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by Danielle Bingham | January 09, 2024

What is Data Connectivity? Meaning, Importance & 7 Benefits

What is Data Connectivity

Massive amounts of data are generated every second of every day, and it’s becoming increasingly vital to the success of every organization to make sense of it. All businesses—from coffee shops and hardware stores to multinational corporations and government agencies—depend on making full use of the data they have. However, modern organizations often struggle to take full advantage of all the data they generate because it resides in various locations.

Connecting data that lives in disparate sources is more than a technical necessity; it's a strategy that drives informed decision-making and operational agility. Data connectivity gives organizations a full 360-degree view of their business operations, helping them make sense of their distributed data. This allows them to stay competitive by improving their responsiveness to market trends and customer demands. 

In this post, we’ll go over what data connectivity means, how it works, and its importance in today’s data-centric business environment. We’ll also offer some insights to help you bring all your data sources together so you can make the most of your data.

What is data connectivity?

Data connectivity is a simple term for what can be a rather intricate process once you dig into it. On the surface, data connectivity involves a straightforward connection between data sources and systems to help read and analyze it. It could be as uncomplicated as connecting one source to a visualization tool, or it can involve a multitude of sources—for example, human resources, payroll, and recruitment—that need to be accessed by employees in different locations with different permission levels.

To get the most out of your data, you have to connect it. Data connectivity is the foundation of an effective data management strategy. It’s more than just bringing two parts together; the real power of data connectivity lies in its ability to help organizations make sense of diverse sets of data to provide a clear picture of their operations. It is a critical element of developing an integrated data pipeline that ties disjointed information into cohesive, unified, and accurate visualizations to drive growth and innovation.

The importance of data connectivity for business & 7 benefits

For a modern organization, navigating through vast amounts of information scattered across different services—on-premises, cloud-based, or both—is a daunting challenge. Bringing data together from disparate sources offers a cohesive view of business operations, allowing organizations to act on accurate, up-to-date insights faster. From enhancing decision-making processes to improving customer engagement, data connectivity can transform how data is accessed, analyzed, and used. Just a handful of the benefits of well-connected data include:

  • Accurate and consistent data: Data connectivity helps organizations maintain data accuracy and consistency across systems, which is essential for reliable analysis and reporting.
  • Comprehensive data analysis: Data connectivity enables businesses to gain a broad and accurate view of business performance and trends, which facilitates insightful decision-making.
  • Streamlined data management: Connecting different data systems permits more efficient data management, saving time and resources while making data analysis more straightforward.
  • Cross-departmental collaboration: Connected data encourages collaboration, enabling different departments access to shared data, which promotes a unified approach to business challenges and strategy development.
  • Timely decision-making: Data connectivity offers real-time or near-real-time data access, enabling prompt responses to market changes and customer needs.
  • Enriched customer experiences: Connected data provides deeper insights into customer preferences and behaviors, allowing for more tailored products, services, and marketing strategies.
  • Improved compliance: Data connectivity ensures consistent and standardized handling of data across the organization, helping to reduce risks and errors while also making it easier to comply with industry regulations and data protection laws.

Data connectivity: How it works

At the most basic level, data connectivity works like a network—where information from different databases, applications, and other platforms can interact with each other. It employs a combination of technologies, standards, and protocols that enable data from one system, either on-premises or in the cloud, to be accessed, understood, and used by another.

Data connectivity solutions range from easy-to-deploy dedicated drivers to more sophisticated APIs (application programming interfaces) and data integration platforms. Depending on the industry and size of your organization, you may employ one or more types—or all of them.

Data integration and data virtualization

The most common use of data connectivity is to maintain the original data sets while moving and consolidating relevant information to locations where it can be used. And there are several ways to do that, each addressing specific needs. Two popular methods are data integration and data virtualization. We’ll break them down below.

Data integration has been around for decades. It’s a tried-and-true method for connecting data, ideal for handling large volumes. Data is extracted from its original source (or sources), transformed into a unified format, and then loaded into a destination, like a data warehouse. Data integration is particularly well-suited for batch processing, where data is collected, processed, and then updated at regular intervals.

Data virtualization describes the practice of providing a single, universal connectivity layer for data—independent of where and how it is stored. Unlike data integration, data virtualization doesn’t physically copy or move the data; it takes a virtual “picture” of the data, which is then processed and passed along the pipeline. This method increases processing speed and agility and is perfect for cases when timely, up-to-the-second data is needed for AI (artificial intelligence), customer service, healthcare, financial reporting, and other instances where fast response to new information and changing conditions is critical. 

Data integration and data virtualization aren’t mutually exclusive; both can be used in tandem to connect data with the tools they use for analysis and reporting. Read this article for more info.

CData is data connectivity

Data management, integration, migration, and analysis depend on solid connections between the systems and services housing data and the applications and platforms used across the organization. CData connectivity solutions are powerful, easy-to-use tools that connect any application with any data source. Put all your data to work by making it available, accessible, and analyzable without writing any code or manually copying data. Access data from across systems, databases, warehouses, and more – no custom API calls or pipeline maintenance needed.

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