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TV, Movies and Games > Star Wars The Bad Batch

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message 1: by Phillip (new)

Phillip Murrell | 365 comments https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/star-wa...

I hope it's good. My only issue with the Clone Wars arc was each character having a distinct voice. I know they're unique, but I liked how they all sounded the same and therefore were easy to consider expendable.

message 2: by Trike (new)

Trike | 10485 comments If they’re all going to be voiced by the same guy, he better get paid 5x what everyone else does.

message 3: by Silvana (last edited Jul 22, 2020 06:47AM) (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 1778 comments It'll be like watching an audiobook!

As much as I liked the Bad Batch, I'll take a series about Sabine and Ahsoka anytime.... ;)

message 4: by Kev (new)

Kev (sporadicreviews) | 666 comments Silvana wrote: "As much as I liked the Bad Batch, I'll take a series about Sabine and Ashoka anytime.... ;)"

Right there with you on the Ahsoka/Sabine buddy show!

Dee Bradley Baker gave each Bad Batch character more distinct voices than he did the other clones, due to the nature of their characters. I wasn't crazy about the Bad Batch arc, to be honest. I hope this show gives us insight to what it's like to live and work in the beginnings of the Empire. I kinda hope the Bad Batch are still working for the Empire, taking on more and more questionable missions and begin to question their allegiances... long before they ever meet up with an fledgling rebellion cells.

message 5: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 1778 comments Is this good? I need to decide whether to resubscribe or not.

message 6: by Rob, Roberator (new)

Rob (robzak) | 7129 comments Mod
I think if you enjoyed them in the final season of Clone Wars, you'll enjoy this series.

Depending on what's available in your area and how worried about spoilers you are, you could maybe wait to subscribe until Loki drops (assuming you're planning on that), or later on during the final month of the series.

Bad Batch is going to run another 15 weeks, so you're looking at a few months worth of subscription if you're watching it week to week.

message 7: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 1778 comments I did enjoy them. But, Yikes that's a long time. Thanks , Rob!

message 8: by John (Nevets) (new)

John (Nevets) Nevets (nevets) | 1862 comments I liked it, but I'm not sure if it would be needed to watch it as it comes out. According to IMDB it is going be a 16 episode season stretching out for 4 months. So you may want to wait for several to pile up and maybe subscribe for just a month or two.

The plot has some similarities to The Mandalorian, but using that group from the last season of Clone Wars. It looks like they are going to continue having some cameo's from charcters who were in both Clone Wars, and possibly other series.

The animation itself has been very good as well, but that is no surprise from this group.

Hope that helps.

message 9: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 1778 comments Very helpful, thank you, John!

message 10: by Chris K. (new)

Chris K. | 341 comments I enjoyed the first episode quite a bit. I thought the second episode was very predictable. The animation is very cool.

I've never seen either Clone Wars or Rebels and was able to follow what was going on.

message 11: by Ian (RebelGeek) (new)

Ian (RebelGeek) Seal (rebel-geek) | 860 comments I love it!

message 12: by Trike (new)

Trike | 10485 comments Is it just me or...?


message 13: by Ruth (new)

Ruth | 1600 comments Wait... this show is called The Bad Batch??
When Disney+ fired an advert at me on Tuesday I skim read the title and thought it was called The Bad Bitch. I remember thinking that was an unexpectedly edgy title for a Star Wars series and that maybe they were courting a more adult audience.

message 14: by Trike (new)

Trike | 10485 comments I believe you’re thinking of a different franchise.


message 15: by Rob, Roberator (new)

Rob (robzak) | 7129 comments Mod
Ruth wrote: "Wait... this show is called The Bad Batch??
When Disney+ fired an advert at me on Tuesday I skim read the title and thought it was called The Bad Bitch. I remember thinking that was an unexpectedly..."

The Bad Bitch is airing on Hulu here in the US. Too edgy for Disney+

message 16: by Chris K. (last edited May 09, 2021 07:40PM) (new)

Chris K. | 341 comments I've been watching it on Disney+ and live in the US. Man! I just read Rob's comment closely. Obviously, The Bad Bitch is on Hulu!

message 17: by Kev (new)

Kev (sporadicreviews) | 666 comments Rob wrote: "I think if you enjoyed them in the final season of Clone Wars, you'll enjoy this series."

I was bored by their set of episodes in TCW. Their own show has grabbed me from the start and two episodes in I'm really enjoying it. And based on the stories of the first two episodes, I'm betting it will only get better as the series progresses.

message 18: by John (Nevets) (new)

John (Nevets) Nevets (nevets) | 1862 comments I once again enjoyed today's episode. But I am left asking myself again, who is this for? The story line was bifurcated in this episode. And one of them is very serious and probably not for younger kids. And the other half involves (view spoiler), and might put off older kids/ teenagers, and maybe even some young adults. So is the only audience older adults, who find the later fine, and are also comfortable with the other half?

I guess if there are enough of us who do enjoy it, that they keep making it, I shouldn't care. But it just constantly baffles me.

message 19: by Trike (new)

Trike | 10485 comments John (Nevets) wrote: "I once again enjoyed today's episode. But I am left asking myself again, who is this for? The story line was bifurcated in this episode. And one of them is very serious and probably not for younger..."

Maybe it’s like comics in the ‘90s, where readers were guys in their 30s, so it went all edgy and pseudo-mature, but had hangovers from the kid-friendly comics code.

message 20: by John (Taloni) (new)

John (Taloni) Taloni (johntaloni) | 4967 comments But...The Phantom Menace featured a kid, and that movie was beloved by adult Star Wars fans!

message 21: by Rob, Roberator (new)

Rob (robzak) | 7129 comments Mod
I haven't enjoyed the last 2 episodes nearly as much as the first one or their arc last season.

I agree that it felt like 2 very different stories.

I'm a big Dave Fiolini fan so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'm kind of wishing we got an animated sequel to Rebels instead.

My guess is the live action Ahsoka series derailed that though.

message 22: by Trike (new)

Trike | 10485 comments John (Taloni) wrote: "But...The Phantom Menace featured a kid, and that movie was beloved by adult Star Wars fans!"

Heh, good one.

message 23: by John (Nevets) (new)

John (Nevets) Nevets (nevets) | 1862 comments Spoilers for at least episode 3, and some other stuff like Rebels and Rogue One. More thoughts similar to what I posted above.

(view spoiler)

message 24: by Tassie Dave, S&L Historian (new)

Tassie Dave | 3973 comments Mod
Rob wrote: "The Bad Bitch is airing on Hulu here in the US. Too edgy for Disney+."

Not too edgy for D+ in Oz 😉


message 25: by Melina (new)

Melina | 46 comments Rob wrote: "I haven't enjoyed the last 2 episodes nearly as much as the first one or their arc last season.

I agree that it felt like 2 very different stories.

I'm a big Dave Fiolini fan so I'm willing to gi..."

Same thoughts. I kept thinking, who is this series targeted for? The two storylines have vastly different tones. I hope the series improves as it progresses.

message 26: by Kev (new)

Kev (sporadicreviews) | 666 comments Remember that The Clone Wars was also supposedly aimed at ChilDrEn but also often featured brutal deaths (Ahsoka beheading four Mandos in a single go, Ventress frequently skewering people, thousands of clones being killed in war, etc), yet also featured a kid as a main character and episodes featuring juveniles in main roles, yet overall it's beloved in fandom - kid show be damned.

Rebels started out as a "kids show" featuring a kid in a leading role, also featured blatant deaths, and is also mostly beloved in fandom.

Resistance also... nevermind.

Bad Batch is three episodes in and still has quite a run to go. Perhaps in hindsight the fandom will feel the same way "oh, I remember not liking it much the first few episodes, but it grew on me!"

message 27: by John (Nevets) (new)

John (Nevets) Nevets (nevets) | 1862 comments Good perspective Kev. I do like the show, I just wonder about the audience. And maybe it is mostly us old folks who can handle both aspects of the story.

I also think that Clone wars grew up as it went along. I may be misremembering but didn't most of the more violent episodes happen in the later seasons that were after Ahsoka had her time jump, and the overall show matured? Rebels did sort of the same thing with the show maturing as Ezra did? And like i said in the last spoiler (view spoiler)

message 28: by Tassie Dave, S&L Historian (new)

Tassie Dave | 3973 comments Mod
Who you calling old, fella? 😉😜

Just because I had finished High School "before" Star Wars was released 🤨 😉 😜

As most of us original Star Wars nerds are getting up there I wish they would make some SW shows that are aimed at an older audience and tackle complex issues.

I am enjoying Bad Batch.

message 29: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Richter (stephenofskytrain) | 1534 comments I am enjoying the show too. And so are the nephews and nieces who had no problem with Disney going dark.

message 30: by Ian (RebelGeek) (new)

Ian (RebelGeek) Seal (rebel-geek) | 860 comments I'm ready for hard R / TV-MA Star Wars! Give us F-bombs & stuff! Hell yeah!

message 31: by Stephen (last edited Jun 26, 2021 02:38AM) (new)

Stephen Richter (stephenofskytrain) | 1534 comments I liked this week's episode. The animation continues to amaze me.

message 32: by John (Nevets) (new)

John (Nevets) Nevets (nevets) | 1862 comments For good or bad, I've gotten so used to the high quality animation, I don't notice it as much now as I did the first few episodes. But the story is continually great. I'm digging the longer storytelling arc with this one, unlike what they did in the last few seasons of clone wars. You know some beats are probably going to happen in the series. But with having a more meandering journey in hitting them allows for more fun randomness between those beats.

message 33: by Calvey (new)

Calvey | 272 comments The story telling has been great lately. I feel they flashed some bling at the start and now have settled in nicely. Animation. Top. Notch. So many new connections being made for future stories if they want.

message 34: by Calvey (new)

Calvey | 272 comments The (view spoiler) and Omega is really growing on me.

message 35: by Kev (last edited Jul 23, 2021 09:59PM) (new)

Kev (sporadicreviews) | 666 comments Calvey wrote: "The [spoilers removed] and Omega is really growing on me."

It was nice seeing (view spoiler). Omega, while quite advanced for her age, is definitely growing on me as well. Kinda hoping she shows up in other material further down the timeline. Though that would then just make this a set up for her, instead of maybe her own story.

message 36: by Calvey (new)

Calvey | 272 comments I think she will pop up other material after the series ends if she makes it out alive. :). You don't build up these chairs and not use them else where.

message 37: by Ian (RebelGeek) (new)

Ian (RebelGeek) Seal (rebel-geek) | 860 comments Omega is a great chair-acter! ;-)

message 38: by John (Nevets) (new)

John (Nevets) Nevets (nevets) | 1862 comments Well it looks like the end of the season is being set up. I'm a little surprised (view spoiler) Still a good episode, and it will be interesting to see how it wraps up. Two more to go.

message 39: by Calvey (new)

Calvey | 272 comments Yes I enjoyed. Building up each episode. I rewatched the last 4 episodes of The Clone Wars Season 7 last night, still breaks my heart.

message 40: by John (Nevets) (new)

John (Nevets) Nevets (nevets) | 1862 comments Those 4 really are great story telling. Yes you need some of the backstory to make it have the impact it does. But man I'd put those 4 up against any movie or television episode(s) I can think of, and think it would come out on or near the top.

message 41: by Phillip (last edited Aug 01, 2021 12:23PM) (new)

Phillip Murrell | 365 comments John (Nevets) wrote: "(view spoiler)

(view spoiler)

message 42: by John (Nevets) (new)

John (Nevets) Nevets (nevets) | 1862 comments Phillip wrote: "John (Nevets) wrote: "[spoilers removed]

[spoilers removed]"

Thanks. I did not remember that at all. Although I did remember the R2 arc. I still mostly stand by my point, although I admit it is on shakier ground now.

message 43: by Calvey (new)

Calvey | 272 comments I posted on Discord, but though I would share here too. This last episode (15) was great.

(view spoiler)

message 44: by Ian (RebelGeek) (last edited Aug 09, 2021 10:34PM) (new)

Ian (RebelGeek) Seal (rebel-geek) | 860 comments Calvey wrote: "I posted on Discord, but though I would share here too. This last episode (15) was great.

I didn't know that I needed closure on Kamino and The Clone Wars, but here we are and it left a mark. Th..."

What Calvey said. Yes.

message 45: by John (Nevets) (new)

John (Nevets) Nevets (nevets) | 1862 comments New season has started up. Lets see where this goes.

message 46: by Calvey (new)

Calvey | 272 comments I like the look, the opening scene in EP1 was soooo blue. Wonderfully done. (view spoiler).

I said several time this is a start of Rebel Cell.

message 47: by Rick (new)

Rick Hmm. The eps were... fine. But I do hope this is the start of an arc that takes them away from the mission of the week where stuff goes wrong, they get in a scrape, Omega does something stupid but Learns A Lesson because that's not an interesting formula.

Regardless, good to have this back.

message 48: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 1778 comments John (Nevets) wrote: "New season has started up. Lets see where this goes."

Is the episode once a week? glad I put notif on this thread or else I would not have known it's back!

message 49: by John (Nevets) (new)

John (Nevets) Nevets (nevets) | 1862 comments Silvana wrote: "John (Nevets) wrote: "New season has started up. Lets see where this goes."

Is the episode once a week? glad I put notif on this thread or else I would not have known it's back!"

Yep, just like the first season, at least that’s my understanding. They started this week with 2 episodes, but I believe it will only be 1 a week going forward. And it will be about the same length as the previous season as well. So if you want to wait a while before you jump on to the service again, you should be fine.

And you are also correct that they don’t seem to be promoting this that heavily. I got a heads up from Apple TV app on my iPad (not 100% sure why), otherwise I may not have realized it either until Calvey or someone else spoke up here.

message 50: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 1778 comments John (Nevets) wrote: "Silvana wrote: "John (Nevets) wrote: "New season has started up. Lets see where this goes."

Is the episode once a week? glad I put notif on this thread or else I would not have known it's back!"


Thanks. I think I'll wait till they release the whole episodes. Looking forward to more SW!

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