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༊*·˚ Stuck On The Book ♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧ discussion

BOTM > BOTM-How does it work?

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message 1: by Alexia・゚゚・。༉‧₊˚. ❧ (last edited May 10, 2024 11:10AM) (new)

Alexia・゚゚・。༉‧₊˚. ❧ (alexiwqh) | 123 comments Mod
What are BOTMs?
A BOTM (book of the month) is an event where the group reads the same book together.

Who can join BOTMs?
All members of the group can join! However, participation is not required.

How are the BOTMs chosen?
1. Genre & Quantity polls (end of the previous month)
We will first create a poll to decide what genres both of our BOTMs will be.
We will also have a poll regarding the numbers of books we will read that month.
Members will receive a group message to be notified.

2. BOTM Nominations (begining of the month)
Members will receive a notification at the begining of the month to choose the final BOTM(s).
There will be at least one book nomination for the BOTM.

3. Final BOTM Polls (end of month)
Members will receive a message with the links to the final poll(s).
You get to vote for what book you think should be next month's BOTM.

How do you join BOTM discussions?
Members will receive a group message every month to be notified about the BOTMs.
Those messages will include links to the discussion topics.
Then, if you're interested, try to get a copy, read the book, and share your thoughts with us!

If there are any questions you can comment down below. Any suggestions are welcomed in the BOTM discussions.

Happy reading everyone!

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༊*·˚ Stuck On The Book ♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧

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