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Die Innenwelt der Außenwelt der Innenwelt

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poche. broché.

149 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1969

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About the author

Peter Handke

359 books1,046 followers
Peter Handke (* 6. Dezember 1942 in Griffen, Kärnten) ist ein österreichischer Schriftsteller und Übersetzer.

Peter Handke is an Avant-garde Austrian novelist and playwright. His body of work has been awarded numerous literary prizes, including the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2019. He has also collaborated with German director Wim Wenders, writing the script for The Wrong Move and co-writing the screenplay for Wings of Desire.

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Profile Image for Uroš Đurković.
770 reviews185 followers
June 19, 2020
Neobično je da je Handkeova poezija po svom duhu bliža prozi i drami, dok mu je proza bliža poeziji. Sve je izukrštano. Stoga mnoge pesme „Unutrašnjeg sveta spoljašnjeg sveta unutrašnjeg sveta” (kakav naslov!) mogu biti odlični dramski monolozi – ritmički, bitnički, prkosni i promišljeni.
Srećna okolnost je što je izdanje koje sam čitao dvojezično – iako je moj nemački slab, prevod sam čitao uporedo sa originalom i otkrio zadivljujuću zvučnost i ritmičnost. Nešto se događa kada se pesme čitaju naglas, jezik trenira i obrće, nepce se raduje. I nije ovde leksika ono što je složeno, već uklapanje, zvuk. A zanimljivo je i poigravanje glagolskom imenicom i glagolom koje se u srpskom ne vidi.

Problem je što se stiče utisak da je ovo izdanje rađeno ofrlje. Ne samo što, po svemu sudeći, nije bilo lekture (konsekventno BI umesto BISMO), već mislim da je Zlatko Krasni mogao da daleko bolje dočara šta me ovde očara. A da ne spominjem tehničke brljotine – reči koje su bez razloga slepljene ili odštampane jedne preko druge, brojevi stranice koji su duplirani i još more grešaka koje ne pristaju izdanju ovakvog tipa. A greške me, inače, često zabavljaju. Bežati od grešaka je greška.


Čim sam zaspao, budim se:
Ne posmatram predmete, predmeti posmatraju mene;
Ne pokrećem se i pod mojim nogama me pokreće;
Ne vidim sebe u ogledalu i iz ogledala sebe vidim;
Ne govorim reči i reči me izgovaraju:
Idem do prozora i neko me otvara.

Kad sam ustao, ležim:
Ne otvaram oči, već oči
otvaraju mene;
Ne osluškujem šumove, već šumovi
osluškuju mene;
Ne gutam vodu, već voda
guta mene;
Ne posežem za stvarima, već stvari
posežu za mnom;
Ne skidam odeću, već odeća
skida mene;
Ne nagovaram sebe rečima, već me reči od
mene odgovaraju;
Idem prema vratima i kvaka me pritiska.

Podiže se roletna i biva noć
i da bih udahnuo vazduh uranjam
u vodu:

Stupam na kameni pod i upadam u njega do
Sedim na kočijaševom sedištu i hodam
nogu pred nogu;
Vidim ženu sa suncobranom i obliva me
noćni znoj;
Pružam ruku u vazduh i ona odjednom gori;
Posežem za jabukom i neko me ujeda;
Hodam bosonog i osećam u cipeli kamenčić;
Cepam flaster s rane, a rana je
u flasteru;
Kupujem novine i neko me preleće pogledom;
Nekoga na smrt prepadam i ne mogu
da govorim;
Stavljam u uši vatu i vičem;
Čujem kako sirene zavijaju i kraj mene prolazi
litija za Brašančevo.
Otvaram kišobran i pod nogama mi
gori tlo;
Trčim napolje i hapse me.

Na parketu se saplićem,
široko otvorenim ustima vodim konverzaciju,
dlanovima grebem,
pištaljkom se smejem,
iz vrhova kose krvarim,
prilikom otvaranja novina se gušim,
jela što divno mirišu povraćam,
o budućnosti pripovedam,
stvarima govorim,
kroz sebe gledam,
mrtvace ubijam.

I vidim vrapce kako pucaju na topove;
i vidim očajnike da su srećni
i odojče vidim da kipti od želje;
i donosioca mleka vidim uveče:

a poštar? pita za poštu;
a propovednik? njega drmusaju;
a streljački vod? staje uz
a klovn? baca granatu među
a ubistvo? događa se tek kad se pojave svedoci.

I grobar navija za svoj fudbalski
I predsednik države vrši atentat na
pekarskog pomoćnika;
I vojskovođa dobija ime po jednom sokaku;
I priroda je verno naslikana prema slici;
I papa se bira stojeći –

I čuj! Časovnik sadi izvan samog sebe!
I gledaj! Sveće koje sagorevaju sve su

I čuj! Krik se šapuće!
I gledaj! Vetar okamenjuje travu!
I čuj! Narodna pesma je urlik!
I gledaj! Znak pitanja je naređenje!
I gledaj! Izgladneli je debeo!
I pomiriši! Sneg je truo!
I izjutra pada sumrak,

I na jednoj nozi stoji sto,
i begunac sedi kao krojač prekrštenih nogu
i na najvišem spratu se nalazi tramvajska

Oslušni! Mrtva tišina! – Svi žure s posla!

Kad sam se probudio, zaspao sam
i iz nepodnošljivog sna pobegao u
blagu stvarnost
i veselo pevušim u sebi: U pomoć! Uhvatite lopova! –
Čuj kako mo voda ide na usta:
vidim leš!

(P. S. Inače, mislim da ova pesma ima neočekivane sličnosti sa Dilanovom antologijskom A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall. O tome neki drugi put.)
29 reviews3 followers
August 1, 2017
Handke is my favourite poet of last quarter of twentieth century. This book bears certain marks of the seventies, I cherish it a lot. Not sure that he still writes poetry in strict sense. Although, all his works are very poetic but written in prose. Paradoxically, this particular book plays a lot with the spirit of prose, uses false narrative tone, is very defiant in getting rid of all the usual concepts of what poetry is and stubbornly claims anti-subjectivism. Cocky, humble, cold, distanced, perceptive, curious, distilled Handke.
24 reviews2 followers
July 1, 2024
Sehr wirr und anstrengend zu lesen.
Profile Image for Gardar Arnason.
25 reviews
August 13, 2013
These short texts, are they poems?, from the late 1960s, are mostly good, sometimes brilliant. Some of the play on language and experimentation is clever and subtly humorous, but some of it is rather too whimsical. Why provide a credit list of a film? Or what seems to be a poor copy of a newspaper crossword puzzle? I suppose there is unintentional poetry in these things, which Handke makes intentional by placing them in the context of a book of poetry (if that's what these texts are), but still.
108 reviews3 followers
December 25, 2019
4.5, rounded down.

a fascinating, weird, and weirdly convincing group of early poems. surprisingly emotional language games. there's a real sense of play throughout - dark and light. made me realize how essential handke's legal training was/is to his bizarre aesthetic and "linguistic ingenuity." also rekindled my annual regret for never going to law school.
Profile Image for Jukka.
306 reviews7 followers
September 8, 2009
Die Innenwelt der Außenwelt der Innenwelt - Peter Handke (1974)
Title in English - The Inner-world of the Outer-world of the Inner-world. Get it? Think about the title.
Sehr gut. Poetry collection published in 1974 in translation but including works from mid-sixties on. The edition i have is side by side English und Deutsch. Translation is good but it is helpful to reference back to the original. Handke is looking at language and perception, and the reality in writing versus real-world reality. This really shows his forming thoughts, and has given me understanding on his later works. Even though this is poetry there is something very ordered to his perspectives.
Reading it again, and truly savoring it.
Profile Image for Andrew.
Author 4 books29 followers
July 21, 2009
the word 'todesursachen' literally means causes of death. it is translated here as 'opportunities.' wonderful.
there are some perfect pieces in here: Fright and Conditions of Ownership especially. good bizarre formulas abound that play games with language and demonstrate how language makes sport of how we think when we think we're thinking clearly
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 reviews

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