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The Modern Age (1800 - ) > Sherlock Holmes

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message 1: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (last edited Feb 04, 2013 09:24AM) (new)

Terri | 19576 comments I am currently in the middle of watching the second Sherlock Homes movie (The Game of Shadows) starring Robert Downey Junior.

Inspired me to start this thread as there seem to not only be plenty of movies and tv series for us to talk about, but also lots of Sherlock Holmes spin off historical fiction.

Of the real Sherlock Holmes (and by real I mean the original creator of the mystery series; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle), I have read The Hound of the Baskervilles a long time ago and I enjoyed it.
The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes, #5) by Arthur Conan Doyle

message 2: by Monica (new)

Monica Davis Only watched the first movie with Downey/Law, and was disappointed. Thought they relied too much on Hollywood violence (if the story lags...blow something up...and not enough on the brilliant mind/cat and mouse intrigue that I typically associate with the Holmes character...Sherlock, not Katie ;-)

I am enjoying the television episodes of the new crime drama series "Elementary". Love the twist, casting Lucy Liu as Watson. (Johnny Lee Miller as Sherlock.) This Sherlock character has the flaws and brilliant mind I associate with the literary character. (Not that the TV series claims to have anything to do with the literary Holmes/Watson.)

message 3: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments Monica wrote: "Only watched the first movie with Downey/Law, and was disappointed. Thought they relied too much on Hollywood violence (if the story lags...blow something up...and not enough on the brilliant mind/..."

I completely agree with you and it is going on in the second movie too. Hollywood fight scenes and violence and not much solving puzzles and looking for evidence, interviewing suspects and victims. There is none of that.

I really want to see Elementary. I had forgotten about it until you mentioned it. I shall have to look out for it and see if it is playing on a channel over here.

message 4: by Raghad (new)

Raghad | 4 comments Have you considered watchig BBC Sherlock? I found it very interesting and enjoyable. Also, Shelock's personality bears so much resemplence with the original character.
I have only read A Study in Scarlet, so far.

message 5: by Darcy (new)

Darcy (drokka) | 2675 comments There is also the very cleverly done BBC version called Sherlock! They modernise canon in a very sophisticated way.

message 6: by Bryn (last edited Feb 04, 2013 09:44PM) (new)

Bryn Hammond (brynhammond) | 1505 comments I've only seen the BBC Sherlock, of these mentioned. Worth watching. Made by Steven Moffatt of Doctor Who fame. I griped that it took him away from Doctor Who a bit, but I'll forgive him.

message 7: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (last edited Feb 04, 2013 09:42PM) (new)

Terri | 19576 comments R.G wrote: "Have you considered watchig BBC Sherlock? I found it very interesting and enjoyable. Also, Shelock's personality bears so much resemplence with the original character.
I have only read A Study in ..."

I haven't watched that one. I did consider it. I saw an ad for it late last year. I remember it distinctly because I had just watched that Gary Oldman movie Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, and the guy that plays Sherlock was in that. So that's how it caught my eye. Only unfortunately I completely forgot to watch it. :/

I wish we had Netflix here so I could download all these shows I miss.

message 8: by Darcy (new)

Darcy (drokka) | 2675 comments Benedict Cumberbatch...yes. Martin Freeman (Bilbo in the Hobbit, also of The Office) plays Watson in this version.

message 9: by Raghad (last edited Feb 04, 2013 09:55PM) (new)

Raghad | 4 comments Terri wrote: "R.G wrote: "Have you considered watchig BBC Sherlock? I found it very interesting and enjoyable. Also, Shelock's personality bears so much resemplence with the original character.
I have only read..."

Oh! Too bad :(
Yeah that's true, he does act in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. And he does a brilliant job as Sherlock. You should definitely consider watching it whenever you get the chance, and I hope you do soon :)

message 10: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments I will make sure I don't miss it if I can find it. :)

message 11: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments So many Sherlock Holmes spin offs.

Some examples;
Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street by William S. Baring-Gould The Last Sherlock Holmes Story by Michael Dibdin The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Veiled Detective by David Stuart Davies The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes War of the Worlds by Manly Wade Wellman The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Ectoplasmic Man by Daniel Stashower

....these are only a few. It just goes on and on when you search sherlock Holmes on Goodreads.

message 12: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments These are the genuine article though. 9 books in the Sherlock Holmes series.

This is the order as they appear on Goodreads.
A Study in Scarlet (Sherlock Holmes, #1) by Arthur Conan Doyle The Sign of Four (Sherlock Holmes, #2) by Arthur Conan Doyle The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes, #5) by Arthur Conan Doyle The Return of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle The Valley Of Fear by Arthur Conan Doyle His Last Bow (Penguin Popular Classics) by Arthur Conan Doyle The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes, #9) by Arthur Conan Doyle

message 13: by Simona (last edited Feb 05, 2013 05:47PM) (new)

Simona | 1453 comments I have loved, instead, both Holmes movies with Downey Jr.
I found the costumes and the light perfect, with a nice graphic twist with the rallenty scenes. I liked also how Watson was represented as the most handsome one...I really loved all Conan Doyle books, but I'm entertained by the new way Ritchie depicts these 2 really classic characters.

I read also the Laurie R. Kingbooks; it'a series featuring a retired Holmes...I'm removing a spoiler here! Anyway, it's a series, I really liked the first one The Beekeeper's Apprentice (Mary Russell, #1) by Laurie R. King .

message 14: by David (new)

David Elkin | 18 comments L. R. King's books are excellent

message 15: by Mark (new)

Mark | 1885 comments David wrote: "L. R. King's books are excellent"

I couldn't get away with the first one. I tried.

message 16: by Chris (new)

Chris  | 419 comments I love her contemporary crime and thriller novels, but just couldn't get into the Holmes books.

message 17: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments Ah right The Beekeepers Apprentice. I have seen plenty of people reading that and never realised it was a Sherlock story.

message 18: by Steven (new)

Steven Liebowitz | 3 comments I love Elementary, too! Johnny Lee Miller is stupendous as holmes and Lucy Liu as Watson is indeed a cool and viable twist on the character. Brilliant writing and brilliant, engrossing, virtuoso acting.

message 19: by Marilee (new)

Marilee (hatchling) | 77 comments I really enjoy Elementary too. Steven is right on about Jonny Lee Miller... he's made the modern Sherlock his own... complex, aggravating, brilliant and oh so watchable. Lucy Liu's Watson is quite different from the traditional [even discounting the gender change] in that she's calm, slightly detached and a great foil for Miller's hyper Sherlock. I'm hoping that in future episodes she gets to be featured a little more in the story line.

And yes, BBC's Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch is also good.

I'll be frank, I haven't really become a fan of the Downey Sherlock films. I guess I prefer my Sherlock stories brainier than brawny and action oriented.

message 20: by Rick (new)

Rick | 16 comments Steven wrote: "I love Elementary, too! Johnny Lee Miller is stupendous as holmes and Lucy Liu as Watson is indeed a cool and viable twist on the character. Brilliant writing and brilliant, engrossing, virtuoso a..."
I agree. Great program, brilliant.

message 21: by Hari (new)

Hari Abram (hariirah) i think Sherlock Holmes is too damn intelligent for his own good.

message 22: by Monica (new)

Monica Davis Hari wrote: "i think Sherlock Holmes is too damn intelligent for his own good." lol...great response...isn't there a saying something along this line: "There's a fine line between genius and madness?" Sherlock walks that line, which makes him such an interesting character.

message 23: by Hari (new)

Hari Abram (hariirah) Monica wrote: "Hari wrote: "i think Sherlock Holmes is too damn intelligent for his own good." lol...great response...isn't there a saying something along this line: "There's a fine line between genius and madnes..."

i totally agree with your theory, but when you're so immersed in the book, and suddenly when Mr.Holmes asks Mr. Watson a question, and when you try to answer it, and if u verify your answer with what he says, it's to damn funny, won't you say?, but yeah he was an excellent character created by brilliant author.

message 24: by Mike (new)

Mike (bilinski68) | 1 comments Here is a link to some Sherlock Holmes DVDs the BBC made back in the 1980's. They are excellent and follow the books very closely.


message 25: by Kristi (new)

Kristi (kristicoleman) I loved Sherlock on BBC, but I wasn't that into Elementary. Has anyone listened to any of the Podcasts about Holmes & Watson? I particularly love "Baker Street Babes" and "I hear Sherlock Everywhere".

message 26: by Monica (new)

Monica Davis Hari wrote: Mr.Holmes asks Mr. Watson a question, and when you try to answer it, and if u verify your answer with what he says, it's to damn funny..."

Ahh, so his genius/madness IS working on us...we keep coming back to read yet another of his escapades, and replay the stories in modern adaptations. ;-)

message 27: by Mark (new)

Mark | 1885 comments Mike wrote: "Here is a link to some Sherlock Holmes DVDs the BBC made back in the 1980's. They are excellent and follow the books very closely.


They we're the best tv version.

message 28: by Dawn (new)

Dawn (caveatlector) That particular Sherlock was a bit more depressed than most of the shows portray him. I thought Jeremy Brett was a pretty good Sherlock though.

I'm still a fan of Basil Rathbone, I love him as Sherlock. :)

message 29: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments Kristi wrote: "I loved Sherlock on BBC, but I wasn't that into Elementary. Has anyone listened to any of the Podcasts about Holmes & Watson? I particularly love "Baker Street Babes" and "I hear Sherlock Everywhe..."

No, I haven't heard of them Kristi. Do you have a link? I would like to check them out.

message 30: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments I hate that I have missed out on Elementary. I have liked Johnny Lee Miller in many things, eg Trainspotting and the thought of him as Sherlock appeals.

message 31: by Kristi (new)

Kristi (kristicoleman) You can get the podcasts through iTunes or on their websites...

Baker Street Babes Website:

I hear Sherlock Everywhere Website:

message 32: by Mark (new)

Mark | 1885 comments Not to mention there's mycroft morriarty and Irene Adler books out there. Lots to read.

message 33: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments Kristi wrote: "You can get the podcasts through iTunes or on their websites...

Baker Street Babes Website:

I hear Sherlock Everywhere Website:

Brilliant. I will check, them out. :-)

message 34: by Monica (new)

Monica Davis Terri wrote: "I hate that I have missed out on Elementary..." Terri, see if you can access this site. There are 5 full episodes to watch here.
If my link comes across for you, I've queued up the first episode. In the lower left corner of the main page graphic "superbowl video commercials" you'll see a photo of a NYC apartment building. Click on the "return" arrow and the video should begin playing. (If not, scroll down a bit to where it says "Full Episodes"....Enjoy!!

message 35: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments Oh boo. :(..won't air in my country...thanks for trying though.

message 36: by Monica (new)

Monica Davis Terri wrote: "Oh boo. :(..won't air in my country...thanks for trying though." Oh, bummer! Well, you'll just have to take a trip Stateside!! ;-) I found this statement: In Australia, Network Ten began airing the show on February 3, 2013. The series was set to air in New Zealand on Prime (New Zealand) from February 2013

message 37: by Carol (new)

Carol (ladygyn) | 304 comments There is a series of books about Oscar Wilde and his solving mysteries. His sidekick in these adventures is sir Arthur Conan Doyle before he got started as an author. Good seriesOscar Wilde and the Vatican Murders

message 38: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments Oh nicely done Monica! You are the best. This means I will only have missed a couple episodes. Better than nothing.

Going to go find it and put a series link on it. I will be able to see what the fuss is about. I owe you one. ;)

message 39: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments Carol wrote: "There is a series of books about Oscar Wilde and his solving mysteries. His sidekick in these adventures is sir Arthur Conan Doyle before he got started as an author. Good seriesOscar Wilde and th..."

That's most interesting, Carol.

message 40: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments I set the 'box' to record that Sherlock series some of you spoke about 'Elementary'. I did not realise that it is modern detective/cop show. That it isn't a historical setting. That was very disappointing. :(

message 41: by Leland (last edited Feb 16, 2013 06:24AM) (new)

Leland (lelandhw) D wrote: "Benedict Cumberbatch...yes. Martin Freeman (Bilbo in the Hobbit, also of The Office) plays Watson in this version."

Oooo Benedict is in the next Star Trek movie too.

and Love me some 'Sherlock' on BBC. When's season 3? Bit of a cliff-hanger season 2 yes?

message 42: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments I think I might have better luck with Sherlock than Elementary. I was looking for a historical setting.
Speaking of which......not Sherlock mind, but Ripper Street was mentioned in the Tv series/movies thread. That looks like what i thought Elementary was. A period series. Season 1 has been and gone of that series, so I will pick it up this year when season 2 airs.

message 43: by happy (last edited Feb 16, 2013 10:31AM) (new)

happy (happyone) | 2780 comments I've seen a couple of episodes of Ripper Street on BBC America - better than average

message 44: by Bryn (new)

Bryn Hammond (brynhammond) | 1505 comments We'd better warn Terri that the BBC 'Sherlock' (that's the one you mean?) is--quote Wiki--a modern-day version where he uses the technologies of today. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherlock...

message 45: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments What?? Oh geez. I give up. I don't want no modern day Sherlock. :(

message 46: by happy (new)

happy (happyone) | 2780 comments Bryn wrote: "We'd better warn Terri that the BBC 'Sherlock' (that's the one you mean?) is--quote Wiki--a modern-day version where he uses the technologies of today. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherlock......"

And also very, very good

message 47: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments Unfortunately for Sherlock and Elementary, I don't like cop shows or detective shows.
I like them if they are set in history though. :-) Which it appears neither of these are. :(

message 48: by Leland (new)

Leland (lelandhw) Terri wrote: "What?? Oh geez. I give up. I don't want no modern day Sherlock. :("

Oh but Terri, it's really really really good

message 49: by Terri, Wyrd bið ful aræd (new)

Terri | 19576 comments Yes, yes, I take your word for it. :-)
And I will check it out when it comes off free to air to cable. At least I don't have to hurry to see it now I know it is modern too.

message 50: by Laurentiu (new)

Laurentiu Lazar (laur1989) | 82 comments I have been avoiding to watch any of the Sherlock Holmes series.

Sherlock airs here, but for now I'll stay clear from any tv-eps. I have only seen the movies with Robert Downey Jr. as main cast.

As for the books I've read the first four in the series. My favorite being The Sign of Four and I do know that I've enjoyed some of the short stories in the other two books.

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