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Personal Reading Goals > Angeliki's 2010 Reading goal

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message 1: by Angeliki (last edited Sep 13, 2010 08:43PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Happy new year!!!

This is the first time I'm setting a reading goal so I'm going to try for 100 books. I started keeping track of my reading since I joined Goodreads last June and I ended with 41 books by the end of the year. So I don't know if 100 books during 2010 is a realistic goal but I guess I will find out soon.

I will try to read all my books on my tbr shelf but I must admit that a big splurge is coming in the middle of January. I will also count university books and some re-reads as I have the habit to read my favourite books again and again. Every time I find something new.

Wish me luck!

message 2: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:39PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments January

Book 1

1. Οι Δουβλινέζοι by James Joyce Dubliners by James Joyce
In Greek: Οι Δουβλινέζοι

2 stars

I would lie if I said that I liked this book. Generally I don't prefer short stories but since this is the second book of James Joyce I've read I have to say I'm not a big fan of his writing style.

3 January 2010

Book 1
Pages 222

message 3: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:40PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 2

2. Ποιος σκότωσε τον Ακρόυντ by Agatha Christie The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie
In Greek:Ποιος σκότωσε τον Ακρόυντ

5 stars

Excellent book! I only started exploring Agatha Christie's books this summer and I am stunned!

This is a mystery that captivates the reader from the beginning. I could never have guessed the murderer until I actually read the name!!! A really quick and easy read. I think that more books about Poirot are going to follow this one...

5 January 2010

Book 2
Pages 235

message 4: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:40PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 3

3. Δύσκολα Χρόνια by Charles Dickens Hard Times by Charles Dickens
In Greek: Δύσκολα Χρόνια

4 stars

Until now this is the best Dickens's book I have read!

Hard Times is a classic book written by Charles Dickens in 1854. Although it's a short book it took me some time to finish it. During the first 100 pages in which the reader is introduced in the characters and their background the story is developed more slowly. But after a few chapters I was hooked not so much from the story itself as from the characters and their progress.

Every single character from the principals as Thomas Gradgrind, Josiah Bounderby and Louisa to the secondary characters as Bitzer are completely developed.

From Hard Times you will get a glimpse into industrial English society and the conditions of life in Victorian England.

But this is also a book with messages that survive through time. The characters straggle among their choices and feelings and the society they live in. We realise the effect that has upon a person the way he is treated as a child and how our family's actions influence our life choice's.

I love the way the book ended because even if it left me with a biter-sweet taste it allowed me to develop further the characters and the story in my own mind.

5 to 10 January 2010

Book 3
Pages 332

message 5: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:40PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 4

4. Ο Μικρός Πρίγκηπας by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
In Greek: Ο Μικρός Πρίγκηπας

5 stars

What could I say about this book? Just perfect...

10 to 11 January 2010

Book 4
Pages 91

message 6: by Efe (new)

Efe | 181 comments I really like the format you are using when laying out your reads. The number of pages and dates when you completed the read put things into context really well. Great progress so far!

message 7: by Angeliki (last edited Jan 12, 2010 11:23AM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Monef wrote: "I really like the format you are using when laying out your reads. The number of pages and dates when you completed the read put things into context really well. Great progress so far!"

Thanks Monef! I hope that with this format (small reviews and dates) I will come back later and say hey I really liked this book. I am always trying to remember the most of the books I have read but sometimes this is difficult...

message 8: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:41PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 5

5. Νυχτερινή πτήση 29 by Stephen King One Past Midnight: The Langoliers by Stephen King
In Greek:Νυχτερινή πτήση 29

3 stars

It took me 2 afternoons to read this book and I still can't tell what I'm thinking about it.

When I completed the first chapter the story seemed to me strangely familiar after a few pages I realised that I had actually tried to read it again a few years ago but I couldn't finish it. So I decided that this time I would stick to it and finish it. And I just did!

In the beginning there was curiosity, lately the agony came and in the last two chapters I was struck by major disappointment! Why?Why to waist such a great idea in such a flat and not at all original end? It reminded me these stupid sci-fi movies of star channel(a Greek channel that often shows some pretty lame movies).

The friend of mine that gave me Langoliers is a big Stephen King's fan so he will be really disappointed when he hear it but you can't say that I didn't try to like this because I did!

Despite the end of the book, which I finally decided to ignore I rate Langoliers with 3 stars for the excellent beginning of the story and because this second time the route of the book and my irritating inquisitiveness made me keep reading until the last page.

10 to 12 January 2010

Book 5
Pages 300

message 9: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:41PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 6

6. Εισαγωγή στο διεθνές δίκαιο των ενόπλων συγκρούσεων by Διονύσης Γάγγας Εισαγωγή στο διεθνές δίκαιο των ενόπλων συγκρούσεων by Διονύσης Γάγγας

3 stars

This is a reread for university.Really interesting book for international humanitarian law but sometimes the same informations are repeated chapter after chapter. I really hope I have passed this course!!

16 to 19 January 2010

Book 6
Pages 526

message 10: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:41PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 7

7. Το σπίτι των πνευμάτων by Isabel Allende The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende
In Greek:Το σπίτι των πνευμάτων

5 stars

13 to 22 January 2010

Book 7
Pages 647

message 11: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:41PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 8

8. Λεμονοδάσος by Κοσμάς Πολίτης Λεμονοδάσος by Κοσμάς Πολίτης

3 stars

23 to 29 January 2010

Book 8
Pages 158

message 12: by Angeliki (last edited Jan 31, 2010 06:40PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments January's Report

Well, the last 10 days exams have gotten in the way...So probably for the next 3 or 4 weeks I will be reading books only for university.

Now January was a good reading month since I started my first goal! Although I slowed down in the last days I read 8 books, which I think is a good number to begin with.

Books 8
Pages 2511

1 star : 0
2 stars: 1
3 stars: 3
4 stars: 1
5 stars: 3

message 13: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:42PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 9

1. Εισαγωγή στο ιδιωτικό δίκαιο by Χαρίλαος Ν. Κεφάλας Εισαγωγή στο ιδιωτικό δίκαιο by Χαρίλαος Ν. Κεφάλας

1 star

30 January to 2 February 2010

Book 9
Pages 270

message 14: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:42PM) (new)

message 15: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:42PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 11

3. Διεθνές Οικονομικό Δίκαιο by Κωνσταντίνος Στεφάνου Διεθνές Οικονομικό Δίκαιο by Κωνσταντίνος Στεφάνου

2 stars

27 January to 4 February 2010

Book 11
Pages 752

message 16: by Bridgit (new)

Bridgit | 475 comments Angeliki wrote: "5.Νυχτερινή πτήση 29 by Stephen King One Past Midnight: The Langoliers by Stephen King
In Greek:Νυχτερινή πτήση 29

3 stars

It took me 2 afternoons t..."

This is interesting - i read Four Past Midnight by Stephen King and it was four stories together - the first was The Langoliers. I had no idea that he published them separately like that as well...

Like you though, I didnt really like it. It is one of the only King's I have read, and is why I really dont have much desire to read more of them.

message 17: by Angeliki (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Bridgit wrote: "Angeliki wrote: "5.Νυχτερινή πτήση 29 by Stephen King One Past Midnight: The Langoliers by Stephen King
In Greek:Νυχτερινή πτήση 29

3 stars

It ..."

Actually, here in Greece they were published in different books with no sign that they were originally one. I found out that there are four stories here in Goodreads.

message 18: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:43PM) (new)

message 19: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:43PM) (new)

message 20: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:43PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 14

6. Το κομματικό φαινόμενο by Thanos K Diamantopoulos Το κομματικό φαινόμενο by Thanos K Diamantopoulos

3 stars

7 February to 11 February 2010

Book 14
Pages 725

message 21: by Angeliki (last edited Mar 07, 2010 04:44PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments February's Report

February wasn't such a good month, generally, as it was exams period for university. In the reading part I am a little behind but I hope I will catch up from now on.

Books 6
Pages 2788

1 star : 1
2 stars: 1
3 stars: 3
4 stars: 1
5 stars: 0

message 22: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:44PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 15

1. Ρετρό στην ομίχλη  by Agatha Christie Sleeping Murder by Agatha Christie In Greek: Ρετρό στην ομίχλη

5 stars

2 March to 7 March

Book 15
Pages 192

message 23: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:44PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments June

Book 16

1. Ευρωατλαντικές σχέσεις by Constantine Arvanitopoulos Ευρωατλαντικές σχέσεις by Constantine Arvanitopoulos

3 stars

4 June to 9 June

Book 16
Pages 284

message 25: by Angeliki (last edited Jun 23, 2010 06:56PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Ok so this is not going so well as I thought it would!!! But during the last 3 months there were so many things going on in college with papers and exams that I had to devote all my reading time there...And since I decided to post only books that I read from cover to cover all this work doesn't count here... I really hope I will catch up on this from now on!

message 27: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:46PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments July

Book 19

1. Πεσμένα φύλλα Η αληθινή ιστορία μιας ανεπιθύμητης Κινέζας κόρης by Adeline Yen Mah Falling Leaves: The Memoir of an Unwanted Chinese Daughter by Adeline Yen Mah
In Greek:Πεσμένα φύλλα: Η αληθινή ιστορία μιας ανεπιθύμητης Κινέζας κόρης

4 stars

This is the personal story of Adeline Yen Mah, an unwanted Chinese daughter.
I am not sure of the rating of this book. I am between 3 and 4 stars. I have a feeling that it would be a better book, it would be an excellent book, if the story was not written with such bitterness from the part of the writer. I really liked the photographs of Adeline and her family, as they were a strong reminder of the fact that this is the actual story of Yen family and that these people have lived through the troubled times of China.
The story was captivating and I think that I would like to read another book of Adeline.

28 June to 03 July

Book 19
Pages 466

message 28: by Angeliki (last edited Aug 17, 2010 02:29PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 20

2. Smash Cut by Sandra Brown Smash Cut by Sandra Brown

4 stars

I won this book from Goodreads' giveaways, so I was so excited about reading since the time I took it in my hand, since this is the first time I ever won a book. So finally almost 3 months later I got through the exams period and I picked it up!

Smash cut is a novel full of mystery, suspense and unexpectable plot. A handsome tough lawyer, a beautiful owner of a gallery, a breathtaking good-looking and rich movie freak and a murder are the keys of a book that you can't let of your hands.
The story didn't hook me from the beginning. At first I was afraid that I was going to be let down since the first 3 or 4 chapters didn't catch my attention. But as the story went on I found myself involved and I really wanted to know where this was going. I liked the way the murderer was revealed around the middle of the book since this helped the story to go on. And that's when the big chase begin. The agony kept until the last line or better I could say until the last word. the epilogue whose a really good and full of relief ending.

I'm glad I stack at this book until the end since it turned out to be a really good reading. From the beginning until the end I felt that this has all the parts needed to be turned to a good police mystery movie too.

3 July to 17 July

Book 20
Pages 384

message 29: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:47PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 21

3. Το νησί by Victoria Hislop The Island by Victoria Hislop
In Greek:Το νησί

5 stars

Loved it!! Loved it!! Loved it!!

17 July to 19 July

Book 21
Pages 501

message 30: by Angeliki (last edited Jul 24, 2010 01:47PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 22

4. Τα Παραδεισένια οστά by Alice Sebold The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
In Greek: Τα Παραδεισένια οστά

4 stars

This left me with a constant feeling of despair, loneliness and fear... But also with a bittersweet taste in the end... I really liked although I just can't give it 5 stars... Something was missing, salvation never came...

20 July to 24 July

Book 22
Pages 445

message 31: by Angeliki (new)

message 32: by Angeliki (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 24

6. Amour Noir (L'infini) by Dominique Noguez Amour Noir by Dominique Noguez

1 star

19 July to 31 July

Book 24
Pages 211

message 33: by Angeliki (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments August

Book 25

1. Το Άρωμα by Patrick Süskind Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind
In Greek:Το Άρωμα

5 stars

1 August to 03 August

Book 25
Pages 272

message 34: by Angeliki (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 26

2. Το βαλς του αποχαιρετισμού by Milan Kundera Farewell Waltz by Milan Kundera
In Greek:Το βαλς του αποχαιρετισμού

3 stars

6 August

Book 26
Pages 271

message 35: by Angeliki (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 27

3. Ένα γλυκό κορίτσι by Fyodor Dostoevsky A Gentle Spirit: A Fantastic Story by Fyodor Dostoevsky
In Greek:Ένα γλυκό κορίτσι

4 stars

7 August

Book 27
Pages 137

message 36: by Angeliki (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 28

4. Αιολική γη by Ηλίας Βενέζης Αιολική γη by Ηλίας Βενέζης

3 stars

8 August to 9 August

Book 28
Pages 310

message 37: by Angeliki (last edited Aug 17, 2010 02:25PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 29

5. Η παγίδα των αηδονιών (Mύθοι των Oτόρι, τ. 1) by Lian Hearn Across the Nightingale Floor by Lian Hearn
In Greek:Η παγίδα των αηδονιών

4 stars

10 August to 12 August

Book 29
Pages 387

message 38: by Angeliki (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 30

6. Ανάσταση by Leo Tolstoy Resurrection by Leo Tolstoy
In Greek: Ανάσταση

4 stars

16 August to 19 August
Book 30
Pages 445

message 39: by Angeliki (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 31

7. Ο κοτζάμπασης του Καστρόπυργου by Μ. Καραγάτσης Ο κοτζάμπασης του Καστρόπυργου by Μ. Καραγάτσης

3 stars

20 August to 24 August

Book 31
Pages 235

message 40: by Angeliki (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 32

8. Η Κόρη του Λοχαγού by Alexander Pushkin The Captain's Daughter byAlexander Pushkin
In Greek:Η Κόρη του Λοχαγού

4 stars

25 August to 26 August

Books 32
Pages 183

message 41: by Angeliki (last edited Sep 08, 2010 10:48AM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments September

Book 33

1. Εισαγωγή στη διεθνή δικαιοσύνη by Κωνσταντίνος Ιωάννου Εισαγωγή στη διεθνή δικαιοσύνη by Κωνσταντίνος Ιωάννου

3 stars

17 February to 01 September

Books 33
Pages 366

message 43: by Angeliki (last edited Sep 07, 2010 09:51AM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 35

3. Μαντάμ Μποβαρύ by Gustave Flaubert Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
In Greek:Μαντάμ Μποβαρύ

2 stars

27 August to 04 September

Book 35
Pages 381

message 44: by Angeliki (last edited Sep 08, 2010 10:50AM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 36

4. Αρχές της Οικονομικής (Part 1) by N. Gregory Mankiw Principles of Economics by N. Gregory Mankiw
Ιn Greek:Αρχές της Οικονομικής

2 stars

04 September to 07 September

Book 36
Pages 639

message 46: by Angeliki (last edited Sep 15, 2010 12:51PM) (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 38

6. Στο λόφο του Γουότερσιπ Μια ανάσα από τον παράδεισο by Richard Adams Watership Down by Richard Adams In Greek:Στο λόφο του Γουότερσιπ:Μια ανάσα από τον παράδεισο

5 stars

I adored this book!!! The best allegory I have ever read.

08 September to 15 September

Book 38
Pages 566

message 47: by Angeliki (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 39

1. Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

4 stars

September 28 to October 01

Book 39
Pages 283

message 48: by Angeliki (new)

Angeliki (jelojelo) | 65 comments Book 40

2. Krakow Waltz by Kate Allan Krakow Waltz by Kate Allan

3 stars

September 16 to October 01

Book 40
Pages 242

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