Senenmut (sometimes spelled Senmut, Senemut, or Senmout) was an 18th dynasty ancient Egyptian architect and government official. His name translates literally as "mother's brother."
Senenmut was of low commoner birth, born to literate provincial parents, Ramose and Hatnofer (or "Hatnefret") from Iuny (modern Armant). Senenmut is known to have had 3 brothers—Amenemhet, Minhotep and Pairy—and 2 sisters—Ahhotep and Nofrethor respectively. However, only Minhotep is named outside chapel TT71 and tomb TT353 in an inventory on the lid of a chest found in the burial chamber of Ramose and Hatnofer. More information is known about Senenmut than many other non-royal Egyptians because the joint tomb of his parents (the construction of which Senemut supervised himself) was discovered intact by the Metropolitan Museum in the mid-1930s and preserved. Christine Meyer has offered compelling evidence to show that Senenmut was a bachelor for his entire life: for instance, Senenmut is portrayed alone with his parents in the funerary stelae of his tombs; he was depicted alone, rather than with a wife, in the vignette of Chapter 110 from the Book of the Dead in tomb 353 and, finally, it was one of Senenmut's own brothers, and not one of his sons, who was charged with the execution of Senenmut's funerary rites.
Amanheceu mais uma vez, é hora de acordar para vencer e Ter o que falar. Alguém para mandar, uma vida pra ordenar, poder acumular e ai então viver, viver e prosperar, mais nada a pensar, me myself and i, e assim permanecer, credicard e status quo é tudo que penso ser, ilusão é questionar. O sonho médio vai, vai te conquistar, e todo dia iremos juntos ao shopping pra gastar. Ter e sempre acreditar, princípio meio e fim, a hipocrisia vai vencer, vou sorrir para você, será uma festa em meio a caos e as pessoas feias pagarão. Pois somos os eleitos, pelo menos achamos ser, nossa raça é superior, pois vou fingir ser daquela cor, Roberto Campos é o nosso gurú e para sempre seremos liberais pra trabalhar, pra viver! Não me importa se meus filhos não terão educação, eles tem é que Ter dinheiro e visual. O sonho médio vai, vai te conquistar, mentalidade de plástico e uma imagem a zelar.