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Goodreads Librarians Group discussion

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Policies & Practices > Updated Policy on Valid Book Records and Non-Book Items

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message 1: by Jaclyn, Librarian Program Manager (new)

Jaclyn (jaclyn_w) | 5813 comments Mod
We’ve made an addition to our Librarian Policy on Valid Book Items and Non-Book Items, to explicitly state that rumored or unconfirmed releases should not be added to the catalog. This includes instances where a publisher hints, but has not officially announced, a new release. Most Librarians are already aware of this rule, and can now find it in the following Librarian Manual articles:

Librarian Manual: Valid book records
Librarian Manual: Non-book items

A line has also been added to the non-book items article stating that the addition of non-book items can result in Librarian status being revoked. This condition was already in place, but has been added here for transparency.

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