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Goodreads Librarians Group discussion

Questions (not edit requests) > Librarian Group folders [call for feedback]

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message 1: by Jaclyn, Librarian Program Manager (last edited Nov 29, 2023 03:03PM) (new)

Jaclyn (jaclyn_w) | 5813 comments Mod
Hi Librarians

I'm looking for feedback on the folder structure within the Librarians Group.


1. Does any folder contain too many different types of requests and could be split out into more?

2. Is any folder not being used correctly, and could be more clearly defined?

3. Are any folders not of use and can be removed?'

4. Please feel welcome to share any other ways in which the folders could be more useful to you when using the Group. 😊

message 2: by Arenda (new)

Arenda | 25920 comments Jaclyn wrote: "3. Are any folders not of use and can be removed?"

Maybe the "Language & Translation Issues" folder?
Is it really necessary to keep this folder?

The latest requests are about combining editions, adding a translator, adding or changing the language or description.
I think these requests can just as well be in the "Book & Author Page Issues" folder, since there are many requests about non-English books in that folder already.

message 3: by Arenda (last edited Nov 29, 2023 04:36PM) (new)

Arenda | 25920 comments Corinne wrote: "And I respectfully request a regular loop through by staff to move requests out of 'General', 'Announcements' & the 'Policies & Practices' folders.."

Yes please.

ETA: and the same for the "Additions to Librarian Manual" folder.

message 4: by Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂ (last edited Dec 02, 2023 03:30AM) (new)

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 278 comments Thanks for the opportunity to comment, Jaclyn. I appreciate the work you are doing behind the scenes.

Yes please to removing Genres!

With general, Announcements, Additions to the Librarian Manual, I was wondering if developers could make it so only staff could comment there. Especially with general, that would (nicely) force members to learn how to correctly add the posts.

Until this is done, I agree that it would be nice to see the other moderators & they could move things out of those folders- also move things out of the Policy & Practices /Supers' Folder. We don't want the few Supers who still help there to burn out!

I'm ok with Languages & Translations staying. Maybe encourage people requesting people needing help with more obscure languages to post there? Their requests often get lost in Books & Authors.

The order I would like to see;

general (only open to staff comment)
Announcements (only open to staff comment)
Adding New Books & Editions
Book & Author Page Issues
Book Cover Help
Page Numbering Requests
Looking for a Project
Language & Translations (maybe with a pinned post, explaining what the folder is for)
Issues with Quotes
Help with Listopias
Requests for Superlibrarians
Policy & Practices
Additions to the Librarians Manual (only open to staff comment)
[closed] Folder

I know the previous moderator did move Book & author down to try to stop page counts & cover requests going there though. Or I assume that was the reason.

Edited to add "Help with Listopias"

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 278 comments Corinne wrote: "Adding that my opinion would be "Book & Author Page Issues" would remain *after* some of the other choices (pages, covers, series) in hopes that people don't stop looking and post their requests th..."

I take your point, but some people post requests with other issues in the page count folder - sort of like "The page count is what is important to me, but while you are there, could you add the cover, etc, etc."

They don't realise that page counts are usually done by new librarians or librarians without much spare time.

message 6: by L J (new)

L J | 609 comments Corinne wrote: "Adding that my opinion would be "Book & Author Page Issues" would remain *after* some of the other choices (pages, covers, series) in hopes that people don't stop looking and post their requests th..."


Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 278 comments Corinne wrote: "Wow, I'm not too new (haha) and I try to avoid page counts at all costs.

ETA: I find it a high risk for error and requires assuring the OP understands policy and that a secondary source agrees."

I'm not doing many now (in part because the ranking lists aren't working) but I used to do quite a few. I like the preciseness of it. & I used to skip over requests that also wanted series or covers added. Minor things like publisher or format I was happy to do.

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 278 comments I've never read it before & they all seem to be librarians that no longer work in this group.

But I don't work much with series.

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 278 comments Corinne wrote: "Does that mean you agree with unpinning it from the top of the series folder or just commentary?"

Sorry to be unclear. I don't think it is necessary & I would be surprised if anyone refers to it.

message 10: by L J (new)

L J | 609 comments Carol She's So Novel꧁꧂ wrote: "Corinne wrote: "Does that mean you agree with unpinning it from the top of the series folder or just commentary?"

Sorry to be unclear. I don't think it is necessary & I would be surprised if anyon..."

Maybe it could be replaced with summary list and link to series info in manual.

message 11: by Liralen (new)

Liralen | 7683 comments This is not so much a folder thing, but (along the lines of the suggestions re: the pinned post in the Series folder) I'd appreciate a staff run-through of all pinned posts (even better if it could happen every six months) to see what could be unpinned.

message 12: by Martin (last edited Nov 30, 2023 08:51AM) (new)

Martin | 20763 comments In line with my question here https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/...
If sources are required for requests in a particular folder please can that be stated in a pinned 'guidelines' post.

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 278 comments I've thought of another folder - Help with Listopias. It often isn't clear to members where they should post.

On my list I would put it between Awards & Requests for Superlibrarians.

message 14: by Renske (new)

Renske | 11975 comments The Languages & Translations folder seems now indeed mostly requests that also fit in the Book and Author issues. While in the past it was also the place to ask if you as a librarian were looking for someone to help with a certain language as you couldn't find the original title for a translation or such. If those requests are still made, they're completely buried under the other requests.

Clean up of the pinned posts is also a good suggestion.

message 15: by L J (last edited Dec 01, 2023 04:04PM) (new)

L J | 609 comments Is any folder not being used correctly, and could be more clearly defined?
Are any folders not of use and can be removed?'
...other ways in which the folders could be more useful to you when using the Group

'General' could use more monitoring and clean-up.

'Announcements' has become a spam/self-promo magnet and needs clean-up. Suggest drop it down the folder list with other folders primarily of interest to Goodreads Librarians, rename 'Announcements by Goodreads' and limit posts to staff.

'Policies & Practices' needs some clean-up and regular monitoring. Its purpose seems to be misunderstood.

'Questions' also needs clean-up and monitoring.

'Book & Author Page Issues' Consider adding 'Closed' folder and allow Librarians to move completed requests as is now done with Add.

'Language & Translation Issues' folder may no longer be needed as most language issues are dealt with in 'Book and Author Page Issues' folder. Maybe L & T Issues could be a discussion thread in 'Book and Author Page Issues' instead of a separate folder.

'Genres' gives the impression it's something with which Librarians can help. If it can't go away maybe archive or lock and add to title a link to appropriate help article.

I think re-ordering the folders makes some sense.
Most members seem to come here wanting books added so have that folder after general followed by other request folders.
'Questions' could be next.
Then folders primarily of interest to Goodreads Librarians.
'[Closed] Added Books/Editions' at bottom of list as it is now.

message 16: by Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂ (last edited Dec 02, 2023 03:39AM) (new)

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 278 comments Jaclyn wrote: "Hi Librarians

I'm looking for feedback on the folder structure within the Librarians Group.


1. Does any folder contain too many different types of requests and could be split out int..."

...other ways in which the folders could be more useful to you when using ..."

I don't think all of the stickied posts in Policy & Practices still need to be stickied.

I think after all the hoo-ha at the time, all librarians in this group must be aware of the policy change in 2018 for Great Courses.

Likewise the change for ISBNs/ASINs.

I'd really this one to be visible again. https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/...

& keep it open so librarians can comment when it happens again.

I think some new librarians are shy or not confident & don't like to post when they have done something.

Edit; & a lot of us are posting things in Questions, when they should be in Policy & practices because the stickied posts hide them from view.

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 278 comments Unfortunately a librarian who was active in this thread appears to have deleted her account.

I think the thread still makes sense other than she suggested this very old thread could be unstickied.


I don't work much with series, but I would be surprised if any librarians used a thread that was this long & this old.

Is there any info in it that needs to be in the manual?

message 18: by L J (new)

L J | 609 comments Carol She's So Novel꧁꧂ wrote: "Unfortunately a librarian who was active in this thread appears to have deleted her account.

I think the thread still makes sense other than she suggested this very old thread could be unstickied....

...I would be surprised if any librarians used a thread that was this long & this old.
Is there any info in it that needs to be in the manual?"

I took a quick look. Many are outdated comments having to do with ancient bugs.

I do think information on how to handle books in multiple series is useful and updated multiple series information could be included in manual.

message 19: by Renske (new)

Renske | 11975 comments This what I can think of as a practical order:

Start: general, announcements
The very common ones: Adding new books, Book & Author issues, cover, page numbers
The more specialised: Series, Awards, Quotes, language and translations (If that one is kept)
The very specific ones: Projects and Requests for Superlibrarians
The how to part: Questions, Policies and Practices, Librarian manual
The closed folder.

The lines between Questions, policies and practices, librarian manual might need to be reconsidered/clarified. Also for the staff, what they put there or put in announcements.

The genres folder could be removed, it was created when the genres were new and the tags and genres needed to be organised, so it has no longer a purpose.

message 20: by Jaclyn, Librarian Program Manager (new)

Jaclyn (jaclyn_w) | 5813 comments Mod
Thanks for all this feedback! I'll work through it and will look to reorganise all the folders in early 2024.

message 21: by Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂ (last edited Jan 21, 2024 03:59AM) (new)

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 278 comments Happy New Year Jaclyn!

I'm not a fan of the long running threads in this group, but this one has always worked well.


I think the title & your first post makes it clear that it is only for authors to request books being moved to & from their author profile.

But now a couple of other people are putting requests in there. Sometimes for different matters. IMO not fair on the authors or the few librarians who work in the thread.

In my opinion there are two different solutions.

1 The friendlier would be to change it to Please move this/these book(s) from here to there with a warning that off topic posts will be deleted without warning by the moderators. This means anyone can post a request there.

2 Moderators check the thread & delete the off topic posts. (with a warning in the first post that this will happen)

message 22: by Michele (new)

Michele | 4991 comments First, thank you Jaclyn and others for all the work you do -- we're very grateful!

I think the organization overall is really good. I can focus on particular types of requests I'm good at or enjoy, like Serieses or Add new books/editions.

I would LOVE a policy statement pinned to the top of every folder that tells Librarians exactly when we should and should not comment "done" on a request, and maybe guidance on what we should say (should I just say "done"? should I include a link to the done thing? should I tell people to edit the title of their post, or should I tell them to move their request to the "completed" folder?)

This post here https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/... clearly says "Please post a "done" if you do fulfill a request in here."

When I started working on fulfilling requests I faithfully followed that policy, but I got reprimanded more than once for adding "done" comments to posts that somebody considered "too old." First, I have no way of knowing how old is too old (and different moderators seem to have different opinions). Second, it seems like ALL requests should get a "done" comment if they're complete, no matter how old they are. It's a HUGE help to go into a request and see immediately that it's been done, rather than having to search the title or ISBN and check for myself.

So it would be great to get that clarified and not have conflicting experiences. Thank you for considering :)

message 23: by Arenda (new)

Arenda | 25920 comments Michele wrote: "When I started working on fulfilling requests I faithfully followed that policy, but I got reprimanded more than once for adding "done" comments to posts that somebody considered "too old." First, I have no way of knowing how old is too old (and different moderators seem to have different opinions). Second, it seems like ALL requests should get a "done" comment if they're complete, no matter how old they are. It's a HUGE help to go into a request and see immediately that it's been done, rather than having to search the title or ISBN and check for myself."

Users who stop using GR can choose to delete their comments when they delete their profile. This has also been done by Librarians. Some of them were very active in the Librarians Group. All their posts replying to a request in the Librarians Group have been gone now.

First, I have no way of knowing how old is too old
You got an answer: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/...

message 24: by Michele (last edited Jan 23, 2024 02:51AM) (new)

Michele | 4991 comments Arenda, yes, thanks for the reminder. I do think it would be helpful to have that rule more prominently mentioned so that everyone knows.

Also, thanks so much for explaining about deleted accounts and vanished comments! It never occurred to me that completed requests might once have had a "done" and that it got deleted. It all makes a lot more sense to me now :)

message 25: by Jaclyn, Librarian Program Manager (last edited Apr 15, 2024 01:10PM) (new)

Jaclyn (jaclyn_w) | 5813 comments Mod
Hi everyone. Thanks for your patience here. Over the next couple of weeks I'll work through the following folder changes.

Adding or Closing Folders
* Genres (to be closed, or locked with link to a Help article)
* Language & Translation Issues (to be closed, and redirected to Book & Author Page Issues)
* Help with Listopias (New folder to be added)

New Folder Order
Announcements (new name: Announcements by Goodreads)
Adding New Books & Editions
Book Cover Help
Book & Author Page Issues
Page Numbering Requests
Looking for a Project
Issues with Quotes
Help with Listopias
Requests for Superlibrarians
Policy & Practices
Additions to the Librarians Manual (only open to staff comment)
[closed] Folder

Folder Maintenance
* Sticky a clarifying post to the top of each folder to explain what should/n't go there and what is required in each request (e.g., sources). I can also add suggestions for how Librarians can respond to completed requests.
* Removal of old or insignificant stickied posts - I'll move some information the Manual when relevant (e.g., this post).
* A clean out of incorrect posts in General, Announcements, Policies & Practices, Requests for Superlibrarians, and Additions to Librarian Manual folders. I'll prompt moderators to do this on a more regular loop.

* I'll look into closing the general and Announcement folders to staff only.
* Update this thread to warn that off-topic posts will be deleted.

message 26: by Jaclyn, Librarian Program Manager (new)

Jaclyn (jaclyn_w) | 5813 comments Mod
A couple of questions:

1. Would it be helpful to split the Book and Author folder into a folder for book page questions, and another for author page?
2. Would it be useful to have a 'please remove this book' folder, with strict guidelines in place which Librarians can link to for incorrect requests?

message 27: by L J (new)

L J | 609 comments Jaclyn wrote: "Hi everyone. Thanks for your patience here. Over the next couple of weeks I'll work through the following folder changes.

Adding or Closing Folders
* Genres (to be closed, or locked with link to a..."

Thank you. This makes sense.

Jaclyn wrote: "A couple of questions:

1. Would it be helpful to split the Book and Author folder into a folder for book page questions, and another for author page?
2. Would it be useful to have a 'please remove..."

1. Not sure. It might just cause confusion. I can imagine someone wondering where to post when they see on a book page something indicating book is being attributed to wrong same name author.

2. Considering how many requests for removal concern books that should not be removed this might be helpful.

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 278 comments Thanks Jaclyn.

I'm especially happy to see a folder for Listopia (because members never were sure where to post their requests) & the Librarians Manual being closed. I'd still like (if possible) for general & Announcements to be closed. Really like the new name for Announcements.

1. I know at the moment some authors/members are confused by the present name, but I'd be worried if there was an Author page folder that authors would use it for self promotion.

2. Worth a try.

message 29: by Liralen (new)

Liralen | 7683 comments I don't see a lot of value in splitting the Book and Author folder—a lot of the work involved in cleaning up those requests is similar, and a lot of author-page requests involve book pages (or vice versa). I suspect it would end up being more confusing for users rather than less.

A 'please remove this book' folder sounds potentially useful, though—might keep people from posting in this Questions folder with those queries :)

message 30: by Renske (last edited Mar 05, 2024 08:30AM) (new)

Renske | 11975 comments Maybe a 'Book on the wrong profile' folder is a better name for a 'please remove this book' folder. I see two reason for that:
The folder also could be the place for requests from authors who notice their book is on a different profile.
Secondly 'remove a book' could also lead to requests that are either merge requests or requests for removing out-of-print books.

message 31: by Liralen (new)

Liralen | 7683 comments Renske wrote: "Maybe a 'Book on the wrong profile' folder is a better name for a 'please remove this book' folder. I see two reason for that:
The folder also could be the place for requests from authors who notic..."

Oh, I definitely read the 'please remove this book' folder idea differently, whoops. Jaclyn, would you mind clarifying whether you meant that folder to be for invalid records or for valid books on the wrong profile?

message 32: by Jaclyn, Librarian Program Manager (new)

Jaclyn (jaclyn_w) | 5813 comments Mod
I meant it as a folder for reports of invalid records. 😊

message 33: by Liralen (new)

Liralen | 7683 comments Thank you for clarifying :) In that case, maybe a title like "Invalid book records" or "Not a book"?

We would 100% get people requesting the removal of valid but OoP books, but we'll get those anyway.

message 34: by Renske (last edited Mar 05, 2024 04:42PM) (new)

Renske | 11975 comments I clearly misunderstood the idea of the folder. It's a type of request I don't see that often, but that might entirely depend on which folders I most look at.

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 278 comments & the Genres folder gone - yay! That was causing a lot of confusion!

message 36: by Olga (last edited Mar 06, 2024 12:21PM) (new)

Olga Silvertongue (olgasilvertongue) | 4292 comments I've been studying requests for two months and I would suggest a more systematic approach.

We have 5 types of users: staff, librarians and superlibrarians, authors, readers. It would be good if each type had its own folder.
1. Staff. If there are only a few messages and no requests from readers are expected, one folder is enough. It would be much more convenient to see all the important information in one place.
2. Superlibrarians. There is already a folder.
3. Librarians. We definitely need our own folder, only for librarians. There are so many questions, sometimes you want to exchange experiences, new librarians don’t know where to write. And in this folder it would be useful to make a FAQ (why do I see an error about links in the description when there are no links there, how to find the wrong edition in a combined group of several hundred, etc.)
4. Authors. I suggest a separate folder for GR authors. They usually have simple requests - combine/merge editions, move the books from/to a profile, replace a placeholder cover image. Authors know all the information about their own books, and most librarians like such requests. If we can mark posts in this folder as done, it will actually keep this folder almost empty, with all the requests completed. + make FAQ for authors (some things in the Librarian manual are difficult to understand)
5. Readers. Besides page numbering, there is also repeated minor request to add the original publication date. And questions about invalid editions are now very popular, in all folders. Maybe create pinned threads (rather than new folders) for these issues? The thread about "This book is not mine, please move it" works very well.

I think the main goal is to simplify this group. There are many requests from non-native English speakers, and from native speakers for whom the instructions are complicated too. It's much better to use one or two words for the folder name ("Add Books", "Book Issues", "Closed"). Folders should be clear to those who come here. If the folder is called "Authors only"/"Librarians only", there is no need for complex technical solutions, most people will post in the right place. The only technical thing that is very necessary is the "marked as done" button.
If it is useful, I can make drafts of the most popular questions from authors/readers for the FAQ.

message 37: by Jaclyn, Librarian Program Manager (new)

Jaclyn (jaclyn_w) | 5813 comments Mod
Thanks Olga! My main concern is that, if we split the folders into those user groups, we would end up with huge buckets for some requests, and also that some Librarians like to work on certain types of edits, and it'll be more challenging for them to identify those.

I do like the idea of a folder especially for Librarians questions to other Librarians. Does anyone else have thoughts on this?

message 38: by Olga (last edited Mar 07, 2024 05:32PM) (new)

Olga Silvertongue (olgasilvertongue) | 4292 comments I meant to leave all these folders by type of requests (covers, number of pages, etc.) as they are now, for readers. In addition to this, make a folder for authors. But now it is difficult to see which requests are made and which are missed. I usually do the ones that have 1 post, but this is not a reliable way.

Maybe try pinned threads for requests of the same type that don’t require discussion? I suggest "combine", "original publication date", "invalid editions".

The Librarian folder could be made from "Policies & Practices", this is not currently used. And combine "Announcements" and "Additions to Librarian Manual" for important information.

And one more proposal for discussion. Maybe create a separate folder for comics? I skip requests like this, and I know many other librarians do too. Comics like another world.

message 39: by L J (new)

L J | 609 comments Jaclyn wrote: "... a folder especially for Librarians questions to other Librarians. Does anyone else have thoughts on this?"

A dedicated place for Librarians to ask other Librarians questions could be very helpful whether as a folder or within the Questions folder.

message 40: by Kim N (new)

Kim N (crossreactivity) | 7099 comments L J wrote: "A dedicated place for Librarians to ask other Librarians questions could be very helpful whether as a folder or within the Questions folder."


message 41: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 1343 comments L J wrote: "Jaclyn wrote: "... a folder especially for Librarians questions to other Librarians. Does anyone else have thoughts on this?"

A dedicated place for Librarians to ask other Librarians questions cou..."


message 42: by Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂ (last edited Mar 08, 2024 12:13AM) (new)

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 278 comments I would love a Librarians' Folder.

If possible could it be made so only Staff & Librarians can comment in it? Otherwise members tend when they see a very active request, will ask for their edits there & derail the threads.

Edit; or even a separate private Librarians' Group.

message 43: by Jaclyn, Librarian Program Manager (new)

Jaclyn (jaclyn_w) | 5813 comments Mod
Let's try a Librarians folder first and see how it goes.

Any other thoughts on a separate folder for comic book requests?

message 44: by Liralen (new)

Liralen | 7683 comments Jaclyn wrote: "Any other thoughts on a separate folder for comic book requests?"

I can definitely see the value. I also (like a number of librarians, I think) tend to skip those requests, and a dedicated folder might make it more likely that librarians who are more conversant in comics policy would see the requests.

message 45: by Jaclyn, Librarian Program Manager (new)

Jaclyn (jaclyn_w) | 5813 comments Mod
I hear you, they feel like very complicated requests!

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 278 comments Hi Jaclyn

Thanks for the Where should I post my request thread & the reorganisation of folders here.

With Awards, could the wording be changed from as well as a link to the award website(s) to something indicating they have to pinpoint the book receiving the award? I started cutting down on awards mainly because one badly organised award it could take me half an hour to find the award & another has hundreds of winners & had book pictures for all of them. Used to freeze my previous elderly computer!

Also with the new Listopia folder was this the right place to post this request;

Or should it have gone in Looking for a Project?

message 47: by Jaclyn, Librarian Program Manager (new)

Jaclyn (jaclyn_w) | 5813 comments Mod
Sure! Updated to: "Please include a link to the book(s) on Goodreads, as well as a link to the award website(s) where it shows the book as a winner when posting a request."

That looks like the right place to post your request. I think sometimes there is a grey area and we can just use our best judgment. 😊

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 278 comments Jaclyn wrote: "Sure! Updated to: "Please include a link to the book(s) on Goodreads, as well as a link to the award website(s) where it shows the book as a winner when posting a request."

That looks like the rig..."

Thanks Jaclyn!

message 49: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Silver (alejandsilver) | 1253 comments It would be great to be able to move completed threads to a common [closed] folder. As we currently do in the add book requests.


message 50: by Linde (last edited May 21, 2024 06:46AM) (new)

Linde | 2485 comments Alejandro wrote: "It would be great to be able to move completed threads to a common [closed] folder. As we currently do in the add book requests.


Agreed! Saves time reading through done requests that don't need attetion and will give insight in how many open requests there still are. I'm asking requesters to move finished requests to the "Archived" folder (see example here). Even though I just read here that that is not the actual purpose of that folder. I started doing that after seeing others moving finished requests there (incl. a Librarian Moderator).

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