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Fantasy Buddy Reads discussion

Pawn's Gambit
This topic is about Pawn's Gambit
Archive [Retired Buddy Reads] > Pawn's Gambit (Mortal Techniques #2)[May 10. 2024]

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message 1: by Yanique, Thread Master (new)

Yanique Gillana | 2217 comments Mod
This is a Buddy Read for Pawn's Gambit by Rob J. Hayes starting on May 10, 2024.
Pawn's Gambit by Rob J. Hayes

Happy Reading!

Ann-Marie | 3318 comments Through chapter 29 (view spoiler)

Ann-Marie | 3318 comments Finished and (view spoiler)

Nirkatze | 14875 comments Started today also! Really enjoying so far--through Chapter 4--(view spoiler)

Nirkatze | 14875 comments Through Chapter 20 and really enjoying... (view spoiler)

Nirkatze | 14875 comments Every time the narrator says "NaTSUko" it makes me want to tear out my hair... Japanese has no stresses. It should be a very even "Natsuko"--in fact, the "tsu" should be destressed, might even drop the "u"

message 7: by Nirkatze (last edited May 21, 2024 10:31AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Nirkatze | 14875 comments Chapter 26 LOL (view spoiler)

Nirkatze | 14875 comments Chapter 27 (view spoiler)

Ann-Marie | 3318 comments Nirkatze wrote: "Chapter 27 "

I liked this as well!

Nirkatze | 14875 comments Finished! LOL Don't hate me, I actually liked the ending... (view spoiler)

Ann-Marie | 3318 comments Nirkatze wrote: "Finished! LOL Don't hate me, I actually liked the ending... [spoilers removed]"

I guess we need to get synced back up after my hiatus lol My beef with the ending (view spoiler)

Nirkatze | 14875 comments LOL I can see that! I wonder if (view spoiler)

Your comment on getting back in-synch makes me think of Power Rangers, lol.

Ann-Marie | 3318 comments description

And I am not sure what ending would have satisfied me but this certainly wasn't it lol

Nirkatze | 14875 comments LOL Love the gif! I wonder if you'll go into the next one expecting a similiar twist and then he pulls out a happy ending and you'll be pissed at him for undermining expectations.

Ann-Marie | 3318 comments Nirkatze wrote: "LOL Love the gif! I wonder if you'll go into the next one expecting a similiar twist and then he pulls out a happy ending and you'll be pissed at him for undermining expectations."

You are so right! I do not manage my own expectations very well.....

Nirkatze | 14875 comments LOL Expectations are very unruly like that, neh?

Ann-Marie | 3318 comments Nirkatze wrote: "LOL Expectations are very unruly like that, neh?"

So true lol

message 18: by Marie (new)

Marie  Chalupová  (levitara) | 492 comments I really don't want to do it but I have to sacrifice this series to manage my eye reading TBR. Since it's standalones, it's really the best candidate for the cut.

message 19: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (new)

Timelord Iain | 28243 comments Mod
Started last night… feels quite different than never die, through the first 6 chapters…

message 20: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (new)

Timelord Iain | 28243 comments Mod
Through chapter 14… loving the MCs strategies… her constantly sayings reminds me of Icarus Saga 2+… if I were to guess at a twist ending, (view spoiler)

message 21: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (new)

Timelord Iain | 28243 comments Mod
Is the MC named Yuu to create a pseudo-2nd person narrative experience, or is that just coincidence of Asian name sounds?

Nirkatze | 14875 comments Timelord Iain wrote: "Is the MC named Yuu to create a pseudo-2nd person narrative experience, or is that just coincidence of Asian name sounds?"

LOL I was thinking similar things... My guess? Both.

Nirkatze | 14875 comments Marie wrote: "I really don't want to do it but I have to sacrifice this series to manage my eye reading TBR. Since it's standalones, it's really the best candidate for the cut."

I hear you, Marie. It'll be here if you ever feel the mood to come back!

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