

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::Builder::addExpression (Expression &&e, UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::Builder::setBody (Reserved &&r)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::Builder::setKeyword (const UnicodeString &k)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::Builder::~Builder ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::getBody (UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::getExpressions () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::getKeyword () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::operator= (UnsupportedStatement) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::swap (UnsupportedStatement &s1, UnsupportedStatement &s2) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::UnsupportedStatement (const UnsupportedStatement &other)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::UnsupportedStatement ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::data_model::UnsupportedStatement::~UnsupportedStatement ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::Formattable

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::asICUFormattable (UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::forDate (UDate d)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::forDecimal (std::string_view number, UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::Formattable (const FormattableObject *obj)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::Formattable (const UnicodeString &s)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::Formattable ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::Formattable (const Formattable &)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::Formattable (double d)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::Formattable (const Formattable *arr, int32_t len)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::Formattable (int64_t i)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::getArray (int32_t &count, UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::getDate (UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::getDouble (UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::getInt64 (UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::getInt64Value (UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::getLong (UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::getObject (UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::getString (UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::getType () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::isNumeric () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::operator= (Formattable) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::swap (Formattable &f1, Formattable &f2) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formattable::~Formattable ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::FormattableObject

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattableObject::tag () const =0

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattableObject::~FormattableObject ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::FormattedMessage

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::appendTo (Appendable &appendable, UErrorCode &status) const override

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::charAt (int32_t index, UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::FormattedMessage (UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::length (UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::nextPosition (ConstrainedFieldPosition &cfpos, UErrorCode &status) const override

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::subSequence (int32_t start, int32_t end, UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::toCharacterIterator (UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::toString (UErrorCode &status) const override

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::toTempString (UErrorCode &status) const override

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::~FormattedMessage ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::asFormattable () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::canFormat () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::FormattedPlaceholder (const UnicodeString &s)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::FormattedPlaceholder (const FormattedPlaceholder &input, FunctionOptions &&opts, FormattedValue &&output)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::FormattedPlaceholder (const Formattable &input, const UnicodeString &fb)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::FormattedPlaceholder ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::FormattedPlaceholder (FormattedPlaceholder &&other)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::FormattedPlaceholder (const FormattedPlaceholder &input, FormattedValue &&output)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::formatToString (const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::getFallback () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::isEvaluated () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::isFallback () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::isNullOperand () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::operator= (FormattedPlaceholder &&) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::options () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::output () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::FormattedValue

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::FormattedValue ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::FormattedValue (number::FormattedNumber &&)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::FormattedValue (const UnicodeString &)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::FormattedValue (FormattedValue &&other)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::getNumber () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::getString () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::isNumber () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::isString () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::operator= (FormattedValue &&) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::~FormattedValue ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::Formatter

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formatter::format (FormattedPlaceholder &&toFormat, FunctionOptions &&options, UErrorCode &status) const =0

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Formatter::~Formatter ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::FormatterFactory

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormatterFactory::createFormatter (const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status)=0

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormatterFactory::operator= (const FormatterFactory &)=delete

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FormatterFactory::~FormatterFactory ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::FunctionOptions

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FunctionOptions::FunctionOptions ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FunctionOptions::FunctionOptions (FunctionOptions &&)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FunctionOptions::getOptions () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FunctionOptions::operator= (const FunctionOptions &)=delete

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FunctionOptions::operator= (FunctionOptions &&) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::FunctionOptions::~FunctionOptions ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::MessageArguments

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageArguments::MessageArguments (const std::map< UnicodeString, Formattable > &args, UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageArguments::MessageArguments ()=default

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageArguments::operator= (MessageArguments &&) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageArguments::~MessageArguments ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::MessageFormatter

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::setDataModel (MFDataModel &&dataModel)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::setFunctionRegistry (const MFFunctionRegistry &functionRegistry)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::setLocale (const Locale &locale)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::setPattern (const UnicodeString &pattern, UParseError &parseError, UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::~Builder ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::format (const MessageArguments &arguments, UErrorCode &status) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::formatToString (const MessageArguments &arguments, UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::getDataModel () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::getLocale () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::getNormalizedPattern () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::getPattern () const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::operator= (MessageFormatter &&) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::~MessageFormatter ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::addBinding (Binding &&b, UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::addSelector (Expression &&selector, UErrorCode &errorCode) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::addUnsupportedStatement (UnsupportedStatement &&s, UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::addVariant (SelectorKeys &&keys, Pattern &&pattern, UErrorCode &errorCode) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status) const noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::setPattern (Pattern &&pattern)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::~Builder ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::Builder

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::Builder::adoptFormatter (const data_model::FunctionName &formatterName, FormatterFactory *formatterFactory, UErrorCode &errorCode)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::Builder::adoptSelector (const data_model::FunctionName &selectorName, SelectorFactory *selectorFactory, UErrorCode &errorCode)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::Builder::build ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &errorCode)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::Builder::setDefaultFormatterNameByType (const UnicodeString &type, const data_model::FunctionName &functionName, UErrorCode &errorCode)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::Builder::~Builder ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::getDefaultFormatterNameByType (const UnicodeString &formatterType, FunctionName &name) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::getFormatter (const FunctionName &formatterName) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::getSelector (const FunctionName &selectorName) const

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::MFFunctionRegistry (MFFunctionRegistry &&other)

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::operator= (MFFunctionRegistry &&) noexcept

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::~MFFunctionRegistry ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::Selector

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Selector::selectKey (FormattedPlaceholder &&toFormat, FunctionOptions &&options, const UnicodeString *keys, int32_t keysLen, UnicodeString *prefs, int32_t &prefsLen, UErrorCode &status) const =0

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::Selector::~Selector ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Class icu::message2::SelectorFactory

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::SelectorFactory::createSelector (const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status) const =0

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::SelectorFactory::operator= (const SelectorFactory &)=delete

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::message2::SelectorFactory::~SelectorFactory ()

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global icu::MessageFormat::equalFormats (const void *left, const void *right)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::MessageFormat::getArgTypeCount () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::MessagePattern::Part::Part ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::FormattedNumber::getAllFieldPositionsImpl (FieldPositionIteratorHandler &fpih, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::FormattedNumber::getDecimalQuantity (impl::DecimalQuantity &output, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::impl::digits_t
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Struct icu::number::impl::RangeMacroProps
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::impl::RangeMacroProps::collapse
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::impl::RangeMacroProps::copyErrorTo (UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::impl::RangeMacroProps::formatter1
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::impl::RangeMacroProps::formatter2
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::impl::RangeMacroProps::identityFallback
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::impl::RangeMacroProps::locale
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::impl::RangeMacroProps::singleFormatter
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::impl::touchRangeLocales (impl::RangeMacroProps &macros)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::formatDecimalQuantity (const impl::DecimalQuantity &dq, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::formatImpl (impl::UFormattedNumberData *results, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::getAffixImpl (bool isPrefix, bool isNegative, UnicodeString &result, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::getCallCount () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::getCompiled () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::getDecimalFormatSymbols () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::formatImpl (impl::UFormattedNumberRangeData &results, bool equalBeforeRounding, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Struct icu::number::Notation::NotationUnion::ScientificSettings
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::Notation::NotationUnion::ScientificSettings::fEngineeringInterval
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::Notation::NotationUnion::ScientificSettings::fExponentSignDisplay
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::Notation::NotationUnion::ScientificSettings::fMinExponentDigits
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::Notation::NotationUnion::ScientificSettings::fRequireMinInt
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::macros (const impl::MacroProps &macros) const &
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 60: This API is ICU internal only.
Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::macros (const impl::MacroProps &macros) &&
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::macros (impl::MacroProps &&macros) const &
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::macros (impl::MacroProps &&macros) &&
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::padding (const impl::Padder &padder) const &
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 60: This API is ICU internal only.
Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::padding (const impl::Padder &padder) &&
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::threshold (int32_t threshold) const &
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 60: This API is ICU internal only.
Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::threshold (int32_t threshold) &&
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::unitDisplayCase (StringPiece unitDisplayCase) const &
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::unitDisplayCase (StringPiece unitDisplayCase) &&
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Struct icu::number::Precision::PrecisionUnion::FractionSignificantSettings
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::Precision::PrecisionUnion::FractionSignificantSettings::fMaxFrac
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::Precision::PrecisionUnion::FractionSignificantSettings::fMaxSig
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::Precision::PrecisionUnion::FractionSignificantSettings::fMinFrac
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::Precision::PrecisionUnion::FractionSignificantSettings::fMinSig
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::Precision::PrecisionUnion::FractionSignificantSettings::fPriority
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::Precision::PrecisionUnion::FractionSignificantSettings::fRetain
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Struct icu::number::Precision::PrecisionUnion::IncrementSettings
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::Precision::PrecisionUnion::IncrementSettings::fIncrement
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::Precision::PrecisionUnion::IncrementSettings::fIncrementMagnitude
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::Precision::PrecisionUnion::IncrementSettings::fMinFrac
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. (private)
Global icu::number::Scale::Scale (int32_t magnitude, impl::DecNum *arbitraryToAdopt)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::number::SimpleNumberFormatter::formatImpl (impl::UFormattedNumberData *data, USimpleNumberSign sign, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::NumberFormat::createSharedInstance (const Locale &inLocale, UNumberFormatStyle style, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::NumberFormat::format (int32_t number, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPosition &pos, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::NumberFormat::format (double number, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPosition &pos, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::NumberFormat::format (const number::impl::DecimalQuantity &number, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPosition &pos, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::NumberFormat::format (const number::impl::DecimalQuantity &number, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPositionIterator *posIter, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::NumberFormat::format (int64_t number, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPosition &pos, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::NumberFormat::gDefaultMaxIntegerDigits
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::NumberFormat::gDefaultMinIntegerDigits
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::NumberFormat::getEffectiveCurrency (char16_t *result, UErrorCode &ec) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::NumberFormat::internalCreateInstance (const Locale &desiredLocale, UNumberFormatStyle style, UErrorCode &errorCode)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::NumberFormat::makeInstance (const Locale &desiredLocale, UNumberFormatStyle style, UBool mustBeDecimalFormat, UErrorCode &errorCode)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::ParagraphLayout::isDone () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::PluralRules::createSharedInstance (const Locale &locale, UPluralType type, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::PluralRules::getAvailableLocales (UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::PluralRules::getRules () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::PluralRules::getSamples (const UnicodeString &keyword, DecimalQuantity *dest, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::PluralRules::internalForLocale (const Locale &locale, UPluralType type, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::PluralRules::select (const IFixedDecimal &number) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::PluralRules::select (const number::impl::UFormattedNumberRangeData *urange, UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RegexMatcher::resetPreserveRegion ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RegexMatcher::setTrace (UBool state)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RegexPattern::dumpPattern () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Region::cleanupRegionData ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::ResourceBundle::getWithFallback (const char *key, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedBreakIterator::BreakIterator
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedBreakIterator::dumpCache ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedBreakIterator::dumpTables ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedBreakIterator::fData
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedBreakIterator::RBBIRuleBuilder
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedBreakIterator::registerExternalBreakEngine (ExternalBreakEngine *toAdopt, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 74 technology preview
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::internalAddContractions (UChar32 c, UnicodeSet &set, UErrorCode &errorCode) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::internalBuildTailoring (const UnicodeString &rules, int32_t strength, UColAttributeValue decompositionMode, UParseError *outParseError, UnicodeString *outReason, UErrorCode &errorCode)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::internalCompareUTF8 (const char *left, int32_t leftLength, const char *right, int32_t rightLength, UErrorCode &errorCode) const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::internalGetCEs (const UnicodeString &str, UVector64 &ces, UErrorCode &errorCode) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. for tests & tools
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::internalGetContractionsAndExpansions (UnicodeSet *contractions, UnicodeSet *expansions, UBool addPrefixes, UErrorCode &errorCode) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::internalGetLocaleID (ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &errorCode) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::internalGetShortDefinitionString (const char *locale, char *buffer, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode &status) const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::internalNextSortKeyPart (UCharIterator *iter, uint32_t state[2], uint8_t *dest, int32_t count, UErrorCode &errorCode) const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::rbcFromUCollator (const UCollator *uc)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::rbcFromUCollator (UCollator *uc)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::RuleBasedCollator (const UnicodeString &rules, UParseError &parseError, UnicodeString &reason, UErrorCode &errorCode)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::RuleBasedCollator ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::setLocales (const Locale &requestedLocale, const Locale &validLocale, const Locale &actualLocale) override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::RuleBasedNumberFormat::format (const number::impl::DecimalQuantity &number, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPosition &pos, UErrorCode &status) const override
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::SimpleDateFormat::adoptTimeZoneFormat (TimeZoneFormat *timeZoneFormatToAdopt)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 49 technology preview
Global icu::SimpleDateFormat::getSmpFmtLocale () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.0
Global icu::SimpleDateFormat::getTimeZoneFormat () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 49 technology preview
Global icu::SimpleDateFormat::isFieldUnitIgnored (const UnicodeString &pattern, UCalendarDateFields field)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.0
Global icu::SimpleDateFormat::isFieldUnitIgnored (UCalendarDateFields field) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.0
Global icu::SimpleDateFormat::setTimeZoneFormat (const TimeZoneFormat &newTimeZoneFormat)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 49 technology preview
Global icu::SimpleFormatter::getTextWithNoArguments (int32_t *offsets, int32_t offsetsLength) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::TimeZone::forLocaleOrDefault (const Locale &locale)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::TimeZone::getRegion (const UnicodeString &id, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::TimeZone::loadRule (const UResourceBundle *top, const UnicodeString &ruleid, UResourceBundle *oldbundle, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::TimeZoneNames::find (const UnicodeString &text, int32_t start, uint32_t types, UErrorCode &status) const =0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::TimeZoneNames::getDisplayNames (const UnicodeString &tzID, const UTimeZoneNameType types[], int32_t numTypes, UDate date, UnicodeString dest[], UErrorCode &status) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU internal only, for specific users only until proposed publicly.
Global icu::TimeZoneNames::loadAllDisplayNames (UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU internal only, for specific users only until proposed publicly.
Class icu::TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection::addMetaZone (UTimeZoneNameType nameType, int32_t matchLength, const UnicodeString &mzID, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection::addZone (UTimeZoneNameType nameType, int32_t matchLength, const UnicodeString &tzID, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection::getMatchLengthAt (int32_t idx) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection::getMetaZoneIDAt (int32_t idx, UnicodeString &mzID) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection::getNameTypeAt (int32_t idx) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection::getTimeZoneIDAt (int32_t idx, UnicodeString &tzID) const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection::MatchInfoCollection ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection::size () const
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::TimeZoneNames::MatchInfoCollection::~MatchInfoCollection ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Transliterator::_countAvailableSources ()
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Transliterator::_countAvailableTargets (const UnicodeString &source)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Transliterator::_countAvailableVariants (const UnicodeString &source, const UnicodeString &target)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Transliterator::_getAvailableSource (int32_t index, UnicodeString &result)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Transliterator::_getAvailableTarget (int32_t index, const UnicodeString &source, UnicodeString &result)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Transliterator::_getAvailableVariant (int32_t index, const UnicodeString &source, const UnicodeString &target, UnicodeString &result)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Transliterator::_registerAlias (const UnicodeString &aliasID, const UnicodeString &realID)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Transliterator::_registerFactory (const UnicodeString &id, Factory factory, Token context)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Transliterator::_registerInstance (Transliterator *adoptedObj)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Transliterator::_registerSpecialInverse (const UnicodeString &target, const UnicodeString &inverseTarget, UBool bidirectional)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Transliterator::integerToken (int32_t)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::Transliterator::pointerToken (void *)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::UFieldResolutionTable [12][8]
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::UnicodeFunctor::setData (const TransliterationRuleData *)=0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 2.1
Global icu::UnicodeSet::applyPattern (const UnicodeString &pattern, uint32_t options, const SymbolTable *symbols, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::UnicodeSet::ESerialization
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::UnicodeSet::UnicodeSet (const uint16_t buffer[], int32_t bufferLen, ESerialization serialization, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global icu::UnicodeSet::UnicodeSet (const UnicodeString &pattern, uint32_t options, const SymbolTable *symbols, UErrorCode &status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
File icuplug.h
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global JP_ERA_2019_JA
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global JP_ERA_2019_NARROW
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global JP_ERA_2019_ROOT
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
File listformatter.h
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_addFontRun (pl_fontRuns *fontRuns, const le_font *font, le_int32 limit)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_addLocaleRun (pl_localeRuns *localeRuns, const char *locale, le_int32 limit)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_addValueRun (pl_valueRuns *valueRuns, le_int32 value, le_int32 limit)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_close (pl_paragraph *paragraph)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_closeFontRuns (pl_fontRuns *fontRuns)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_closeLine (pl_line *line)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_closeLocaleRuns (pl_localeRuns *localeRuns)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_closeValueRuns (pl_valueRuns *valueRuns)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_countLineRuns (const pl_line *line)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_create (const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 count, const pl_fontRuns *fontRuns, const pl_valueRuns *levelRuns, const pl_valueRuns *scriptRuns, const pl_localeRuns *localeRuns, UBiDiLevel paragraphLevel, le_bool vertical, LEErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_fontRuns
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getAscent (const pl_paragraph *paragraph)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getDescent (const pl_paragraph *paragraph)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getFontRunCount (const pl_fontRuns *fontRuns)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getFontRunFont (const pl_fontRuns *fontRuns, le_int32 run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getFontRunLastLimit (const pl_fontRuns *fontRuns)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getFontRunLimit (const pl_fontRuns *fontRuns, le_int32 run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getLeading (const pl_paragraph *paragraph)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getLineAscent (const pl_line *line)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getLineDescent (const pl_line *line)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getLineLeading (const pl_line *line)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getLineVisualRun (const pl_line *line, le_int32 runIndex)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getLineWidth (const pl_line *line)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getLocaleRunCount (const pl_localeRuns *localeRuns)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getLocaleRunLastLimit (const pl_localeRuns *localeRuns)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getLocaleRunLimit (const pl_localeRuns *localeRuns, le_int32 run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getLocaleRunLocale (const pl_localeRuns *localeRuns, le_int32 run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getParagraphLevel (pl_paragraph *paragraph)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getTextDirection (pl_paragraph *paragraph)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getValueRunCount (const pl_valueRuns *valueRuns)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getValueRunLastLimit (const pl_valueRuns *valueRuns)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getValueRunLimit (const pl_valueRuns *valueRuns, le_int32 run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getValueRunValue (const pl_valueRuns *valueRuns, le_int32 run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getVisualRunAscent (const pl_visualRun *run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getVisualRunDescent (const pl_visualRun *run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getVisualRunDirection (const pl_visualRun *run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getVisualRunFont (const pl_visualRun *run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getVisualRunGlyphCount (const pl_visualRun *run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getVisualRunGlyphs (const pl_visualRun *run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getVisualRunGlyphToCharMap (const pl_visualRun *run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getVisualRunLeading (const pl_visualRun *run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_getVisualRunPositions (const pl_visualRun *run)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_isComplex (const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 count)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_line
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_localeRuns
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_nextLine (pl_paragraph *paragraph, float width)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_openEmptyFontRuns (le_int32 initialCapacity)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_openEmptyLocaleRuns (le_int32 initialCapacity)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_openEmptyValueRuns (le_int32 initialCapacity)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_openFontRuns (const le_font **fonts, const le_int32 *limits, le_int32 count)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_openLocaleRuns (const char **locales, const le_int32 *limits, le_int32 count)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_openValueRuns (const le_int32 *values, const le_int32 *limits, le_int32 count)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_paragraph
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_reflow (pl_paragraph *paragraph)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_resetFontRuns (pl_fontRuns *fontRuns)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_resetLocaleRuns (pl_localeRuns *localeRuns)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_resetValueRuns (pl_valueRuns *valueRuns)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_valueRuns
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global pl_visualRun
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES (leadByte)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U8_INTERNAL_NEXT_OR_SUB (s, i, length, c, sub)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U8_IS_VALID_LEAD3_AND_T1 (lead, t1)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U8_IS_VALID_LEAD4_AND_T1 (lead, t1)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U8_LEAD3_T1_BITS
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U8_LEAD4_T1_BITS
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE (leadByte, countTrailBytes)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U_DEBUG

Do not use. This API is for internal use only.

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.0

Global U_DECLARE_UTF16 (string)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 68
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global u_getTimeZoneFilesDirectory (UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U_HAVE_CHAR16_T
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Internal Use Only
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview


Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview


Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview


Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview


Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview


Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview


Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview


Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview


Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview


Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview


Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview


Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview


Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Global U_PF_AIX
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U_PF_BSD
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U_PF_HPUX
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U_PF_IRIX
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U_PF_OS390
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U_PF_OS400
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global U_PF_QNX
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.

Do not use. This API is for internal use only.

Do not use. This API is for internal use only.

Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global u_setTimeZoneFilesDirectory (const char *path, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.0
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global ucol_getUnsafeSet (const UCollator *coll, USet *unsafe, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.0
Global ucol_prepareShortStringOpen (const char *definition, UBool forceDefaults, UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.2.1
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 75 technology preview

Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 64
Global ucsdet_getDetectableCharsets (const UCharsetDetector *ucsd, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global ucsdet_setDetectableCharset (UCharsetDetector *ucsd, const char *encoding, UBool enabled, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global udat_applyPatternRelative (UDateFormat *format, const UChar *datePattern, int32_t datePatternLength, const UChar *timePattern, int32_t timePatternLength, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.2 technology preview
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 56
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. alias to UDAT_PATTERN
Global udat_registerOpener (UDateFormatOpener opener, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 49
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 53
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global udat_toPatternRelativeDate (const UDateFormat *fmt, UChar *result, int32_t resultLength, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.2 technology preview
Global udat_toPatternRelativeTime (const UDateFormat *fmt, UChar *result, int32_t resultLength, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.2 technology preview
Global udat_unregisterOpener (UDateFormatOpener opener, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 49
Global UDateFormatOpener )(UDateFormatStyle timeStyle, UDateFormatStyle dateStyle, const char *locale, const UChar *tzID, int32_t tzIDLength, const UChar *pattern, int32_t patternLength, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global UHashtable
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global UIDNAInfo::reservedB3
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global UIDNAInfo::reservedI2
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global UIDNAInfo::reservedI3
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 60: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 62: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 60: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 60: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global uplrules_selectWithFormat (const UPluralRules *uplrules, double number, const UNumberFormat *fmt, UChar *keyword, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 59 technology preview, may be removed in the future
Global uplug_getConfiguration (UPlugData *plug)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global uplug_getContext (UPlugData *plug)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global uplug_getCurrentLevel (void)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global uplug_getLibrary (UPlugData *plug)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global uplug_getLibraryName (UPlugData *plug, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global uplug_getPlugLevel (UPlugData *plug)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global uplug_getPlugLoadStatus (UPlugData *plug)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global uplug_getPlugName (UPlugData *plug)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global uplug_getSymbolName (UPlugData *plug)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Global uplug_loadPlugFromEntrypoint (UPlugEntrypoint *entrypoint, const char *config, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global uplug_loadPlugFromLibrary (const char *libName, const char *sym, const char *config, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global uplug_nextPlug (UPlugData *prior)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Global uplug_removePlug (UPlugData *plug, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global uplug_setContext (UPlugData *plug, void *context)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global uplug_setPlugLevel (UPlugData *plug, UPlugLevel level)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global uplug_setPlugName (UPlugData *plug, const char *name)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global uplug_setPlugNoUnload (UPlugData *plug, UBool dontUnload)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global UPlugData
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global UPlugEntrypoint (UPlugData *plug, UPlugReason reason, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global UPlugLevel
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global UPlugReason
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Global UPlugTokenReturn
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 Technology Preview
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global ures_openFillIn (UResourceBundle *r, const char *packageName, const char *localeID, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global usearch_search (UStringSearch *strsrch, int32_t startIdx, int32_t *matchStart, int32_t *matchLimit, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global usearch_searchBackwards (UStringSearch *strsrch, int32_t startIdx, int32_t *matchStart, int32_t *matchLimit, UErrorCode *status)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global UStringCaseMapper (int32_t caseLocale, uint32_t options, icu::BreakIterator *iter, char16_t *dest, int32_t destCapacity, const char16_t *src, int32_t srcLength, icu::Edits *edits, UErrorCode &errorCode)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global UText::flags
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global UText::magic
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global UText::privA
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.4
Global UText::privB
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.4
Global UText::privC
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.4
Global UText::privP
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.4
Global UTEXT_CURRENT32 (ut)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 4.4 technology preview
Global UTextFuncs::reserved1
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global UTextFuncs::reserved2
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global UTextFuncs::reserved3
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global UTextFuncs::spare1
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global UTextFuncs::spare2
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global UTextFuncs::spare3
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global utf8_appendCharSafeBody (uint8_t *s, int32_t i, int32_t length, UChar32 c, UBool *pIsError)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global utf8_back1SafeBody (const uint8_t *s, int32_t start, int32_t i)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global utf8_countTrailBytes []
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global utf8_nextCharSafeBody (const uint8_t *s, int32_t *pi, int32_t length, UChar32 c, UBool strict)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Global utf8_prevCharSafeBody (const uint8_t *s, int32_t start, int32_t *pi, UChar32 c, UBool strict)
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.2
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.2
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.2
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.2
Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 3.2
Do not use. This API is for internal use only.