[go: nahoru, domu]

Need HELP with using the forums?

Here you can learn how the forum works. Use the links or search box below.

How do I post images here?

Please refer to the following thread: How can I post images here?

What are the options for viewing images on this site?

Please refer to the following thread: Guide to viewing images in this forum.

What is the best way to receive feedback on my photos?

Please refer to the following thread: How do I receive feedback on my photos?

Do you have any other tips on using the forum?

Please refer to the following thread: Tips and tricks when using the forum.

What is our Code of Conduct?

This code of conduct is intended to provide members with guidelines to assist them in the promotion of the friendly and enjoyable community that’s developed here over the years. Don’t fret over the details; if your actions are helpful, constructive and respectful of others, then they're usually OK.

  1. Organization. Try to create threads in the most appropriate forum category based on the forum descriptions. Thread titles should give other members a good idea of what the thread is about; avoid use of titles such as “Help!” or “Quick Question”, etc.
  2. Style. Posts should use standard English sentences. Try to avoid excessive use of txt/sms language, smilies, all capital letters ("SHOUTING") or ???? and !!!!! characters. Bear in mind we have many members for whom English is not their first language, so please also check your spelling and avoid excessive use of local vernacular. You can edit your contributions at any time by clicking on the "Edit Post" button at the bottom of your post (with additional options being available if you then click the "advanced" button).
  3. Audience. All communications should be respectful of other members. Keep in mind that this forum is aimed at a general audience, including young people. The posting of profanities, and/or generally offensive or pornographic content is not appropriate.
  4. Editing. Re-posting edited versions of other member's photos should be clearly aimed at helping the original photographer. Such edits should therefore preferably be accompanied by an explanation of what editing was performed, along with why this is thought to improve the original image. Edits with significant structural alterations/additions to the original (except slight cropping) are discouraged, and may be removed.
  5. Intellectual Property. Members should respect the rights of other artists, and are responsible for checking with an artist’s terms of use when posting their images. This normally just means crediting any image when it’s not your own.
  6. Spam. Posts containing advertisements, affiliate links or solicitations will be removed, and may result in additional actions. If posting a link to promote your website or blog entry, you’re expected to participate in any subsequent questions or discussions pertaining to your thread, and to otherwise be a contributing member of the forums. If a specific company is mentioned, this should be secondary to the content of a post unless such companies were the original purpose of the thread.
  7. Moderator Action. The forum moderators and administrators reserve the right to move, edit or delete any content.

If you come across any content that concerns you, please notify the moderation team, either via Private Message ("PM") or by using the “report a post” button on the lower left of any post you feel is in violation. It is preferable not to attempt to handle this yourself by directly communicating with the member.

Now, get back to enjoying the forums!

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