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Space Opera Fans discussion

Self-Promotion > Generational Space

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message 1: by Tony (new)

Tony Travis | 4 comments Hi all,

I am doing a free promo on my newest short story Generational Space by Tony Travis

Looking for feedback and any reviews ofc.

Other Sci Fi works from me:

KEYHOLES by Tony Travis This is part of a 3 Novel set and book one, the other two are to come.

Dystopian Threads by Tony Travis

Love, Programed by Tony Travis

I try to do hard science fiction, and always deal with the human condition.

Hope to get to know some of you all and get some good discussions.



message 2: by Tony (new)

Tony Travis | 4 comments Hi all, Generational Space: Arrival is now live, I would love any feedback, reviews, ect. This is the second entry in the Generational Space Trilogy. Its ebook and KU as well.

First entry is Generational Space (The Generational Space Trilogy Book 1) by Tony Travis

Generational Space Arrival (The Generational Space Trilogy) by Tony Travis



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