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World, Writing, Wealth discussion

IMPORTANT: Info & Member Intros > Introductions: A few words about yourself, please

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message 1751: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19254 comments Hi Bjorn & welcome!

Vikings are underrepresented in the group, so with your participation we could rectify this historic injustice :)
Well done on your literary undercover endeavor. Hope it’ll culminate into a full scale novel/series.
Meanwhile, feel free to contribute to the discussions from your angle and enjoy your membership

message 1752: by P (new)

P Jaca | 2 comments Hi there to all of you.
I'm P. Jaca. I am an IT professional, an investor, and a newborn author :). I'm delighted to join this group of like-minded intellectuals, and I'm here to share and gain knowledge. My first creation as an author is below:

The Autobiography of a Salaried Trader - Part 1 Discover the fundamentals of trading, investing, futures & options through the fascinating journey of a salaried employee to financial freedom. by P Jaca The Autobiography of a Salaried Trader - Part 1: Discover the fundamentals of trading, investing, futures & options through the fascinating journey of a salaried employee to financial freedom.

message 1753: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19254 comments Hi P Jaca and welcome!

Best of luck in IT, investing and authoring. Please, feel free to participate in the discussions.

Hope you’ll enjoy and contribute from your knowledge and experience

message 1754: by P (new)

P Jaca | 2 comments Thanks Nik! Will definitely contribute, however currently I am enjoying reading all your comments. I guess you could beat a bot in writing apt responses :-)

message 1755: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19254 comments Thanks, just converse, rarely beat :)

message 1756: by Jack (new)

Jack Silver | 13 comments Greetings,

My name's Jack Silver. I'm from the US and I joined this group to be able to learn new perspectives about various topics. I'm new to this app so there's some things that I'm not acquainted with yet but I'm all for this.

I grew up like the majority of people, very few opportunities, a difficult family, financial difficulties but change my life with the help of books and education.

Right now I work as an independent financial advisor and also consider myself a crypto enthusiast. I'm really grateful for the life I live so I always look forward to help people in the best way possible!

Thanks for having me!

message 1757: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19254 comments A pleasure to formally welcome you again, Jack!
Glad you are happy with your life and achievements and willing to pay it forward.
Hope you’ll enjoy, contribute and derive something useful from the group.

message 1758: by [deleted user] (new)

Hello I am Kelsey and I love the beach, hot topics in politics annnnd reading of course!

message 1759: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19254 comments Hi Kelsey and welcome!

Our beach 🏖️ is under construction 🚧 however hot topics in politics and otherwise are abundant and readily available to dive in right away 😎
Hope you’ll enjoy and contribute

message 1760: by Vladimir (new)

Vladimir Stefan | 1 comments Good afternoon group from rainy UK! My name is Vladimir, I'm born Romanian but have lived on the shores of Britain for the last 11 years. In the last year I turned author too with my debut novel "What to Eat During the Apocalypse" out in 6 weeks. WTEDTA is a dystopian comedy addressing themes of politics (power and authority), inequality and struggles all through the filter of humour and satire. I believe it is a book that this group will find a lot of relatable themes in, so I wanted to join, say hello and spread the word. Thank you.

message 1761: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19254 comments Hi Vladimir and welcome!

Congrats on the upcoming release and good luck with the debut! Indeed, themes that you mention fit right into our daily discussions. If you can contribute, more so with a pinch 🤏 of humor, it’d be invaluable.
Hope you’ll enjoy our company 🤝

message 1762: by Lady (new)

Lady Dazy (mrscsmith) | 1 comments Hello, I am new to this group. Thanks for the invite.

message 1763: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19254 comments Hi Lady & welcome!

Hope you'll enjoy and contribute to the discussions

message 1765: by Joe (new)

Joe Kinnison | 2 comments Hedge fund manager takes on the government's Plunge Protection Team to control illiquid portions of the ETF market

message 1766: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19254 comments Hi Joe and welcome!

The book sounds interesting, and so does your persona, if you want to introduce it here ;)

Hope you'll enjoy and contribute to the discussions

message 1767: by Nicholas (new)

Nicholas Glaetzer | 1 comments Hello everyone, I am Nicholas, aka Nick. I have come here for many reasons, too many to list now. I am from Adelaide, Australia where believe it or not I am cold right now.. brr.

message 1768: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19254 comments Hi Nick and welcome!

Don't know how cold, but I'd happily switch with you our 40+ Celsius for something more normal for some time :)
Hope you'll enjoy and take part in the discussions....

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