[go: nahoru, domu]

Last Friday afternoon, I was able to catch the end of the Blog Business Summit in Seattle. At the session called "Blogging and SEO Strategies," John Battelle brought up a good point. He said that as a writer, he doesn't want to have to think about all of this search engine optimization stuff. Dave Taylor had just been talking about order of words in title tags and keyword density and using hyphens rather than underscores in URLs.

We agree, which is why you'll find that the main point in our webmaster guidelines is to make sites for visitors, not for search engines. Visitor-friendly design makes for search engine friendly design as well. The team at Google webmaster central talks a lot with site owners who care a lot about the details of how Google crawls and indexes sites (hyphens and underscores included), but many site owners out there are just concerned with building great sites. The good news is that the guidelines and tips about how Google crawls and indexes sites come down to wanting great content for our search results.

In the spirit of John Battelle's point, here's a recap of some quick tips for ensuring your site is friendly for visitors.

Make good use of page titles
This is true of the main heading on the page itself, but is also true of the title that appears in the browser's title bar.

Whenever possible, ensure each page has a unique title that describes the page well. For instance, if your site is for your store "Buffy's House of Sofas", a visitor may want to bookmark your home page and the order page for your red, fluffy sofa. If all of your pages have the same title: "Wecome to my site!", then a visitor will have trouble finding your site again in the bookmarks. However, if your home page has the title "Buffy's House of Sofas" and your red sofa page has the title "Buffy's red fluffy sofa", then visitors can glance at the title to see what it's about and can easily find it in the bookmarks later. And if your visitors are anything like me, they may have several browser tabs open and appreciate descriptive titles for easier navigation.

This simple tip for visitors helps search engines too. Search engines index pages based on the words contained in them, and including descriptive titles helps search engines know what the pages are about. And search engines often use a page's title in the search results. "Welcome to my site" may not entice searchers to click on your site in the results quite so much as "Buffy's House of Sofas".
Write with words
Images, flash, and other multimedia make for pretty web pages, but make sure your core messages are in text or use ALT text to provide textual descriptions of your multimedia. This is great for search engines, which are based on text: searchers enter search queries as word, after all. But it's also great for visitors, who may have images or Flash turned off in their browsers or might be using screen readers or mobile devices. You can also provide HTML versions of your multimedia-based pages (if you do that, be sure to block the multimedia versions from being indexed using a robots.txt file).

Make sure the text you're talking about is in your content
Visitors may not read your web site linearly like they would a newspaper article or book. Visitors may follow links from elsewhere on the web to any of your pages. Make sure that they have context for any page they're on. On your order page, don't just write "order now!" Write something like "Order your fluffy red sofa now!" But write it for people who will be reading your site. Don't try to cram as many words in as possible, thinking search engines can index more words that way. Think of your visitors. What are they going to be searching for? Is your site full of industry jargon when they'll be searching for you with more informal words?

As I wrote in that guest post on Matt Cutts' blog when I talked about hyphens and underscores:

You know what your site’s about, so it may seem completely obvious to you when you look at your home page. But ask someone else to take a look and don’t tell them anything about the site. What do they think your site is about?

Consider this text:

“We have hundreds of workshops and classes available. You can choose the workshop that is right for you. Spend an hour or a week in our relaxing facility.”

Will this site show up for searches for [cooking classes] or [wine tasting workshops] or even [classes in Seattle]? It may not be as obvious to visitors (and search engine bots) what your page is about as you think.

Along those same lines, does your content use words that people are searching for? Does your site text say “check out our homes for sale” when people are searching for [real estate in Boston]?

Make sure your pages are accessible
I know -- this post was supposed to be about writing content, not technical details. But visitors can't read your site if they can't access it. If the network is down or your server returns errors when someone tries to access the pages of your site, it's not just search engines who will have trouble. Fortunately, webmaster tools makes it easy. We'll let you know if we've had any trouble accessing any of the pages. We tell you the specific page we couldn't access and the exact error we got. These problems aren't always easy to fix, but we try to make them easy to find.

As the web continues to change and evolve, our algorithms change right along with it. Recently, as a result of one of those algorithmic changes, we've modified our webmaster guidelines. Previously, these stated:

Don't use "&id=" as a parameter in your URLs, as we don't include these pages in our index.

However, we've recently removed that technical guideline, and now index URLs that contain that parameter. So if your site uses a dynamic structure that generates it, don't worry about rewriting it -- we'll accept it just fine as is. Keep in mind, however, that dynamic URLs with a large number of parameters may be problematic for search engine crawlers in general, so rewriting dynamic URLs into user-friendly versions is always a good practice when that option is available to you. If you can, keeping the number of URL parameters to one or two may make it more likely that search engines will crawl your dynamic urls.

The webmaster tools team has a very exciting mission: we dig into our logs, find as much useful information as possible, and pass it on to you, the webmasters. Our reward is that you more easily understand what Google sees, and why some pages don't make it to the index.

The latest batch of information that we've put together for you is the amount of traffic between Google and a given site. We show you the number of requests, number of kilobytes (yes, yes, I know that tech-savvy webmasters can usually dig this out, but our new charts make it really easy to see at a glance), and the average document download time. You can see this information in chart form, as well as in hard numbers (the maximum, minimum, and average).

For instance, here's the number of pages Googlebot has crawled in the Webmaster Central blog over the last 90 days. The maximum number of pages Googlebot has crawled in one day is 24 and the minimum is 2. That makes sense, because the blog was launched less than 90 days ago, and the chart shows that the number of pages crawled per day has increased over time. The number of pages crawled is sometimes more than the total number of pages in the site -- especially if the same page can be accessed via several URLs. So http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2006/10/learn-more-about-googlebots-crawl-of.html and http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2006/10/learn-more-about-googlebots-crawl-of.html#links are different, but point to the same page (the second points to an anchor within the page).

And here's the average number of kilobytes downloaded from this blog each day. As you can see, as the site has grown over the last two and a half months, the number of average kilobytes downloaded has increased as well.

The first two reports can help you diagnose the impact that changes in your site may have on its coverage. If you overhaul your site and dramatically reduce the number of pages, you'll likely notice a drop in the number of pages that Googlebot accesses.

The average document download time can help pinpoint subtle networking problems. If the average time spikes, you might have network slowdowns or bottlenecks that you should investigate. Here's the report for this blog that shows that we did have a short spike in early September (the maximum time was 1057 ms), but it quickly went back to a normal level, so things now look OK.

In general, the load time of a page doesn't affect its ranking, but we wanted to give this info because it can help you spot problems. We hope you will find this data as useful as we do!

We've added a few new features to webmaster tools and invite you to check them out.

Googlebot activity reports
Check out these cool charts! We show you the number of pages Googlebot's crawled from your site per day, the number of kilobytes of data Googlebot's downloaded per day, and the average time it took Googlebot to download pages. Webmaster tools show each of these for the last 90 days. Stay tuned for more information about this data and how you can use it to pinpoint issues with your site.

Crawl rate control
Googlebot uses sophisticated algorithms that determine how much to crawl each site. Our goal is to crawl as many pages from your site as we can on each visit without overwhelming your server's bandwidth.

We've been conducting a limited test of a new feature that enables you to provide us information about how we crawl your site. Today, we're making this tool available to everyone. You can access this tool from the Diagnostic tab. If you'd like Googlebot to slow down the crawl of your site, simply choose the Slower option.

If we feel your server could handle the additional bandwidth, and we can crawl your site more, we'll let you know and offer the option for a faster crawl.

If you request a changed crawl rate, this change will last for 90 days. If you liked the changed rate, you can simply return to webmaster tools and make the change again.

Enhanced image search
You can now opt into enhanced image search for the images on your site, which enables our tools such as Google Image Labeler to associate the images included in your site with labels that will improve indexing and search quality of those images. After you've opted in, you can opt out at any time.

Number of URLs submitted
Recently at SES San Jose, a webmaster asked me if we could show the number of URLs we find in a Sitemap. He said that he generates his Sitemaps automatically and he'd like confirmation that the number he thinks he generated is the same number we received. We thought this was a great idea. Simply access the Sitemaps tab to see the number of URLs we found in each Sitemap you've submitted.

As always, we hope you find these updates useful and look forward to hearing what you think.

Google Gadgets are miniature-sized devices that offer cool and dynamic content -- they can be games, news clips, weather reports, maps, or most anything you can dream up. They've been around for a while, but their reach got a lot broader last week when we made it possible for anyone to add gadgets to their own webpages. Here's an example of a flight status tracker, for instance, that can be placed on any page on the web for free.

Anyone can search for gadgets to add to their own webpage for free in our directory of gadgets for your webpage. To put a gadget on your page, just pick the gadget you like, set your preferences, and copy-and-paste the HTML that is generated for you onto your own page.

Creating gadgets for others isn't hard, either, and it can be a great way to get your content in front of people while they're visiting Google or other sites. Here are a few suggestions for distributing your own content on the Google homepage or other pages across the web:

* Create a Google Gadget for distribution across the web. Gadgets can be most anything, from simple HTML to complex applications. It’s easy to experiment with gadgets – anyone with even a little bit of web design experience can make a simple one (even me!), and more advanced programmers can create really snazzy, complex ones. But remember, it’s also quick and easy for people to delete gadgets or add new ones too their own pages. To help you make sure your gadget will be popular across the web, we provide a few guidelines you can use to create gadgets. The more often folks find your content to be useful, the longer they'll keep your gadget on their pages, and the more often they’ll visit your site.

* If your website has a feed, visitors can put snippets of your content on their own Google homepages quickly and easily, and you don't even need to develop a gadget. However, you will be able to customize their experience much more fully with a gadget than with a feed.

* By putting the “Add to Google” button in a prominent spot on your site, you can increase the reach of your content, because visitors who click to add your gadget or feed to Google can see your content each time they visit the Google homepage. Promoting your own gadget or feed can also increase its popularity, which contributes to a higher ranking in the directory of gadgets for the Google personalized homepage.

We've gotten a few questions about whether you can put multiple Sitemaps in the same directory. Yes, you can!

You might want to have multiple Sitemap files in a single directory for a number of reasons. For instance, if you have an auction site, you might want to have a daily Sitemap with new auction offers and a weekly Sitemap with less time-sensitive URLs. Or you could generate a new Sitemap every day with new offers, so that the list of Sitemaps grows over time. Either of these solutions works just fine.

Or, here's another sample scenario: Suppose you're a provider that supports multiple web shops, and they share a similar URL structure differentiated by a parameter. For example:


Since they're all in the same directory, it's fine by our rules to put the URLs for all of the stores into a single Sitemap, under http://example.com/ or http://example.com/stores/. However, some webmasters may prefer to have separate Sitemaps for each store, such as:


As long as all URLs listed in the Sitemap are at the same location as the Sitemap or in a sub directory (in the above example http://example.com/stores/ or perhaps http://example.com/stores/catalog) it's fine for multiple Sitemaps to live in the same directory (as many as you want!). The important thing is that Sitemaps not contain URLs from parent directories or completely different directories -- if that happens, we can't be sure that the submitter controls the URL's directory, so we can't trust the metadata.

The above Sitemaps could also be collected into a single Sitemap index file and easily be submitted via Google webmaster tools. For example, you could create http://example.com/stores/sitemap_index.xml as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap/0.84">

Then simply add the index file to your account, and you'll be able to see any errors for each of the child Sitemaps.

If each store includes more than 50,000 URLs (the maximum number for a single Sitemap), you would need to have multiple Sitemaps for each store. In that case, you may want to create a Sitemap index file for each store that lists the Sitemaps for that store. For instance:


Since Sitemap index files can't contain other index files, you would need to submit each Sitemap index file to your account separately.

Whether you list all URLs in a single Sitemap or in multiple Sitemaps (in the same directory of different directories) is simply based on what's easiest for you to maintain. We treat the URLs equally for each of these methods of organization.

When we launched this blog in early August, we said goodbye to the Inside Google Sitemaps blog and started redirecting it here. The redirect makes the posts we did there a little difficult to get to. For those of you who started reading with this newer blog, here are links to some of the older posts that may be of interest.

Webmaster Tools Account questions

And you can always browse the blog's archives .