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Teens that love reading! discussion

Games!!!!! > Never have I ever

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message 1: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
In this game we can say things like Never have I ever read the Harry Potter books.
People would respond wit I have or K have not. You can say a bunch of different things like Never have I ever read a Holly Jackson book. It doesn’t even have to be book related it can even be things like Never have I ever been out of the country that I’m from.

For the first one I’m gonna say Never Have I ever read the Rainbow Magic fairy books!
I loved them when I was younger! 😊🤓

message 2: by aris (new)

aris | 38 comments yes i have haha

never have i ever tried to read 100 books in a school year (i was really close at like 94 TT)

message 3: by Len303 (new)

Len303 | 185 comments I’m guilty! Ofc I’ve done this!!!
Never have I ever tried lays chips with ketchup…

message 4: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
Oooo! I have not but it kinda sounds good! 😋😋
Never have I ever read a book with 600+ pages.

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments I do…a lot.
Never have I ever read books that my friend recommends and make it my new lifestyle

message 6: by Book (new)

Book Worm | 20 comments haha I definitely have
Never have I ever gotten so frustrated or surprised by a book that I had to slam it shut or chuck it across the room lol

message 7: by Kam (new)

Kam A | 19 comments Loll.. guilty. But to be fair, slamming books is a mood sometimes.

Never have I ever dripped tears onto a book from crying so hard.

message 8: by Len303 (new)

Len303 | 185 comments Onto a what? It disappeared on me

message 9: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
Onto a book 😊

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments Paige wrote: "Onto a book 😊"

I think they meant it like they threw the book across the room so the tear doesn’t land on anything lol

message 11: by Len303 (new)

Len303 | 185 comments I ment that it just wasn’t appearing on gr. I have done that tho!!!
Nhie painted a terrible painting

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments All of them…all of the time…

Nhie read a book I loved when I was young but now I realize what it actually means

message 13: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
Yesss The Bridge to Terabithia had some crazy stuff!
Nhie annotated a book!
(I really want to try but I’ve been getting a lot of books from my public library)

message 14: by Len303 (new)

Len303 | 185 comments I haven’t either I’m not sure I have the heart to do it
Nhie tried sushi

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments I have once, idk how to feel abt it. Have to try it again ig.

Nhie read (a) historical fiction book(s)

message 16: by Kam (new)

Kam A | 19 comments Oh, I’ve read a couple but they’re not my fav.

Nhie forgotten that I had already read a book and then started reading it again.

message 17: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
I have! I don’t remember what it was but it was a book at school.
NHIE Got a book just based on the cover and actually really liked it?
(I think we’re all a little guilty in some way🤣)

message 18: by Len303 (new)

Len303 | 185 comments …yeah haven’t we all…
Nhie not gotten something and then regretted it later

message 19: by Bryana (new)

Bryana | 263 comments Mod
I have. A hair straightener

Nhie faked being sick to stay at home from school/work to read books

trin (semi hiatus for the summer) (trinitymarchetti) | 19 comments haha, yess

Nhie pulled an allnighter reading

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments Guilty 😅

Nhie did something bc a book told me to do it (like try a ham and mustard sandwich)

message 22: by Bryana (new)

Bryana | 263 comments Mod
I think I did but I am not sure.

Nhie folded a page in the book because I didn’t have a bookmark.

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments Never! Its a crime! (No hate just…yeah)

Nhie fallen in love with a book character 🫣

message 24: by Len303 (new)

Len303 | 185 comments 1,000,000 times!
Nhie annotated a book

ℋ𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶𝒽 I have for my AELA class, “the giver”, it’s kinda mid

Never have I ever been to 3 Continents!

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments I think i have been to 4, australia, africa, europe and North America.

Nhie read a book in under a day that is over 200 pages

message 27: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
I don’t think I have, but I have read a 300 page book in two days…
NHIE read a super popular book and hated it with my entire being😞☹️

message 28: by Book (new)

Book Worm | 20 comments Oof I have (The Summer I Turned Pretty and A Wrinkle in Time)
NHIE felt physical pain from seeing pieces of artwork that are made with ripped out book pages (lol I hope that made sense)

message 29: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
Omg yes like why couldn’t you have just typed a random words and then printed it lol 😭🙃

NHIE Had to cry myself to sleep because one of my favorite characters died or got injured

message 30: by Len303 (new)

Len303 | 185 comments Yep I have
Nhie read over 100 books in a year

message 31: by Bryana (new)

Bryana | 263 comments Mod

Nhie said I liked a book for someone else.

ℋ𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶𝒽 Me.. I don’t even know why I did that, they can barely form sentences…

Never have I ever bought a book mark then lost it the same day/week..

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments it was my absolute favorite one!!!

NHIE told a teacher I was reading said book and they looked at me weird…

message 34: by Bryana (new)

Bryana | 263 comments Mod
Not really, they saw I was reading and were surprised.

NHIE read on a school trip.

ℋ𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶𝒽 yess last year, I went on an architecture boat tour, and it was soo boring.

NHIE verbally pretended to do a book review video for no one

message 36: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
Omg yes! lol it’s so fun to look back to.

NHIE used an app for reading tracking. (Other than good reads obviously)

message 37: by Madison (new)

Madison Curtis | 96 comments I have use a reading tracker matter of fact I’m using one right now call Bookmory highly recommend

message 38: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
Oh I use that two I used to use Buckley, but it gave you a limited amount of books 🙄

message 39: by Kam (new)

Kam A | 19 comments Libby all day for me.
Nhie stained a book that I didn’t own

message 40: by aris (new)

aris | 38 comments literally me every time lolll

never have i ever hated a book cover but loved the story

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments Yes. Why tho

Nhie watched the movie of my favorite book and instantly hated the series bc of the movie

message 42: by Kam (new)

Kam A | 19 comments Sounds like you’re talking about The School for Good and Evil… 👀 but maybe that’s just me.

Nhie read a book because the movie was coming out

message 43: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
No but I’m about to read it ends with us for the movie.

NHIE spent the night with a random stack of things on my paperback to try and flatten it. IYKYK 😓😭

ℋ𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶𝒽 ughh i hate it and it never flattens out!!

nhie thought about reenacting a scene from a book or chapter with someone

message 45: by ✨Aleshia✨ (new)

✨Aleshia✨ | 3 comments Hey guys I just joined the group a minute ago I just thought I wanted to be apart of it because I'm kinda new to goodreads I'm still trying to work it but ye sorry if I interrupted 😔

message 46: by ✨Aleshia✨ (new)

✨Aleshia✨ | 3 comments So can any of u guys give me like how goodread work and book recommendations I would really like that 😊😊😊

message 47: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
Totally there are other discussions for book recs and tips but welcome! If you have time would you mind doing an introduction? 😘

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments K, Hannah, have you broken into my house? I made one of my friends do that 😭 they hated it but they still hang out with me so I call that a win.

Nhie read a book that was so bad but someone close to me told me to read it so I was forced to finish it

message 49: by aris (new)

aris | 38 comments lol nope when i decide to abandon a book, i abandon it for sure. i have friends with really good book recs so :D

nhie started a series, forgot to finish it and when you come back to finish it you have forgotten the start XD

ℋ𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶𝒽 no, rini, i have not broken in to your house 😭

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