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The Next Best Book Club discussion

Newbies Corner > New and Have a Problem!

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message 1: by Stephanie (last edited Aug 10, 2010 06:34PM) (new)

Stephanie Dray (stephaniedray) | 5 comments What a great group. I'm so glad to have found you on Goodreads. I can't decide if I'm a picky reader or if I simply have ADD. I'm generally reading about four or five books at the same time. They're in different genres, with different moods, and thank god for my e-reader or the house would be even more cluttered with books than it is.

I'm usually reading a big research tome for professional reasons, a familiar old book for pleasure, an angsty speculative fiction tale, and a light romantic romp all at the same time. You can guess which one I take with me on the treadmill, can't you? Does anyone else do this, or do you all have the fortitude to stick with one book until you're done?

message 2: by Felina (last edited Aug 10, 2010 06:19PM) (new)

Felina I totally do that and I think it has everything to do with ADD. I'm ADD about other things in my life. I also over commit to read books.

I just can't read one book at a time. I've tried. I read about 10 books at once. It really just depends on what I'm in the mood for. And I even jump around to other books when I'm really enjoying the one I'm reading. My blessing is that I never forget where I am so I've never jumped back into a book and forgot what was going on.

You're not alone. Don't worry. Reader ADD's unite.

message 3: by Usako (new)

Usako (bbmeltdown) | 326 comments I'm a mood reader so I don't think it has to do with ADD. Currently, I'm between 3 books. And other days I'll focus SOLELY on one book which was the case with the Millennium series!

message 4: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10446 comments Mod
HI Stephanie. I have tried that whole "two books at once" thing and it just doesnt work for me. I suppose Im just meant to be a one book woman!

Welcome to the group, and we are so happy YOU found US!!

message 5: by Christine (new)

Christine (christine007) As hard as I try, I usually can't concentrate on more than one or two books at a time (usually one audio and one book/ebook).

I also constantly over-commit myself to reading because no matter how I time it all my library holds ALWAYS come in at the same time. So now, I have to concentrate on not putting so many books on hold at the same time!

My e-reader has cut down on the amount of books I have around the house but not so much on the guilt I feel when I check out a book and never read it :)

message 6: by Felina (last edited Aug 10, 2010 09:25PM) (new)

Felina Christine wrote: not so much on the guilt I feel when I check out a book and never read it :)

I understand that completely. I can't use the library really because all the books come at the same time and I can't stand returning them without reading them especially when I made somebody get it out for me and send it to my library. I also suddenly lose interest in any book if I know I have a due date. It turns into homework or something. I have so many book related eccentricities.

message 7: by Carol (new)

Carol Hi Stephanie, welcome to the group. It depends on the books as to whether I can read two at a time. I will start another when I am almost finished I or have a book to read for a group.

message 8: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 618 comments I always have five to six books going at once...sometimes more...right now I have 3 paperbacks im working on (1 non-fiction, a mystery and a historical novel); 3 on my kindle (all paranormal romance of varying types) and 3 on my ipod (1 romance, 1 mystery/romance and 1 classic)

message 9: by Felina (new)

Felina Delicious Dee the book slut wrote: "I always have five to six books going at once...sometimes more...right now I have 3 paperbacks im working on (1 non-fiction, a mystery and a historical novel); 3 on my kindle (all paranormal romanc..."

Ah...another like me. I feel so cleansed. I have 3 paperbacks (historical fiction, YA Sci-fi & Horror) 2 on my kindle (philosophy, classic) 1 on my phone (childrens) and 2 audiobooks (mystery and humor).

Wow I just realised they are all different genre's.

message 10: by Beth (new)

Beth Knight (zazaknittycat) | 501 comments Hi Stephanie!

I'm the same way with reading: I usually have at least 3-5 books going at a time. I too have tried reading only one book at a time and I just can't do it! I often tell people that I have adult-onset ADD. Reading really is a mood thing with me and, like you, all the books I read at once are different. Plus there's just something so exciting about starting a brand new book!

message 11: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 618 comments lol - people call me insane because of my currently reading pile...but I can't take my kindle to work and i'm on nights this week...so that is when I read the paperbacks...read my kindle at home and listen to the audiobooks on commute and when doing schoolwork

Felina wrote: "Delicious Dee the book slut wrote: "I always have five to six books going at once...sometimes more...right now I have 3 paperbacks im working on (1 non-fiction, a mystery and a historical novel); 3..."

message 12: by Erika (new)

Erika (erikareading) Welcome Stephanie! I definitely see where you're coming from. I don't have ADD except when it comes to choosing my books. I usually have 3-6 on the go. A couple weeks though I got a little too excited about finishing my piles of owned books and ended up with 15 started. I just couldn't decide which one to go to and then, well, I was going to read them all anyways so why not keep starting more? It was insane. 15 barely dents my piles anyways. I don't know what I was thinking. But now I do have a nice big pile of books to choose from for whatever mood suits me :)

message 13: by M. (last edited Aug 11, 2010 10:16PM) (new)

M. Clifford (mcliffordauthor) I don't usually read more than one book at once, but I do write multiple books at the same time. I am working on 3 different ones right now. It sure helps to prevent writer's block! I always have a choice of what I want to work on....and no excuse for not writing!

message 14: by Natalie (new)

Natalie Baer | 182 comments I have one serious book going while I also read at the same time 3-4 of a little lighter vein.

message 15: by Shay (new)

Shay | 62 comments I usually have at least 4 but usually about 6-8. Today I had 9, finished 3 and started another. They're usually in different genres so I read according to my moods, too.

message 16: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary (romerc) | 31 comments I usually only read one book at a time. I just don't have the time to read more than one. I also quilt and work so there isn't much time to begin with! I've always wanted to read more than one book at a time but I just never get around to it!

message 17: by Deedee (new)

Deedee | 22 comments LOL Reader's ADD, I guess that's what I have too! I try and read only 1 book per genre at a time. I kept to that rule for the past 2 years but have broken it for August, as I'm currently reading 2 fantasy novels, 1 biography, and 3 "about life" books (one on religion, one on candy (!), and The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine ).

message 18: by Elena (new)

Elena When I joined GR, it amazed me that people were able to read more than one book at a time. I thought my brain couldn't handle that. But now I am doing it!!

I have a book that I really love, one that is out of my comfort zone (this is the one I read a little here and there), and an audiobook.

message 19: by Beth (new)

Beth Knight (zazaknittycat) | 501 comments Deedee, if you don't mind my asking, what book on candy are you reading? I love candy! Is it Candyfreak: A Journey through the Chocolate Underbelly of America by Steve Almond? I read that a few years ago.

message 20: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Dray (stephaniedray) | 5 comments Wow, thank you all for such a warm welcome. I think this might just be the best book group on the internet, but shhhhh, don't tell anybody!

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