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The Undocumented Americans
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May 2021: Other Books > The Undocumetned Americans - Karla Cornejo Villavicencio - 4 stars

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Booknblues | 10081 comments I've made one of my objectives for this year to better understand issues facing immigrants and refugees, so finding Karla Cornejo Villavicencio's The Undocumented Americans seemed helpful. At the time which she wrote this book Villavicencio was in the DACA program and worried about her status because of the fateful election of 2016.

The Undocumented Americans is part memoir and part investigative reporting about other undocumented Americans. Villavicencio came to this country from Ecuador at 5 years old. She was a gifted student and as such attended and graduated from Harvard. She is currently enrolled at a Doctoral program for American Studies at Yale. Years of worrying about her and her families status, Have weighed heavily on her and affected her mental health. She is spunky, assertive, driven and at times embittered and we can read that in her writing.

She has investigated various immigrant communities from the first responders to ground zero, to Miami, to Flint, Michigan, to long term undocumented who were expelled under 45's policies, to the aging undocumented. In all of these she reports on the struggles and injustices which they face.

I found this book to be very eye opening.

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