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Space Opera Fans discussion

Pillars of the Moon (Empath, Go Home, #1)
This topic is about Pillars of the Moon
R2R Read-to-Review Program > R2R lunar colony 10 copies

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message 1: by Scott (last edited Aug 01, 2023 11:04PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Scott Rhine (rhine) As a world-class empath, Jackdaw Speaks-with-Stones was supposed to follow his father to become Speaker for the Whales. Unfortunately, he is going blind at sixteen. Under the Articles of Submission, Earth isn’t permitted the technology to help him. A fateful encounter leads him to the Moon where he can restore his sight and attend a prep school for the corporate elite. In a valley where the sun never sets, he discovers corruption and conspiracies that threaten the foundations of Lunar civilization.

Fans of the Expanse, the Moon is A Harsh Mistress, Ancillary Justice, David Brin, and Andy Weir will enjoy this novel.

Warning: contains FF romance, non-explicit

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