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Teens that love reading! discussion

Teens supporting teens! > Need to vent?

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message 1: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
This can be a place where you talk about what stressing you out! Whether it’s book related. Maybe your favorite character died or best duo friends aren’t friends anymore! Whatever it is you can come here. it can be personal too though so if you’re having a fight with a friend, please feel free to come here! Yes, we were gathered here for our love of reading, but we’re all teens trying to make the best out of middle/high school and it can really suck sometimes!😘😘😘

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments Ok sorry abt this, but I’m doing a play rn and it’s going absolutely terrible! People who have never been onstage and felt the nerves that we have, are yelling at us to speak up. And people are skipping others lines/talking over them! I can’t do this anymore. Please tell me one of you have been in a similar situation.

message 3: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
Ok not super duper similar but I can relate! Sometimes choir groups can be so nerve racking! You don’t want be super loud so you’re the only one the audience hears but no one else is singing loud and then they tell YOU to be louder! Im sorry the play isn’t going well Rini ☹️ but I’m sure you are doing great!!!!! 😆❤️

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments Paige wrote: "Ok not super duper similar but I can relate! Sometimes choir groups can be so nerve racking! You don’t want be super loud so you’re the only one the audience hears but no one else is singing loud a..."

Thanks Paige. I hope we improve lol

message 5: by Julia°•☆ (new)

Julia°•☆ | 31 comments ok sorry this isnt really in the topic but does anyone have any tips for fixing a damp book? i left one in my schoolbag and didnt rralise my waterbottle.leakdd. its also a SCHOOL LIBRARY book and the librarian is gonna kill me :(((((

message 6: by Bryana (new)

Bryana | 263 comments Mod
Try drying it under sunlight or the fan. If you don’t have that much time you can try using a hairdryer but be careful.

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments The best way is to leave it outside or by a fan like Bryana said, but again if you don’t have time those don’t really work. When is the book due?

message 8: by Madison (new)

Madison Curtis | 96 comments I’m sad schools over

message 9: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
Me too! I’m going to miss my friends!😭

message 10: by Madison (new)

Madison Curtis | 96 comments I’m gonna miss my teachers

message 11: by Bryana (new)

Bryana | 263 comments Mod
Same. I just turned 17 and finished high school this year. I’ll miss my friends although I won’t miss the school that much.

message 12: by Madison (new)

Madison Curtis | 96 comments It was my last day of middle school

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments Fr. I just wish we could be in school with our friends, but they have a pool and we didn’t do any work 😊

message 14: by Madison (new)

Madison Curtis | 96 comments That would be awesome

message 15: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
Same! I’m hoping they move up a grade so they can be my teachers again

message 16: by Madison (new)

Madison Curtis | 96 comments I’m going to high school

message 17: by Len303 (new)

Len303 | 185 comments I’m going into middle school and am super stressed out bc I’m already like the youngest in the grade


trin (semi hiatus for the summer) (trinitymarchetti) | 19 comments i hate youtube, My boyfriend is always on it, and never paying attention to me, sigh, its super frustrating

trin (semi hiatus for the summer) (trinitymarchetti) | 19 comments Hannah wrote: "I AM IN SCHOOL UNTIL THE FIFTH 😭😭😭"

I'm in school until the 19th

ℋ𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶𝒽 Urgent! does anyone have and study tips? i have a spanish exam tuesday and if i do poorly, i will loose my 4.0 😣

message 22: by Bryana (new)

Bryana | 263 comments Mod
Usually I write whatever I study. It makes me confident that I won’t forget anything.

message 23: by Bryana (new)

Bryana | 263 comments Mod
And it also increases my concentration

ℋ𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶𝒽 ohh alr! thanks so much!

message 25: by Book (new)

Book Worm | 20 comments Hannah wrote: "Urgent! does anyone have and study tips? i have a spanish exam tuesday and if i do poorly, i will loose my 4.0 😣"

Ahh, been there before, and Quizlet is amazing! Even just the flashcards on their free version are good. I know there was another flashcard website and I feel like its name was maybe Study.com, but I don't remember lol. I've found that doing Duolingo just to get your mind in the Spanish "mood" a few days before is also helpful! If you're super cut throat, you could also listen to music/podcasts in Spanish a few days before, again, to get your mind in the Spanish "mood". I've personally never tried this, but if you have a close relationship with your Spanish teacher, you could try asking for a practice test, or ask what things you should study for (like grammar vs vocabulary vs tenses)I hope this was helpful in some way! (These are just things that have worked for me, but I've kept straight 4's in Spanish since kindergarten. Weird flex but it's my only flex lmao. Okay I'm gonna shut up ,I sound obnoxious, hope that helped, byeeee.)

message 26: by Julia°•☆ (new)

Julia°•☆ | 31 comments Bryana wrote: "Try drying it under sunlight or the fan. If you don’t have that much time you can try using a hairdryer but be careful."
Thanks Bryana + Rini I will try those!

message 27: by Julia°•☆ (new)

Julia°•☆ | 31 comments trin wrote: "i hate youtube, My boyfriend is always on it, and never paying attention to me, sigh, its super frustrating"
same my brothers are ALWAYS on it and it so annoying :/

ℋ𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶𝒽 Thank you so much, Book Worm! I’ll let you know how the exam goes!

message 29: by Book (new)

Book Worm | 20 comments Hannah wrote: "Thank you so much, Book Worm! I’ll let you know how the exam goes!"
You got this!

message 30: by Len303 (new)

Len303 | 185 comments You got this Hannah!

message 32: by whispy alice (new)

whispy alice | 1 comments I recommend making a quizlet!

trin (semi hiatus for the summer) (trinitymarchetti) | 19 comments me again. I broke up with my boyfriend and found out he was using me, so basically our whole relationship was fake. I feel so stupid, but somehow I can't stop crying, I really miss him, and I know I should not, but I can't help it.

message 34: by Rini (semi hiatus) (last edited Jun 05, 2024 01:31AM) (new)

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments I believe it is totally okay to miss him because you feelings for him were real. And I am not trying to be mean or anything, but don’t let him hold you back. You have a right to be sad for a while! Just let his karma be fulfilled and you can go about your life. I know you will do great things 😊

message 35: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
Trim you are worth so much more than to be treated like that. You are an amazing person so it’s OK that you miss him. You had true genuine feelings for him. He is truly missing out on an amazing relationship with you. I apologize in advance if you’re not not religious, but maybe this was God’s plan for you just stay strong. I know you’ll get through it.😍❤️❤️

trin (semi hiatus for the summer) (trinitymarchetti) | 19 comments aww, thank you, guys, so much, this makes me feel better 😭

message 37: by Madison (new)

Madison Curtis | 96 comments When I lost my best friend people were like just get over but it’s never that easy she was my first friend in a new school she asked for a restart I said yes but it will never get back to they way it was

trin (semi hiatus for the summer) (trinitymarchetti) | 19 comments Madison wrote: "When I lost my best friend people were like just get over but it’s never that easy she was my first friend in a new school she asked for a restart I said yes but it will never get back to they way ..."

aw, I'm sorry.

message 39: by Bzero (new)

Bzero (bzero1000) | 105 comments Mod
omg guys today is my super big Ballett exam. I am super nervous cuz this exam can change my entire life if I fail...

message 40: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
You will do great! I have faith in you!!!!

message 41: by Len303 (new)

Len303 | 185 comments You got this!!! I know you’ll do awesome

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments You are going to do amazing!!!

maddie {hiatus for summer camp} | 3 comments @bzero you got this!!!!

i'm really stressed out rn because i just finished eighth grade and i have no friends. like i had a huge friend group but they were all fake and toxic and probably don't like me lmao and now i'm going to high school and i'm scared!! i'm scared bc obviously i'm not going to have anyone to talk to or anything until i meet people, and i don't want to talk to my old friends because they're toxic and just make me feel bad about myself. and i'm also scared to make new friends because what if i can't tell if someone is a person i want to be friends with and make the wrong friends and i end up in this situation again?? sorry for rambling, this is probably hard to read lollll

message 44: by Len303 (new)

Len303 | 185 comments Maddie, the same thing happened to me and the only thing I can tell you is you just have to find you people. There’s a person in the world for everyone, it just might take a while for you to find them

maddie {hiatus for summer camp} | 3 comments thank you so much, this made me feel a lot better <3

message 46: by Len303 (new)

Len303 | 185 comments Ofc np

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