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BookTok Besties discussion

booktok reccomended it > dystopian book recs?

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message 1: by xhaleyreadsx (new)

xhaleyreadsx | 4 comments i love dystopian books, does anyone have any good book recs?

message 2: by viv (new)

viv | 21 comments some basics are the hunger games, the maze runner, divergent, and the darkest minds

message 3: by JJ (new)

JJ (rainbowbean) | 1 comments 1984, Legend (Marie Lu), Chain-Gang All Stars, Handmaid's Tale, World War Z

message 4: by Alicja (new)

Alicja | 3 comments Vortex by Anna Benning is sooooo good😫

message 5: by Gabby ☮︎ (new)

Gabby ☮︎ | 9 comments Oooo I LOVE dystopian books. Some of my favorites are Scythe, Unwind, and Skyhunter.

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