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Teens that love reading! discussion

Chit-chats 🙃 > Hot takessss 😝

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message 1: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
Hiiii! Do you have a unique opinion about a book, author, or anything in general? (No judgement I swear 😉)
My hot take is that the book Flowers in the attic by V.C. Andrews is kind of boring! 😕 It wasn’t bad just a little overrated! 🤗

clara 🎀 | 3 comments Okkk sooo a lot of people really don’t like colleen hoover and her books but honestly i really enjoy them and don’t really care too much about the topics as it is just a story! i get why people disagree with some of her plots but idrc as long as it keeps me entertained!! 😳

message 3: by Len303 (new)

Len303 | 185 comments This isn’t a specific book but I hate when book covers have real people on them. I just feel like the drawings of people/things are better

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments Len303 wrote: "This isn’t a specific book but I hate when book covers have real people on them. I just feel like the drawings of people/things are better"

Yes! Or half covers ughhhhhh

message 5: by Len303 (new)

Len303 | 185 comments I haaaattte those

message 6: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
clara 🎀 wrote: "Okkk sooo a lot of people really don’t like colleen hoover and her books but honestly i really enjoy them and don’t really care too much about the topics as it is just a story! i get why people dis..."

Fr like it’s so interesting!

message 7: by Dev (new)

Dev | 126 comments for me, I hate romance that is more physical that emotional.

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments Devananda wrote: "for me, I hate romance that is more physical that emotional."

Yea, I will read…yk…books but I need them to like each other beforehand. Or so emotionally in sync they cannot be separated

message 9: by Dev (new)

Dev | 126 comments Me too. But if they are you know, i don't how to explain but lije they only just have physical connection

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments Devananda wrote: "Me too. But if they are you know, i don't how to explain but lije they only just have physical connection"

Yeah. I hear ya

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