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Hugo & Nebula Awards: Best Novels discussion

The Prestige
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Buddy Reads > The Prestige

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Allan Phillips | 3123 comments Mod
Stephen and I are starting a Buddy Read of The Prestige by Christopher Priest, who passed away in February. While Priest only has one novel on the Hugo/Nebula list, The Inverted World, he had multiple nominations and wins of the BSFA, World Fantasy & Campbell Awards. This book was the 1996 WFA winner & was made into a film starring Hugh Jackman & Christian Bale in 2006. Anyone is welcome to join and post comments in this discussion thread.

message 2: by Allan (last edited Apr 15, 2024 12:56AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Allan Phillips | 3123 comments Mod
7% in, it seems like the story moves along pretty quickly. I did see the movie some years ago, and I remember the ending was good but a little confusing. I hope that the reading of the actual source will clarify it.

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments Thanks Allan, I’ll get started shortly. I haven’t seen the movie and I have only a vague idea what the story is about, so I’ll be approaching it without any preconceptions.

message 4: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca Rash | 65 comments my partner loves this book.

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments Just a few pages into the book, the character narrating the story (at this point) talks about how he has always felt he had a mysterious connection to an identical twin, though there is no evidence he ever had a sibling. (He was an adopted child but has learned who his birth mother was.) This seems to be an instance of a common motif in Priest’s work, in which there are often doubles, twins, or what seem to be distinct versions of the same character.

message 6: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4878 comments Mod
I plan to join you later this week

Allan Phillips | 3123 comments Mod
I took a quick sidetrack to read The Bezzle when it came off hold, but it was short & I'm back on The Prestige now.

message 8: by Stephen (last edited Apr 18, 2024 03:31AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments I’m 20-25% through. It’s an interesting story with some narrative oddities. At this point I don’t think there is much to discuss. Some reveals to come, no doubt.

Allan Phillips | 3123 comments Mod
I’m at about 10%, but I notice some of the quirky narrative too. I anticipate making some headway tomorrow.

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments Brief comment behind spoiler warning on the narrative oddity:

(view spoiler)

Allan Phillips | 3123 comments Mod
Got to 38% today, the beginning of Part 3. The 1st part was like the movie, as I recall, but it's been a long time since I saw it. The 2nd part starts to deviate & now, by this point, it's a different story. I'm really enjoying the storytelling - it's very engaging & has moved along very efficiently, with only a little confusion about who is who because of the time periods. I see what you mean about twins though, what you pointed out seems to be an important fact about the events, though I don't quite know what yet.

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments A possible explanation for some of the oddities has occurred to me. It will be interesting to see to what extent I’m right.

Still in Part Two, hoping to make good progress today and tomorrow.

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments Finished Part Two. Terrific story so far.

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments Finished Part Three, a short section set in the book’s present day (the 1990s). Interesting development of the story. Looks like Part Four is a longer one set back in Victorian times.

Allan Phillips | 3123 comments Mod
We’re about at the same spot, nearly halfway through, 25 pages into Part 4. I agree with you, this is a terrific story. It’s really well-written and there have been no slow spots. It’s been intriguing from the start. I’m no longer confused with the characters, that’s clear now and it has gone completely different from the movie. The mystery of the twin remains, but we have a hint of the answer.

Andrew Lawrence | 9 comments I have a copy of this on my rather large ‘to be read’ shelf. You have inspired me to blow off the dust..

Andrew Lawrence | 9 comments Looking at the current Amazon rankings before I commence reading and now I’m really intrigued

#10 in Christian Science fiction
#24 in Christian fantasy fiction

Allan Phillips | 3123 comments Mod
Andrew wrote: "Looking at the current Amazon rankings before I commence reading and now I’m really intrigued

#10 in Christian Science fiction
#24 in Christian fantasy fiction"

It's well worth the reading!

Allan Phillips | 3123 comments Mod
Got to 62% last night & it continues to be excellent. The lengthy Part 4 tells the story from Rupert's point of view. Some events are repeated from the opposite side, but there's considerable background & motivation added, carrying the story along. Really good.

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments I hope to finish today. Still very interested.

I haven’t noticed anything that would seem to qualify it as “Christian” fiction so far.

message 21: by Stephen (last edited Apr 22, 2024 01:44PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments Just finished. Certainly an absorbing tale.

Allan Phillips | 3123 comments Mod
Finished today, fantastic story. I liked it a lot better than The Inverted World, which was much more SF, but it’s the only other book of his I’ve read. Similar to the movie in some ways, but not a complete copy. The movie’s worth watching too, even if you’ve read the book. Thanks for the BR, Stephen!

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments I’ve really enjoyed it too, thanks Allan. I’ve read several Priest novels and this was the most entertaining. Tremendous storytelling, lots of mystery and flash.

message 24: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4403 comments Mod
I swear I am. going to start this. I have had several Priest books sitting around for years, but the only one I ever read was the one about the moving city, which I loved.

message 25: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4878 comments Mod
I've started it yesterday and it is awesome.

Andrew Lawrence | 9 comments I quite liked Inverted World but The Prestige is easier to hook into. Only 85 pages in but it’s clear what the story is about.

Not sure where the Christian themes and sci fi come in yet though

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments I never did see anything that would justify calling it Christian.

Allan Phillips | 3123 comments Mod
Andrew wrote: "Not sure where the Christian themes and sci fi come in yet though"

I don't either, but maybe this will clear it up:

message 29: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4878 comments Mod
I've finished it and it is great, multi-layered and open for interpretation (view spoiler)

message 30: by Stephen (last edited Apr 25, 2024 09:33PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments Oleksandr wrote: "I've finished it and it is great, multi-layered and open for interpretation [spoilers removed]"

(view spoiler)

message 31: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4403 comments Mod
still haven't started but it is up next

Cordelia (anne21) | 96 comments It sounds good. I too will read it - when I've finished current book.

message 34: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4403 comments Mod
Oleksandr wrote: "My review https://www.goodreads.com/review/show..."

Oh, oh. You gave it 5 stars. Sometimes when you give something a high rating I don't agree and vice versa. I am starting this today, so we shall see, won't we.

message 35: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4878 comments Mod
Kateblue wrote: "Oh, oh. You gave it 5 stars. Sometimes when you give something a high rating I don't agree and vice versa. I am starting this today, so we shall see, won't we.

I guess it is 2nd book this year that got 5* from me. Yes, we'll see

Andrew Lawrence | 9 comments Finally finished. Thoroughly enjoyable read. Terrific characters. Interesting themes. I did not see that end coming!

Allan Phillips | 3123 comments Mod
Andrew wrote: "Finally finished. Thoroughly enjoyable read. Terrific characters. Interesting themes. I did not see that end coming!"

Pretty darn creepy!

message 38: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4403 comments Mod
I liked it. I got a little bored after I figured it out during the Tesla visit, but still really good.

message 39: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited May 01, 2024 06:44AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4403 comments Mod
I fixed this thread so it would show our ratings. If anyone wants to know how to do this, let me know. It's pretty stupid! You have to go back in and edit the thread after you create it.

LATER NOTE: No, you don't have to go in after you make the thread, you just have to put the name of the book in a certain space. It's to make a discussion thread be first on the list that you have to go back in and edit the thread for. Sorry if I confused everyone

Cordelia (anne21) | 96 comments I'm up to Part 4. Liking it a lot. It is really intriging trying to figure out what is actually going on. Apart from the whole doubles thing - twins, Two families, two households etc, I'm still lost. But it is still a nice read. Well written.

message 41: by Ed (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ed Erwin | 829 comments I read this years ago. At the time I guess I wasn't in the mood to try to figure out a complex plot, so it was only a 3 for me. The movie is lovely, though.

Cordelia (anne21) | 96 comments I'm finished. Thought it was really good and such a complex plot - still trying to get my brain around it. And what a creepy ending.
Gave it 5 stars.

My only gripe would be the Victorian writing style. I can see why Priest did that. But Victorian novels is one of my least favourite genre.

Must read it again some time.

message 43: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4403 comments Mod
I agree with Cordelia about the style. It reminded me of The Ten Thousand Doors of January

message 44: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4403 comments Mod
Ed wrote: "I read this years ago. At the time I guess I wasn't in the mood to try to figure out a complex plot, so it was only a 3 for me. The movie is lovely, though."

There's a movie? Is it called "The Prestige or does i have a different name?

Allan Phillips | 3123 comments Mod
Same name, it stars Hugh Jackman & Christian Bale as the feuding magicians. It’s a little different, but not hugely.

message 46: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4403 comments Mod
Thanks, Allan, I may rent it from Amazon.

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