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World, Writing, Wealth discussion

Wealth & Economics > Jeff the richest Bezos

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message 1: by Nik (last edited Jul 27, 2017 10:32PM) (new)

Nik Krasno | 19229 comments So it happened today. Amazon's share went up again and our dear host here on GR surpassed Bill to top Forbes list of the richest. Not that I'm particularly happy about it, but since I'm drinking beer anyway, I can dedicate a small gulp to him. Well done, Jeff! Not a small achievement.
And I guess he should thank, inter alia, all authors, publishers, reviewers and others for making Amazon a little more interesting shopping venue and all the buyers appreciating it.
Is he there to stay or his ascend is temporary? What do you think?

message 2: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19229 comments Bezos slid back to the 2-nd place after a brief rise to the top... You need to buy more books, guys -:)

message 3: by Ian (new)

Ian Miller | 1302 comments Nik wrote: "Bezos slid back to the 2-nd place after a brief rise to the top... You need to buy more books, guys -:)"

Feel free to buy more of mine :-)

message 4: by Scout (new)

Scout (goodreadscomscout) | 7530 comments I guess it was temporary. I was upset when Goodreads lost its independence. It was cool to be a book club with no agenda.

message 5: by Ian (new)

Ian Miller | 1302 comments It was most certainly temporary - it lasted hours at most, and it was probably over before he knew about it. But I doubt that detail will worry him. Not quite having as much as Bill is not exactly a statement of poverty. Unfortunately, if you are trying to get Bezos on top, buying a few more books won't do it. These guys need a minimum of tens of millions to shift their status, not the few measly dollars my sales, and probably yours, give him.

message 6: by Mehreen (new)

Mehreen Ahmed (mehreen2) | 1907 comments Ian wrote: "Nik wrote: "Bezos slid back to the 2-nd place after a brief rise to the top... You need to buy more books, guys -:)"

Feel free to buy more of mine :-)"

Self-advertising means less sales

message 7: by Ian (new)

Ian Miller | 1302 comments Oh Mehreen, a joke that backfired? Oh woe is me 😓

message 8: by Mehreen (new)

Mehreen Ahmed (mehreen2) | 1907 comments Nah... just kidding!

message 9: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19229 comments He's done it again: http://money.cnn.com/2017/10/27/news/... .
Our host here on GR is leading the game.. Congrats and well done to you all for purchasing at Amazon and hanging out on Goodreads -:)

message 10: by Danny (new)

Danny (dannywong) | 2 comments He totally deserved to be the richest person in the world. I do admire Bill Gates a lot, not because he is rich, because of his curiosity and impact to the world. Richard Brandson is awesome as well, really liked his personality and humbleness.

message 11: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Williams (houseofwilliams) I do tend to like Bezos because of the way he's using his vast wealth to push the boundaries of space. He's doing this with Blue Origin, which rivals SpaceX and Virgin Galactic in terms of its commitment to reusable launchers and space tourism.

message 12: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19229 comments Not the richest anymore, but hardly - the poorest. Not that I expect much from big biz, but still a little disappointing from Amazon:

message 13: by Scout (new)

Scout (goodreadscomscout) | 7530 comments That photo of Bezos, Nik, trying to look like a working man :-) The article you posted about the Amazon employee still being held is from the New York Post. Just so you know how it is here, Democrats consider it an unreliable source, no matter if what they publish is true. I hope the guy is released. How can people still doubt what happened in Israel at the hands of hamas and how ruthless the attack was? Or question Israel's response? Consider our response to Pearl Harbor.

message 14: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19229 comments Scout wrote: "....How can people still doubt what happened in Israel at the hands of hamas and how ruthless the attack was? Or question Israel's response? Consider our response to Pearl Harbor..."

Escapes me too.
Sasha's mother and girlfriend were released, he's still kept captive, as almost all men and still some women and children

message 15: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19229 comments So, it's our dearest host again: https://www.euronews.com/business/202...

message 16: by Scout (new)

Scout (goodreadscomscout) | 7530 comments People who have more money than they and their heirs will ever need and who compete for the spot of richest man get no respect from me. They've used our capitalist system for their own gain and depend on it for future profits. They owe a huge debt to the free country they've taken advantage of.

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