[go: nahoru, domu]

Popsa works with Google Photos
Effortless printing just got easier.
Use Popsa to design the perfect layout, powered by your favorite pics from Google Photos.
Automatic photo book suggestions
Automatic photo book suggestions
Thousands of photos? With suggested albums you can make a Popsa photo book in under a minute.

Discover your photographic highlights from Google Photos and turn them into a design that is ready to print with Popsa.
Find photos fast with keyword search
Find photos fast with keyword search
It’s lightning quick.

With keyword search in Popsa powered by Google Photos, you can pinpoint the exact photo you want in seconds. Type anything you can think of – people1, places or occasions – and find all of the photos that match.
Save time with intelligent layouts
Save time with intelligent layouts
Say goodbye to time-consuming editing.

Popsa automatically selects the most appropriate templates for your photos and it even adjusts the position of the crop to make sure that all of your friends are fully in shot.
For a modern way to create a photo book with the power of Google Photos, check out the Popsa app.
Make the most of your memories
with Google Photos