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Announcements & Book Promotions > NEW CRIME-THRILLER

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message 1: by P.K. (last edited Jun 04, 2024 11:58AM) (new)

P.K. Davies | 402 comments Who are we?
Who am I?
I thought I knew
That day
That moment
That second
When a stranger
With my face
From the Dark Beyond
and said
'I am who you are.'

This is the theme of my latest thriller
The Girl of Drovers's Hill by P.K. Davies
It ticks all the boxes: murder, mystery, love-story. history, sexual violence, revenge and atonement without losing its subliminal theme that we are all victims of our chemistry

'Don't have any reservations about Drover's Hill. Be in no doubt that it works on every level. It is an absolutely excellent book.' - James 'Beau' Laidler: author and Goodreads contributor

e-book: www.amazon.com/dp/B0C43QFZ45
paperback: www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYLC3L3H

message 2: by Beau (new)

Beau | 1318 comments PK, you've posted my full name on Goodreads! Now I'm going to have protestors camped outside my house whenever I make a controversial comment! Never mind, at least you haven't unearthed a naked picture of me in a compromising position ;)

By the way, has anyone ever told you that you look like Frederick Forsyth?

On a serious note, my comment doesn't do this book justice. I will write a proper review after reading the paperback version (I read the Kindle edition a year or so ago).

PK's new book is an outstanding thriller - as good as pretty much anything I've read in this genre, in recent years. I urge anyone who likes thrillers to buy it. You won't be disappointed.

Btw, PK, you should plug your other novel, Getting Tyson, too. That is also an excellent read.

message 3: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19229 comments So good to hear that James Laidler is well and kicking, for I was grieving for a sec: https://molnarfuneralhome.com/tribute...
Best of luck with the new book, P.K.!

message 4: by Beau (new)

Beau | 1318 comments You've rumbled me, Nik. I named myself using a twist on something I learnt from reading Day of the Jackal.

The key question is whether PK Davies is a new pen name for Frederick Forsyth?

Come on, Freddie, reveal yourself.

message 5: by P.K. (new)

P.K. Davies | 402 comments Beau wrote: "PK, you've posted my full name on Goodreads! Now I'm going to have protestors camped outside my house whenever I make a controversial comment! Never mind, at least you haven't unearthed a naked pic..."

Thanks Beau for those kind words. I don't know about looking like Freddie Forsyth but it would be nice to sell as many books as him.

message 6: by P.K. (new)

P.K. Davies | 402 comments Nik wrote: "So good to hear that James Laidler is well and kicking, for I was grieving for a sec: https://molnarfuneralhome.com/tribute...
Best of luck with the new book, ..."

Nik wrote: "So good to hear that James Laidler is well and kicking, for I was grieving for a sec: https://molnarfuneralhome.com/tribute...
Best of luck with the new book, ..."

Thanks, Nik. How did you get that obit? Very funny, but Beau is very much alive and kicking (arse).

message 7: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19229 comments Just turned to google for help and it didn’t disappoint. Glad it was a false alarm 🚨 and all those we know are in good shape 💪

message 8: by Michael (new)

Michael Andora | 3 comments I imagine this sight gets a lot of shameless plugs.

My book is about an insecure couple, going to extreme lengths to prove their love for one another. The scheme sends them on the run and eventually they come up with a plan to return to Austin, Texas to kill members of the Sinaloa Cartel.

If you’re still interested after reading this, my book is free from June 27 – 28th. Good or bad, I would appreciate feedback.



message 9: by Nik (new)

Nik Krasno | 19229 comments Hi Michael, you can set up your own announcement 📣

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