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World, Writing, Wealth discussion

IMPORTANT: Info & Member Intros > Vetted articles and resources: story copyright, beta reading, editing services

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message 1: by Alex (last edited Nov 30, 2017 07:29PM) (new)

Alex (quantumkatana) I’d highly recommend the following articles:

Beta Reading
A quite comprehensive article on beta reading:

How to Find and Work with Beta Readers to Improve Your Book

(I love Jane Friedman! (I'm on her mailing list and I get a list of her latest articles every week. I read at least one of them.) She even has a list of writing resources. She was formerly a publisher at Writer’s Digest.)

The venerable SFWA (est. 1965 and which runs the Nebula Awards) weighs in on editing services and has a short yet pithy topic on beta reading:


An article referenced by the aforementioned SFWA article and which includes resources other than GR for finding beta readers:


Editorial Services

https://www.sfep.org.uk/ (UK)
https://www.the-efa.org/ (US)
http://www.editors.ca/ (Canada)
http://iped-editors.org/ (Australia)
http://www.elseware.co.nz/NZAMA/ (New Zealand)

For a comprehensive article on US copyright, see the following SFWA article:


message 2: by Dave (new)

Dave Edlund (dedlund) | 13 comments Alex wrote: "I’d highly recommend the following articles:

Beta Reading
A quite comprehensive article on beta reading:

How to Find and Work with Beta Readers to Improve Your Book

Good references. I'd like to add two more regarding US copyright (which seems to be mysterious to many authors). Go to copyright.gov for the source and loads of good information. In particular, read Circular 1 (https://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ0...) and circular 7d (https://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ0...).
Copyright is one of the best benefits (legal rights) afforded to authors, and no action is required to gain these rights, other than creating to original work (which happens as a matter of course when you write).

message 3: by Graeme (new)

Graeme Rodaughan | 697 comments Thanks Alex, great resources.

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