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Love in Communism: A Young Woman's Adult Story
This topic is about Love in Communism
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message 1: by Angelika (new)

Angelika Regossi | 2 comments I am excited to announce the release of my novel "Love in Communism. A Young Woman's Adult Story". Dive into the story of love, betrayal, sex, and hope.


In the shadows of the Soviet Union, young Anfisa Petrova comes of age with a stark awareness of her budding femininity, but with the lingering trauma of her past. Raised in a family distant from communist ideologies, she finds solace in the love of her mother and grandfather.

However, fate thrusts her into a chilling reality at seventeen, forcing her to confront the harrowing experience of being a woman prisoner in the USSR. These trials shape her decisions in life, ultimately leading her to part ways with her first husband a cunning art thief who exploits the vulnerabilities of the waning Soviet era.

Love in Communism weaves a story of resilience, love, and the pursuit of personal liberty against a backdrop of political turmoil, repression, and suspicion.

BOOK TRAILER: https://youtu.be/Gm5hF_KoOMY

EXTRACTS FROM THE BOOK: https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes...


message 2: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19229 comments Congrats and good luck with the book, Angelika!

message 3: by Angelika (new)

Angelika Regossi | 2 comments Thank you!

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