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2024 Reading Challenge discussion

ARCHIVE 2016 > Violaine - 100 books in 2016

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message 1: by Violet (last edited Jan 16, 2016 07:16PM) (new)

Violet (purplemuskogee) 100 books to read!

message 2: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments Welcome to the group, Violaine, and good luck with your challenge. :)

message 3: by Dominique (new)

Dominique  | 1074 comments Good luck and happy reading!

message 4: by Jayne (new)

Jayne | 9 comments Good luck with your challenge. I got back to reading after a bit of a break when I got a kindle - I now have a book with me wherever I go!

message 5: by Violet (new)

Violet (purplemuskogee) Jayne wrote: "Good luck with your challenge. I got back to reading after a bit of a break when I got a kindle - I now have a book with me wherever I go!"

I always have a book with me anyway, but usually smaller books, no more than 350 pages as they need to fit in my bag with everything else... I look forward to reading bigger books!

message 7: by Megan (new)

Megan (lahairoi) | 7470 comments Congrats on finishing your first three books in 2016! I hope you like your kindle - love mine!

message 8: by Violet (new)

Violet (purplemuskogee) 4. Consider the Lobster and Other Essays by David Foster Wallace
I quite liked it! It was very interesting to read, I liked some essays better than others - "Up, Simba" was my least favourite, while I really enjoyed the one about Standard English (I forgot the title) and the one about lobsters... I was impressed somebody could be as interesting when writing on a topic such as lobsters - not my first choice of reading usually - but it was informative, critical, witty...

message 10: by Violet (new)

Violet (purplemuskogee) 9. My Daughter's Army by Greg Hogben - won in a giveaway - really enjoyed it, not a perfect book but really good and different from what I usually read.
10. A Spy in the House of Love by Anaïs Nin - really great. The writing is gorgeous; the feelings of the narrator feel so real and even though I can't say I relate, I really felt I understood. There are so many quotes from this book I want to copy into my notebook.

Currently reading An Atlas of Impossible Longing by Anuradha Roy - so far so good.

message 11: by Violet (new)

Violet (purplemuskogee) 11. Not Your Mother's Rules: The New Secrets for Dating by Ellen Fein - such a rubbish book, but it made me so angry that I kept reading.

12. An Atlas of Impossible Longing by Anuradha Roy - beautiful.

Now reading,

13. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, which I like so far and I was looking forward to reading.

message 13: by Asiuol (new)

Asiuol K Wow. You're doing amazing and some of your books look really interesting. I bet you're going to finish way ahead of the New Year.

message 14: by Hannah (new)

Hannah H. (maron123) | 131 comments Good luck on your reading goal! Looks like you have already read some great books this year! Any standouts so far?

message 15: by Violet (new)

Violet (purplemuskogee) Hannah wrote: "Good luck on your reading goal! Looks like you have already read some great books this year! Any standouts so far?"

I think The Girl on the Train was a fantastic read, I would recommend this one to everyone. I liked my other books too but that one is something I think EVERYONE might like!

Since my last update, I have read

17. Voluntary Madness: My Year Lost and Found in the Loony Bin, good but imperfect
18. Thinking, Fast and Slow a great book, quite intellectual but at the same time easy to follow and understand. It's so perfectly written that it becomes very accessible, while remaining clever and interesting. Loved it.
19. Petit traité de manipulation à l'usage des honnêtes gens, similar to the previous one but more focused on everyday manipulation, including manipulation done by people who are not aware they are doing it. I really enjoyed it and it was very easy to read as well.

Currently reading,
20. The Astonishing Return of Norah Wells which I won in a giveaway, and I reallly love reading. I love the multiple points of view, the two mothers, the little girl Willa and her dog... It's quite quirky I think and quite moving at the same time, and I really can't wait to finish it to know what happens at the end.

message 16: by Violet (new)

Violet (purplemuskogee) 21. The King's Grave: The Discovery of Richard III’s Lost Burial Place and the Clues It Holds by Michael K. Jones and Philippa Langley - fantastic book so far. I am really fascinated and I can't wait to get back to this book after work.

message 17: by Violet (last edited Mar 19, 2016 09:16PM) (new)

Violet (purplemuskogee) So I have been trying to read different books - more international, as I noticed I read mainly UK or US authors, with the occasional French writer when I go home; here is the updated list:

22. Moth Smoke by Mohsin Hamid
23. Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster by Svetlana Alexievich
24. The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende

And I started keeping a map of my books:
see map here

message 18: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments Great job, Violaine! You're almost a quarter of the way to your goal. :)

message 19: by Violet (new)

Violet (purplemuskogee) Cassandra wrote: "Great job, Violaine! You're almost a quarter of the way to your goal. :)"

I know, I have been good so far!! I usually start well but I think I'll probably slow down later this year.

Update -
25. The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson - ****

message 20: by Emily (new)

Emily (emilyesears) | 586 comments You've read a lot of interesting books Violaine! I haven't read a single one of them, so can't comment in that regard. However, I may read Gone Girl sometime--I wasn't going to, but at Easter my Grandma of all people (91 years old mind you) told me she thought it was great.

message 21: by Violet (new)

Violet (purplemuskogee) Emily wrote: "You've read a lot of interesting books Violaine! I haven't read a single one of them, so can't comment in that regard. However, I may read Gone Girl sometime--I wasn't going to, but at Easter my Gr..."

It is a good book but if you are going to read only one trendy thriller, I would go for "The Girl on the train" which I thought was better written and with a more original narrative!

26. Taipei by Tao Lin **
27. We Need New Names by NoViolet Bulawayo ***
28. Add More -Ing to Your Life: A Hip Guide to Happiness by Gabrielle Bernstein **
29. Água Viva by Clarice Lispector ***
30. I Am China by Xiaolu Guo ****
31. Le Crime du comte Neville by Amélie Nothomb **

message 22: by Violet (last edited May 01, 2016 07:11PM) (new)

message 23: by Violet (last edited May 01, 2016 07:11PM) (new)

message 24: by Violet (last edited May 08, 2016 09:46PM) (new)

Violet (purplemuskogee) 39. Office Girl by Joe Meno ****

40. The Room by Jonas Karlsson *****

message 25: by Violet (last edited May 08, 2016 09:47PM) (new)

message 26: by Violet (new)

Violet (purplemuskogee) 43. Self-Help, short stories by Lorrie Moore

message 32: by Violet (new)

Violet (purplemuskogee) 54. M Train by Patti Smith - amazing read!!

message 42: by Lisa, Cheerleader (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5602 comments Congratulations on reaching your goal Violaine! Hope 2017 is as good a year :)

message 43: by Lady Clementina (new)

Lady Clementina ffinch-ffarowmore | 476 comments Congrats!

message 44: by Violet (new)

Violet (purplemuskogee) Thank you!
I can't find where to set a new challenge though, anyone knows?

message 45: by Lady Clementina (new)

Lady Clementina ffinch-ffarowmore | 476 comments I assume it'll let one do this in a few hours time, once it's 2017

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