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CData Connect Server

Connect to Reckon Accounts Hosted Data in RunMyProcess through Connect Server

Use CData Connect Server to create an OData API for Reckon Accounts Hosted and connect to Reckon Accounts Hosted data in Akorbi Digital RunMyProcess.

Akorbi Digital RunMyProcess makes it easy to create applications for complex business processes, such as budget application and contract management. CData Connect creates a virtual database for Reckon Accounts Hosted and can be used to generate an OData API (natively consumable in RunMyProcess) for Reckon Accounts Hosted. By pairing RunMyProcess with the CData Connect Server, you get direct connectivity to all your SaaS and cloud-based Big Data and NoSQL sources - no need to migrate your data or write your own integrations. Simply connect to Connect Server from RunMyProcess as you would any other REST service and get instant, live access to your Reckon Accounts Hosted data.

In this article, we walk through connecting to Reckon Accounts Hosted from CData Connect and accessing Reckon Accounts Hosted data through an OData feed in RunMyProcess.

Configuring Connect Server

To work with live Reckon Accounts Hosted data in RunMyProcess, we need to connect to Reckon Accounts Hosted from Connect Server, provide user access to the new virtual database, and create OData endpoints for the Reckon Accounts Hosted data.

Add a Connect Server User

Create a User to connect to Reckon Accounts Hosted from RunMyProcess through Connect Server.

  1. Click Users -> Add
  2. Configure a User
  3. Click Save Changes and make note of the Authtoken for the new user

Connect to Reckon Accounts Hosted from Connect Server

CData Connect Server uses a straightforward, point-and-click interface to connect to data sources and generate APIs.

  1. Open Connect Server and click Connections
  2. Select "Reckon Accounts Hosted" from Available Data Sources
  3. Enter the necessary authentication properties to connect to Reckon Accounts Hosted

    The connector makes requests to Reckon Accounts Hosted through OAuth. Specify the following connection properties:

    • SubscriptionKey: Required. You get this value when you created your developer account.
    • CountryVersion: Defaults to 2021.R2.AU.
    • CompanyFile: Required. The path to the company file.
    • User: Required. The username of the company file.
    • Password: Required. The password of the company file.
    • InitiateOAuth: Set this to GETANDREFRESH to let the driver handle access tokens.
    • CallbackURL: The redirectURI of your Custom OAuth App.
    • OAuthClientId: The client id of your Custom OAuth App.
    • OAuthClientSecret: The client secret of your Custom OAuth App.

    CData provides an embedded OAuth application that simplifies OAuth desktop authentication. See the Help documentation for information on other OAuth authentication methods (web, headless, etc.), creating custom OAuth applications, and reasons for doing so.

  4. Click Save Changes
  5. Click Privileges -> Add and add the new user (or an existing user) with the appropriate permissions (SELECT is all that is required for RunMyProcess).

Add Reckon Accounts Hosted OData Endpoints in Connect Server

After connecting to Reckon Accounts Hosted, create OData Endpoints for the desired table(s).

  1. Click OData -> Tables -> Add Tables
  2. Select the Reckon Accounts Hosted database
  3. Select the table(s) you wish to work with and click Next
  4. (Optional) Edit the resource to select specific fields and more
  5. Save the settings

(Optional) Configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

When accessing and connecting to multiple domains from an application, such as Ajax, you might violate the limitations of cross-site scripting. In that case, configure the CORS settings in OData -> Settings.

  • Enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS): ON
  • Allow all domains without '*': ON
  • Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, OPTIONS
  • Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization

Save the changes to the settings.

Sample URLs for OData Feeds

Once you have configured a connection to Reckon Accounts Hosted, created a user, and created OData endpoints in Connect Server, you can access OData feeds for Reckon Accounts Hosted data. Below, you will see the URLs to access tables and the list of tables. For information on accessing the tables, you can navigate to the API page for Connect Server (click the API link on the top right of Connect Server Web page). For the URLs, you will need the URL of Connect Server, likely in the form: CONNECT_SERVER_URL/. Since we are working with Angular, we will append the @json parameter to the end of URLs that do not return JSON data by default.

Table         URL
Entity (table) List CONNECT_SERVER_URL/api.rsc/
Metadata for table Accounts CONNECT_SERVER_URL/api.rsc/Accounts/$metadata?@json
Accounts CONNECT_SERVER_URL/api.rsc/ReckonAccountsHosted_Accounts

As with standard OData feeds, if you wish to limit the fields returned, you can add a $select parameter to the query, along with other standard OData URL parameters, such as $filter, $orderby, $skip, and $top. See the help documentation for more information on supported OData queries.

Retrieve Reckon Accounts Hosted Data from RunMyProcess DigitalSuite Studio

With the connection to Reckon Accounts Hosted and OData endpoints created, we are ready to add Reckon Accounts Hosted data to RunMyProcess for retrieval.

Create a Provider

  1. Log into RunMyProcess and open DigitalSuite Studio.
  2. Click Resources to bring up the Resources page, then select then the CONNECTORS tab.   
  3. Click the + (New Provider) button to create a new provider, choose the project to use, then click Confirm.
  4. In the provider settings page, configure the following properties.
    • URL:Set the OData endpoint in the CData Connect Endpoints page.e.g. CONNECT_SERVER_URL/api.rsc/
    • Authentication Schema:Select Login/Password.
    • Login:Specify the CData Connect User name configured above.
    • Password:Specify the Authtoken of the user.
  5. Fill in the same properties in the ACCEPTANCE and TEST tabs. Note: You can copy the configured settings by clicking 'Copy this configuration button,' then pasting the content in the new tab by clicking 'Paste previously copied configuration.'
  6. Click Save to save the properties.

Retrieve Reckon Accounts Hosted Data by Creating a Connector

  1. In the CONNECTORS tab, click the button with three dots to create the provider, then select Add connector from the menu.
  2. In the following page, set Connector URL to the OData endpoint configured in Connect Server.e.g. odataendpoint/
  3. Click Save then Launch to test the connector execution. Click Launch test to execute. The process is successful if you get the JSON response of your configured table information.

More Information & Free Trial

Now, you have created a provider and connector to retrieve Reckon Accounts Hosted data. For more information on creating OData feeds from Reckon Accounts Hosted (and more than 200 other data sources), visit the Connect Server page. Sign up for a free trial and start working with live Reckon Accounts Hosted data in RunMyProcess.