
Technology community (frontend development)

This community exists to:

  • share information about frontend development for government services
  • discuss and challenge how frontend development works for government services
  • bring together people from across government with an interest in frontend development

Who the community is for

You might be interested in this community if your work involves:

  • making decisions about the code libraries used in frontend development
  • building accessible digital services
  • giving technology advice and being the technical voice in conversations about frontend development

You do not need to be a frontend developer to join.

Join the community

Use the cross-government #frontend Slack channel to discuss issues related to frontend development.

Community resources

The technology in government blog discusses how government builds accessible and scalable interfaces, and the code libraries to support those. These include:

Frontend development in the Service Manual

This is what we currently consider to be best practice in frontend development for government services:

Help us keep the Service Manual up to date by:

  • contributing to community discussions
  • suggesting an addition or improvement by proposing a change
Last update:

Removed the link to the cross-government frontend developers Google group. Updated the feedback link to the new 'Propose a change to the Service Manual' page.

  1. Guidance first published