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Space Opera Fans discussion

Upcoming Conventions & Events > Upcoming Sci-Fi LARPS *MASTERLIST*

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message 1: by Anna (last edited Apr 01, 2014 12:09AM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Do you know of an ongoing science fiction themed LARP (live action role-play)? Or perhaps a limited-time LARP that will be acted out at a favorite sci-fi convention or other event? Start your own thread within this 'upcoming events' fold so you can begin coordinating with other Space Opera Fans members how you'll get there, what character you're building, costume-building, your sci-fi literary inspirations, and everything else related to a good galaxy-romping LARP, and then drop a notice in the comment section below so I can link this list to it so it's easily searchable by state.


Aralis - http://www.aralis.net/

Eclipse LARP - http://ruleof3.net/eclipse/

Dystopia Rising - http://www.dystopiarisingma.com/
Festival of the LARPS - http://2014.festivalofthelarps.com/ev...
Future Imperfect LARP - http://www.future-imperfect.com/fisit...
MIT Assassins Guild - http://web.mit.edu/assassin/www/home....
Purgatory Station - http://www.theisles.org/

CI LARP of Las Vegas - http://www.meetup.com/LV-LARP/

New Hampshire:
Occam's Razor LARP - http://www.occamsrazorlarp.com/

Doomsday LARP - http://doomsdaylive.com/

Note: I tried to exclude the purely fantasy-based roleplays, but with the rise of Steampunk, there's a lot of post-apocalyptic/fantasy crossovers so this list is pretty liberal ... check out the website to see if it's 'sci-fi' enough for you.

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