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Teens that love reading! discussion

Teens supporting teens! > Anyone want to be friends?

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Saniyah (new)

Saniyah Wells | 1 comments Please I’m desperate 🙏

message 2: by Madison (new)

Madison Curtis | 96 comments Hi I’m 14 I love reading

Rini (semi hiatus) | 275 comments You can add me

message 4: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
Hi Saniyah! I just wanted to let you know that only mods are supposed to create topics. But I will leave this one up because it’s a good idea! But I’m going to move it to “Get to know each other” Also next time just tell us in the suggestion folder and me or Bryana we’ll take it into consideration as soon as possible!

message 5: by Bzero (new)

Bzero (bzero1000) | 105 comments Mod
Hi guys! Add me ❤️❤️

message 6: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
lol I forgot to take this down but I’m just going to leave it up now lolllllll

message 7: by Kiki♡ (new)

Kiki♡ | 33 comments Add meee❤️

message 8: by Noa (new)

Noa ˚୨୧ | 11 comments add mee:):)

message 9: by Kam (new)

Kam A | 19 comments You guys can add me too! 💕

message 10: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
Add meeee

message 11: by Madison (new)

Madison Curtis | 96 comments Add me!❤️🌸⭐️

message 12: by Inika (new)

Inika (Taylor's Version)  | 4 comments hey
I'm 15, introverted girlie, obsessed with books n taylor swift
u can add me :)

message 13: by Lord Grammarly (new)

Lord Grammarly (lordgrammarly) | 102 comments Wait what is this-

message 14: by Lord Grammarly (new)

Lord Grammarly (lordgrammarly) | 102 comments Paige how many sections of this book group are there 😭😂

message 15: by Paige (new)

Paige Riddell | 338 comments Mod
A lot lol we keep it “organized”

message 16: by Lord Grammarly (new)

Lord Grammarly (lordgrammarly) | 102 comments 😂😂😂

message 17: by Lord Grammarly (new)

Lord Grammarly (lordgrammarly) | 102 comments Ok well I'm 15, super extroverted and love to talk. I love cars, music (I currently play 3 instruments), writing letters, being outside, hanging out with friends, talking to people and getting stuff done.

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