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Hugo & Nebula Awards: Best Novels discussion

Provenance (Imperial Radch)
This topic is about Provenance
Monthly Reading: Discussion > July 2024-Provenance-No spoilers, please

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message 1: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4403 comments Mod
no spoilers for Provenance

message 2: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 3 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4878 comments Mod
Thanks, Kate!

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments I liked this one, interested in rereading it.

Bailey (baileybarnes) | 3 comments I just started this book this morning. So far so good!

Allan Phillips | 3123 comments Mod
Read this in 2021, but I'll be re-reading.

message 6: by Rebecca (new) - added it

Rebecca | 395 comments I’m starting as well!

message 7: by Cinnabelle (new)

Cinnabelle | 1 comments Should be an interesting read.

message 8: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 3 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4878 comments Mod
This will be a re-read for me as well

Kimberly (kimberlyanne) | 50 comments Rereading as well. Begun this morning. 🙂

message 10: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4403 comments Mod
I was not that crazy about the first three of these, but I bought this on sale as some point, so maybe I will try again.

I liked portions of the first three books, and I still remember them somewhat, but I had trouble with the pronouns.

Are there shared characters? If so, maybe someone can fill in my ailing memory . . .

message 11: by Kalin (last edited Jul 03, 2024 08:23PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kalin | 1307 comments Mod
I haven't started yet, but I don't think there are shared characters, I think it's a standalone (there might be a cameo).

Also, with the pronouns in these books you just have to throw out any hope of imagining a character's gender in your mind's eye when a Raadchai is speaking.

message 12: by Stephen (last edited Jul 03, 2024 08:28PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments Same universe, different setting and characters. In the first 50 pages the viewpoint character is “she” but some others are “e”, possessive “eir”.

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments page 62: “… it might be some time before the Geck ambassador turned up, and even longer before she — he? E? It? — no, the Enforcement official had said “she” — decided to do whatever it was she was going to do.”

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments I read this in 2018 and I’ve forgotten a lot of detail, in fact I really only remember a sense of the main character, her relationship with her family, and a very general idea of the plot. I’m about a quarter of the way through this reread and I’m enjoying the detail quite a bit.

message 15: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 3 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4878 comments Mod
Stephen wrote: "I read this in 2018 and I’ve forgotten a lot of detail,"

I've read it in Aug 2019 according to GR, but as well I am hazy on details.

Allan Phillips | 3123 comments Mod
Oleksandr wrote: "Stephen wrote: "I read this in 2018 and I’ve forgotten a lot of detail,"

I've read it in Aug 2019 according to GR, but as well I am hazy on details."

Halfway through & while it's ok, it's not making a huge impression on me. Maybe that's why I forgot the detail the first time.

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments The first time I read it I remember thinking it seemed relatively light, compared to the author’s big “Ancillary” trilogy. This time I’m not making that comparison.

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments Leckie has some fun with pronouns in this one.

“Her?” asked Ingray.
“Her. Him. Em.” The emissary made an exasperated noise. “Whatever…”

p. 206

message 19: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 3 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4878 comments Mod
Stephen wrote: "Leckie has some fun with pronouns in this one."


Antti Värtö (andekn) | 935 comments Mod
I also read this back in 2019, but can't remember much anything about the story. I remember I didn't like it much, though, and it looks like I only gave it 2*. I can remember that the main character was interesting, but acvording to my review from 2019 I found all the other characters one-dimensional.

message 21: by Rebecca (new) - added it

Rebecca | 395 comments I agree, this is indeed a lighter read, but I’m enjoying it. I loved the Ancillary series and enjoyed Translation State.

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments I’m something over halfway through and quite enjoying the book. The main character is sympathetic and I get a kick out of the complications of the plot.

Stephen Burridge | 627 comments Finished. I see no reason to change my rating of 4 stars. An enjoyable book.

message 24: by Rebecca (new) - added it

Rebecca | 395 comments That’s great, I’m almost half way and enjoying the read as well.

Kalin | 1307 comments Mod
There is something so fundamentally *readable* about Ann Leckie's books, I move through them so quickly. I really like the conflicts that develop in each of her books, and the characters are always sympathetic, this one included.

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