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Space Opera Fans discussion

Space Opera/Gamer/MMO tie-ins > Space Opera Gaming/MMO tie-ins *GUIDELINES*

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message 1: by Anna (last edited Apr 02, 2014 04:43PM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Ender's Game is now a reality!

There is an intimate relationship these days between space opera (especially military space opera) and both board games and video games, especially MMORPG games such as Halo and Mass Effect which host entire space opera universes in cyberspace or on your computer.

So much of what's being written in both the science fiction and fantasy book genre's today originates with the 'gamer mentality' of character-building, abilities, rules and points. Many gamers also read space opera, and many space opera lovers retreat into MMORPG's to re-enact their favorite space opera tale.

Whether you love to play MMO's such as Halo or Star Wars online; meet weekly or monthly with a close circle of friends for a night of space-opera themed board games such as Twilight Imperium, Eclipse or Risk: Halo; or enjoy attending game nights or gaming conventions, this is the place to discuss your love of the game and how those games tie in to the larger space opera universe.

Why not recommend and review your favorite space-opera themed MMO, video or board game?

Use this folder to discuss and review your favorite games, coordinate attendance at gaming conventions, and perhaps find out who else in the Space Opera Fans community might live close by and be up for a night of friendly gaming at a favorite local venue.

Just remember to be safe! No posting your personal information online. That's what Goodreads PM system is for ... use it!

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