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Michelle (In Libris Veritas) (shadowrose) Oh wow I have so many...I'll shorten it to those I truly wish to read and not just the ones I need to.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies- Seth Grahame-Smith
Forest of Secrets- Erin Hunter
Lasher- Anne Rice
When You Believe- Jessica Inclan
The Phantom of the Opera The Original Novel- Gaston Leroux

message 3: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Michelle wrote: "Oh wow I have so many...I'll shorten it to those I truly wish to read and not just the ones I need to.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies- Seth Grahame-Smith
[book:Forest of Secrets|83..."

Forest of Secrets sounds REALLY good! I haven't heard of it until now, but I just added it to my TBR pile! Let me know if it's any good! :)

message 4: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Mine tend to change based on my mood but right now the line up is:

A Dangerous Love --Bertrice Small
The 19th Wife A Novel --David Ebershoff
Break The Night --Anne Stuart
Something Sinful --Suzanne Enoch
Until You --Judith McNaught
Running Wild --Sarah McCarty

Running Wild (Wild, #1, #2, & #3) by Sarah McCarty Until You by Judith McNaught Something Sinful (Griffin Family, #3) by Suzanne Enoch Break The Night (Silhouette Shadows, No 9) by Anne Stuart [image error] A Dangerous Love (The Border Chronicles #1) by Bertrice Small

message 5: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 26, 2009 10:51AM) (new)

I have serious book ADD, but this is what I'm planning to read soon. :)

Slave to Sensation - Nalini Singh
Breaking Midnight - Emma Holly
Written on Your Skin - Meredith Duran
Captive - Leda Swann
Her Ladyship's Companion - Evangeline Collins
The Thief's Mistress - Gayle Feyer
Lover Awakened - JR Ward

Slave to Sensation (Psy-Changeling, #1) by Nalini Singh Breaking Midnight by Emma Holly Written on Your Skin by Meredith Duran [image error] Her Ladyship's Companion by Evangeline Collins The Thief's Mistress by Gayle Feyrer Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #3) by J.R. Ward

message 6: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Can I make a suggestion audball (lol!)? Read "Lover Awakened" because it above and beyond excellent I thought :D

message 7: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 26, 2009 11:53AM) (new)

Eastofoz wrote: "Can I make a suggestion audball (lol!)? Read "Lover Awakened" because it above and beyond excellent I thought :D"

Beyond Excellent, huh? Well I think it just went up to the top of my TBR. :) I've been a bit hesitant to read it, because I wasn't sure how JRW would pull off making Zadist a viable hero. LOL

message 8: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Audball, same thing happened to be with Z but my god what a book! The emotional highs and lows in that book was amazing. Make sure you're free and don't have to work the next day when you start (lol!)

message 9: by Rita (new)

Rita audball wrote: "I have serious book ADD, but this is what I'm planning to read soon. :)

Slave to Sensation - Nalini Singh
Breaking Midnight - Emma Holly
Written on Your Skin - Meredith Duran
Captive - Leda Swann

I have book ADD as well.

message 10: by Rita (new)

Rita I have so many books, but the next one I'm going to read is Animal, Vegetable, Mineral by Barbara Kingsolver.

message 11: by Jackie M (new)

Jackie M | 452 comments Blood Brothers by Nora Roberts
On Mystic Lake by Kristin Hannah
Where Dreams Begin by Lisa Kleypas
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
Succubus On Top by Richelle Mead
A Duke of Her Own by Eloisa James (comes out on Tuesday)

message 12: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Jackie wrote: "Blood Brothers by Nora Roberts
On Mystic Lake by Kristin Hannah
Where Dreams Begin by Lisa Kleypas
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
[book:Succubus O..."

I forgot that A Duke of her Own was coming out that soon! That def. belongs at the top of my TBR pile!

message 13: by Nona (new)

Nona (goodreadscomnona) | 102 comments this will take a while as I have 86 books on my tbr shelves. The top few are..

Beauty by Robin McKinley
The Duke Gaelen Foley
Seized by Love by Susan Johnson
Arabella and Frederica by Georgette Heyer (had them 2 yrs and still have'nt read them)
Mansfeild Park by Jane Austen
The First Princesss of Wales by Karen Harper
The Kings Favorite by Susan Holloway Scott

but it could change at any moment without notice.

message 14: by Lauren (new)

Lauren | 244 comments There are so many books in my pile
the one i have at home is piled up high like a tower thats about to fall over hehehe

Blue Moon
Obsidian Butterfly
Narcissus in Chains
Dark Desires After Dusk
Kiss of a Demon King
I also have a the first 4 of the Merry series from Laurell K. Hamilton too

message 15: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Lauren wrote: "There are so many books in my pile
the one i have at home is piled up high like a tower thats about to fall over hehehe

Blue Moon
Obsidian Butterfly

My TBR list is 427 books, and I own 103 of my TBR pile. LOL I know what you mean about them toppling over! I used to ALWAYS buy every book I wanted to read. But since I have over 400 books that I want to read...I figured I better start utilizing the library! LOL

Unapologetic_Bookaholic We have a reading list over at the RRRC group to keep track of all our challenge. But also what we are CR and so forth. Here is a list of books I want to read to swap on www.paperback.com that are being highly requested. Meaning once I list them they auto will be on someone's wishlist.

WishList Top 10 TBR
#1 Bad Blood By LA Banks
#2 Caressed by Ice by Nalini Singh
#3 Delicious By Jami Alden (unfin.)
#4 Empress New Clothes by Jaid Black7-09
#5 The Forbidden by L A Banks
#6 Gettin Buck Wild: Sex Chronicles 2 (Zane does Incredible Erotic things) by Zane
#7 Good Girl Seeks Bad Rider Antho.7-09
#8 Hot Blooded Antho.
#9 Just Desserts Lyn Cash
#10 Kitty and the Midnight Hour by Carrie Vaughn

message 17: by Lauren (new)

Lauren | 244 comments Joy wrote: "Lauren wrote: "There are so many books in my pile
the one i have at home is piled up high like a tower thats about to fall over hehehe

Blue Moon
Obsidian Butterfly

i love owning them too. my list out of control i think it has like 600 something on there. I really should use a library but im not crazy about time limits or have to re-new them if i have them too long. i did justify buying them by saying i would only use cash and use a coupon! so i buy here and there and when there is a good sale. I do surveys online and get gift cards from them for books too heheehe

message 18: by Nona (new)

Nona (goodreadscomnona) | 102 comments I know how you feel Joy, I try to keep at least under a 100 tbr on my shelves but it is truely hard to do sometimes, my list here doesn't cover half of those I own, over 2/3 are packed away for safe keeping till we buy another house.

message 19: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Nona wrote: "I know how you feel Joy, I try to keep at least under a 100 tbr on my shelves but it is truely hard to do sometimes, my list here doesn't cover half of those I own, over 2/3 are packed away for saf..."

LOL I'm still in an apartment, but when I get a house I would love to turn the finished basement into a library! :)

message 20: by Nona (new)

Nona (goodreadscomnona) | 102 comments well I remeber watching old movies and seeing the library as a room with shelves from ceiling to floor displaying books, awards and paintings and with the ladder on rollers, a comfy fireplace and a large chaise or over stuffed chair and ottoman with a reading lamp right by it. I always wanted on of those to call my own, one day I'll have my little version of it.

message 21: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Nona wrote: "well I remeber watching old movies and seeing the library as a room with shelves from ceiling to floor displaying books, awards and paintings and with the ladder on rollers, a comfy fireplace and a..."

That was one of the reasons I LOVED beauty and the beast! The gigantic library did it for me! LOL

message 22: by Nona (new)

Nona (goodreadscomnona) | 102 comments yep, minus the talking teacups would be great. By the way I just bought Beauty and Spindle End by Robin McKinley they are both retelling of childhood fairy tales Beauty and the Beast and Sleeping Beauty. They have recieved rave reviews so I'm going to be reading them shortly.

message 23: by stormhawk (new)

stormhawk | 1184 comments I have 80-some books on my "to read" shelf, everyone is more than welcome to give it a browse. I am equally likely to read a book from that list as I am to find something else, so it's not an entirely reliable TBR list.

message 24: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Nona wrote: "yep, minus the talking teacups would be great. By the way I just bought Beauty and Spindle End by Robin McKinley they are both retelling of childhood fairy tales Beauty and the Beast and Sleeping B..."

I added that book to my TBR list a while ago, and forgot about it! If it's good let me know! :)

message 25: by Rita (new)

Rita oops, I lied. Next on my TBR list turned out to be Murder at the bad girl's Bar & Grill by NM Kelby.

message 26: by LaTrica (new)

LaTrica My next 5 (that I can remember) are

The Seekers
The Blood Knight
Space Opera

My current TBR list is 41 books long. This is only what I've purchased. My actual wishlist is out of control.

message 27: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
LaTrica wrote: "My next 5 (that I can remember) are

The Seekers
The Blood Knight
Space Opera

My current TBR list..."

Greg Keyes is awesome!!! :) Read that one next! :)

message 28: by southpaw285 (new)

southpaw285 Here are my next 10...

No One Here Gets Out Alive (Daniel Sugerman)
No Man's Mistress (Mary Balogh)
A Beautiful Mind (Sylvia Nasar)
Double Play (Jill Shalvis)
Cold Mountain (Charles Frazier)
Flowers From The Storm (Laura Kinsale)
The Perfect Storm (Sebastian Junger)
Dangerous Games (Tempting Seals #2) (Lora Leigh)
Pride And Prejudice (re-read) (Jane Austen)
Manhunting (Jennifer Crusie)

message 29: by LaTrica (new)

LaTrica Joy wrote: "LaTrica wrote: "My next 5 (that I can remember) are

The Seekers
The Blood Knight
Space Opera

My current ..."

Not enough time. On Monday I start working longer hours, and I'm going out this weekend. So I went with Deception. It should be finished by Monday. Then I may read Seekers. Interesting but not in a "will keep me up too late" way.

Unapologetic_Bookaholic Do you guys read off your TBR in order?

message 31: by Terri (new)

Terri (terrilovescrows) | 188 comments Twilight

message 32: by Jackie M (new)

Jackie M | 452 comments Kenjii wrote: "Do you guys read off your TBR in order?"

I don't. I read in the order that I get from the library or depending on my mood.

message 33: by Lauren (new)

Lauren | 244 comments i dont read them in order i just read my serieses in order. i try to keep a few series going but sometimes i get to overwhelmed

message 34: by LaTrica (new)

LaTrica I read them in the order they're on my bookshelf.

Michelle (In Libris Veritas) (shadowrose) I don't go any specific order.It's whatever I'm in the mood for, of course if it's a series then I'll read those in order.

message 36: by BK (new)

BK Blue (paradoxically) Even though I have a first ones up shelf, I don't read in any particular order. Basically it depends on what I already own and what I come across in stores, lol.

message 37: by Ellen (new)

Ellen (ellenpenleysmith) I would list my TBR list but at the moment there are too many to remember Lol. Just like the fact that I have ten books on my bookshelf that havent been read, and I continue to add more!

message 38: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Kenjii wrote: "Do you guys read off your TBR in order?"

Nope. I just look at my to-read shelf and choose something based on the genre I am in the mood for...

Unapologetic_Bookaholic Oh ok. My TBR list is basically so I can keep track f the books I have bought and when I need to search them easily for challenges and such. I thought maybe you all had them set up in a certain reading order.

message 40: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Kenjii wrote: "Oh ok. My TBR list is basically so I can keep track f the books I have bought and when I need to search them easily for challenges and such. I thought maybe you all had them set up in a certain r..."

I know some people do that, but since I have over 400 books on my TBR list...LOL It would be too hard to organize it.

message 41: by southpaw285 (new)

southpaw285 Kenjii wrote: "Do you guys read off your TBR in order?"

nope....I just grab what I'm in the mood for.

message 42: by Lisa (new)

Lisa | 617 comments I don't even necessarily always choose something on my goodreads TBR list. The reason I really keep that is so I don't forget about books that I think sound interesting. But I also only try to add ones that I think I will get around to in my lifetime (haha).

message 44: by Jackie M (new)

Jackie M | 452 comments I think this is the order I will be reading but who knows it might change. I'm trying not to buy books and just rely on the library.

Midnight's Daughter-Karen Chance
The Fiery Cross-Diana Gabaldon
Redeeming Love-Francine Rivers
Curse the Dawn-Karen Chance

message 45: by Julianna (new)

Julianna (authorjuliannad) | 654 comments Normally, I just read by my moods and don't plan my reading in advance, but since I have two books to read for review and am trying to complete a few reading challenge, I made a list for Sept. I plan to read, though not necessarily in this order and time permitting:

Susannah, A Lawyer - From Tragedy to Triumph by Ruth Rymer
The Baby Album by Roz Denny Fox
The Indiscretion by Judith Ivory
Zack by Cheyenne McCray
The Raven Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt
Kiss of Heat by Lora Leigh

message 46: by new_user (new)

new_user Julie, is this your first from Elizabeth Hoyt?

message 47: by Julianna (new)

Julianna (authorjuliannad) | 654 comments Yes, it will be my first Elizabeth Hoyt book, NU. I've heard so many good things about her, I'm looking forward to trying her out.

message 48: by new_user (new)

new_user I hope you enjoy it! If you suspend disbelief, her books are great. ;)

Jessica~CoinOperatedJoy | 82 comments Okay, I have Let the Right One In
Vampire Academy volume one
American Psycho
Motherless Brooklyn

Then I am re-reading Don Quixote and Posession for the sake of a few thrads/book clubs...and I would like to finish these before October so I can read Dracula, Frankenstein and the rest of Vampire Academy...*sigh* so much reading to do and in sooo little time...

message 50: by Elvia (new)

Elvia (elvb) I have seven books from the library have reordered my TBR shelf to reflect that. I always put things at the top of my TBR shelf depending on what I get from the library.
So this is (hopefully) the order:
Gil's All Fright Diner (reading now)
On the Prowl (should be getting this week)
Cry Wolf (won't read until after I get the previous book lol)
Blood and Chocolate
Ill Wind
Touch the Dark

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