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Space Opera Fans discussion

'Military' Space Opera > Looking for New/Popular Space Opera Series of 2020/2021

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message 1: by Isaac (new)

Isaac Norsham | 14 comments Just looking for any popular/bestselling space opera series first installment published in 2020. I can also accept series come out in 2019.

Most well-known Space Opera books publish in early 2010, some even before the 2000. I am just trying to see if our current cultures and new technologies bring anything new or different in the Space Opera worlds.

message 2: by MadProfessah (new)

MadProfessah (madprofesssah) | 140 comments The Salvation Sequence by Peter F. Hamilton and/or The Protectorate (Velocity Weapon, Chaos Vector, Catalyst Gate) by Megan O’Keefe

message 3: by Trike (new)

Trike | 699 comments I will second Velocity Weapon, which I liked enough to buy Chaos Vector.

I also enjoyed Finder, which is about a spaceship repo man, and Chilling Effect, which is lightweight adventure. I don’t think these last two have anything to do with latest tech, particularly Chilling Effect, which is more telenovela than technobabble.

Edges is solid and has more of what you’re looking for, but the book is clearly just the first part of a bigger story.

Providence likewise is more current and I would describe it as Dark Star meets Catch-22.

I don’t recall whether The Wrong Stars is cutting edge, but it does have some interesting ideas and the aliens called Liars are a unique creation in my experience.

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