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Goodreads Librarians Group discussion

[Closed] Added Books/Editions > Please Add "Pieces of Blue" by Liz Flaherty

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message 1: by Rae (new)

Rae Bates | 3 comments ASIN: B0D5MX5Y8J

Publisher: Annessa Ink (July 1, 2024)

Publication date: July 1, 2024

Language: English

File size: 4211 KB

Simultaneous device usage: Unlimited

Text-to-Speech: Enabled

Screen Reader: Supported

Enhanced typesetting: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Sticky notes: On Kindle Scribe

Print length: 229 pages

message 2: by Martina (new)

Martina  (martina_s_hlavou_v_knihach) | 8156 comments Already in the database: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2...

message 3: by Rae (new)

Rae Bates | 3 comments Thank you. for some reason it didn't pop up for me when I searched.

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