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Archives Folder - No Posting :) > Must Read! Book promotion posting guidelines

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message 1: by Alex (last edited Oct 22, 2017 07:00AM) (new)

Alex (quantumkatana) We encourage all of you to post your book promotion as a new thread (that is, a new post) in the "Announcements & Book Promotions" folder. Posting your book promotion as its own thread provides visibility. The kinds of promotions could include:

* New or upcoming book releases
* Discounted, including free
* GoodReads Giveaways

How will these guidelines help me?
We all understand the importance of the title of a book, review, blog article, newsletter email, PM, GoodReads event announcement, or ad in catching a reader’s attention. In the same vein, to most effectively reach your target audience with a book promotion, you need to have the right title. You also need to have the right content in the body of your post to motivate the reader to click the link to where they can buy your book.

Post Title Guidelines
To achieve that goal, we recommend the following title formats:
"Just released" / "Upcoming release" on day-mo-yr: book-title 
Upcoming release on 24 October: Armpit Pheromones for Men (Horror)
Discounted-Price / "Free" / "GoodReads Giveaway" until day-mo-yr: 
book-title (genre-or-subgenre-or-tag)
Discounted-Price, / "Free," / "GoodReads Giveaway," 
day-mo-yr - day-mo-yr: book-title
(1) $0.99 until 24 October: Wealth at Your Fingertips (Investing)
(2) GoodReads Giveaway, 24 - 31 October: Loving Your Inner Child (Personal Growth)
Why is this format effective?
It provides a date so that the reader can quickly find the most recent releases or the ones that apply to them. Second, it not only includes your book title, but also provides a quick way for readers to scan for the genres that they are interested in. In other words, this title helps to draw in your target audience.

You could tweak it however you like but the kind of promotion, price, valid dates, book title, and genre/sub-genre/tags are the most important points to get across in the title.

Post Body Guidelines
At a minimum, the body of your post should include the following:

* A purchase link (with a thumbnail book cover -- highly recommended)
* Your book's blurb

message 2: by Vance (new)

Vance Huxley | 63 comments Only just spotted this.
Can we post Amazon freebies (my publisher puts out the short free download offers on kindle to boost my books/name)

message 3: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19229 comments But of course, please check above Alex's recommendations as of what and how

message 4: by Bob (new)

Bob Rich | 72 comments My giveaway is in its last hours, so you still have a chance to get a free minced-tree copy of Ascending Spiral at https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/sh...

message 5: by Bob (new)

Bob Rich | 72 comments ...but there is no hurry about a free electronic advance review copy of my 16th book, on the way to publication. You can read the first chapter of Hit and Run, and several reviews I've already been sent.

message 6: by Alex (last edited Nov 06, 2016 09:19PM) (new)

Alex (quantumkatana) Bob wrote: "...but there is no hurry about a free electronic advance review copy of my 16th book, on the way to publication. You can read the first chapter of Hit and Run, and several reviews I've already been..."

you should make a separate post in this folder ("Announcements...") that way people can see it right away (instead of it being buried). See Vance's post today.

message 7: by Barry (new)

Barry Blokes | 7 comments Free kindle book promotion - Second Day! (11/11 through 11/13)

Indifference by Barry Blokes

Hello all, my debut Indifference went live a few days ago, and is currently on the second day of a free book promotion. It is Transgressive Fiction, under satire and dark humor on Amazon. Check it out! You won't regret it.

little disclaimer first - this is an 18+ book - language and graphic scenes make this a good adult read. Let me know what you think!


message 8: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19229 comments Hi Barry,

Congrats on the debut and good luck with the promo!
I think you can have a little more exposure, if you set up a separate thread for the above announcement -:)

message 9: by Barry (new)

Barry Blokes | 7 comments Nik wrote: "Hi Barry,

Congrats on the debut and good luck with the promo!
I think you can have a little more exposure, if you set up a separate thread for the above announcement -:)"

Thanks Nik I will do that now!

message 10: by Joan (new)

Joan Carney | 12 comments Discounted price - one week only! Time travel and Romance!
November 14th - November 21st the award winning novel,
FATED MEMORIES , will be discounted to 99¢.


Fated Memories by Joan Carney

Burdened with the scars of a tortured childhood and a shattered romance, Kitty is being forced to resign from the dull, anonymous job she’s been hiding behind. With her life in shambles and her friends moving on without her, she jumps at her cousin, Maggie’s, invitation to visit. However, Maggie’s new boyfriend, Simon, has a secret that accidentally hurls the trio a hundred and fifty years into the past. Trapped in the midst of the bloodiest war in American history, and acutely aware their actions might trigger a butterfly effect on the future, the events that unfold will require more mettle than Kitty’s ever had.

message 11: by Joan (new)

Joan Carney | 12 comments ♥♥♥ NEW RELEASE ♥♥♥ Off-beat Christmas romance novella

REMEMBER by Joan Carney

Available now at https://www.amazon.com/REMEMBER/dp/b0...

When a freak accident robs Gracie of her memory, the lines between fantasy and reality blur. Now there's only one gift Gracie wants for Christmas and the only man who can bring it is not Santa.

message 12: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19229 comments Hi Joan,

Good luck with the promo and new release! Well done!
If you want to draw a little more attention through setting up a separate thread for each announcement, you are most welcome -:)

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