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The Sword and Laser discussion

The Sword of Kaigen
This topic is about The Sword of Kaigen
Podcasts > #491 - Next Month, Trauma!

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message 1: by Veronica, Supreme Sword (new) - rated it 4 stars

Veronica Belmont (veronicabelmont) | 1799 comments Mod
I totally forgot to post this to Goodreads! Sorry, everyone!

It's awards season and we cover them all, including a Martha Wells sweep! We wrap up our thoughts on Sword of Kaigen and get excited (read: trigger warnings) for Cursed Bunny, our July pick.


Stephen Richter (stephenofskytrain) | 1534 comments I too was a bit worried about Cursed Bunny but I read Bora Chung's bio and became interested again. Ms Chung as a degree in Russian and Eastern European Studies and translates Russian literature into Korean. The first story in the collection is, I think, a homage to Nikolai Gogol's The Nose, a short story about a nose leaving a man face and having better career then the man whose face it left.

message 3: by John (Taloni) (new)

John (Taloni) Taloni (johntaloni) | 4967 comments Love the Babylon 5 opener.

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