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Space Opera Fans discussion

Space Opera/Gamer/MMO tie-ins > Upcoming Sci-Fi Gaming Events *MASTERLIST*

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message 1: by Anna (last edited Oct 15, 2014 02:50AM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Do you know of an upcoming science fiction themed gaming event? Start your own thread within this 'upcoming events' fold so you can begin coordinating with other Space Opera Fans members and then drop a notice in the comment section below so I can link this list to it so it's easily searchable by date.

For purposes of gaming events, it can be a big conference such as PAX East, or a more intimate event hosted at a local venue in your area (Just not in your house! Never a good idea with strangers!). The idea is to encourage Space Opera Fans to connect with other community members in their area and share their love of the science fiction genre in whatever means that interest takes, including gaming.

You are also welcome to REVIEW space opera themed games in this folder. If it relates to an epic tale told on a galactic scale, you are welcome to discuss it.

UPCOMING GAMING CONVENTIONS: (includes general scifi cons with a significant gaming component)

ARISIA - Boston, MA - www.arisia.org


Vericon - Cambridge, MA - http://www.vericon.org/

PAX East - Boston, MA - http://east.paxsite.com/
RavenCon - Richmond, VA - http://www.ravencon.com/gaming/


Origins Game Fair - Columbus, OH - http://originsgamefair.com/


Bubicon - Albuquerque, NM - August 1-3 - http://bubonicon.com/





If you know of an event, open a thread, and then drop a comment below so I can add it to this master list with a link to your thread so other community members can coordinate their attendance.


Go ahead and post a new thread for your local gaming store or group that meets regularly in a public place so you can see if there are other Space Opera Fans who live in your area who would like to attend. Every once in a while I'll try to round them up and list them in a master-list by state (if you want to be certain it gets listed here, you might want to PM me), or open a new folder and post it yourself.

New Mexico:

Clovis, NM - https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/...

*Just remember to be safe! It's okay to post a board asking 'anybody in the Houston area want to meet once a week at Joe's Comics for board game night?' Just don't post your home address or telephone number in an open forum! Settle the fine details using the Goodreads private message system.

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