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The Time Police #5

Killing Time

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A ghost train, lost in Time, hurtles through the night...

Two members of Team 236 are trapped on board. Not ideal under any circumstances but catastrophic when they're at each other's throats.

Hot on their heels, but never quite able to catch up, can Lt Grint and his team overcome all obstacles in their way and save their fellow officers before the train disappears for good?

Nor is TPHQ without its own problems as Matthew risks his sanity to track them through the Time Map. And a Mikey-experiment goes horribly wrong, exposing something better left concealed for all Time. What are the Time Police hiding?

And what will they do to keep their secret?

461 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 6, 2024

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About the author

Jodi Taylor

80 books4,903 followers
Jodi Taylor is the internationally bestselling author of the Chronicles of St Mary's series, the story of a bunch of disaster prone individuals who investigate major historical events in contemporary time. Do NOT call it time travel! She is also the author of the Time Police series - a St Mary's spinoff and gateway into the world of an all-powerful, international organisation who are NOTHING like St Mary's. Except, when they are.

Alongside these, Jodi is known for her gripping supernatural thrillers featuring Elizabeth Cage together with the enchanting Frogmorton Farm series - a fairy story for adults.

Born in Bristol and now living in Gloucester (facts both cities vigorously deny), she spent many years with her head somewhere else, much to the dismay of family, teachers and employers, before finally deciding to put all that daydreaming to good use and write a novel. Over twenty books later, she still has no idea what she wants to do when she grows up.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 116 reviews
Profile Image for Sarah989.
7 reviews
June 10, 2024
Jodi Taylor does it again.

Bloody Bollocking Excellent.

Where does Jodi pick up on these random historical events is a mystery to me. (YES I was googling and getting nowhere thank you Major Farenden!)

Thoroughly enjoyed and looking forward to the next installments of TP, St Mary's and the recovery agents.
Profile Image for Jacey.
Author 26 books97 followers
June 10, 2024
Team 236 (Team Weird) Matthew Farrell, Jane Lockland and Luke Parrish, are barely talking to each other after their adventures and the revelations in the previous two books (Hard Time, and About Time). Jane and Lt Grint are still dancing around each other, a mixture of attraction, insecurity and embarrassment. Mikey (Amanda Meiklejohn) is now doing research for the Time Police, and her experiment with rapid-hardening string leaves a good proportion of officers temporarily encased, so when two teenagers are reported to have built a pod and gone trainspotting to Rome in 1911, Team 235 is called to action. The train being spotted is the notorious Zanetti train which left Rome, entered a tunnel and was never seen again. Things get complicated when Sawney, a misogynistic ex-Time Police Officer who has bad history with Jane, turns up. He and the boys, plus Jane and Luke end up on board the doomed train, which is destined to bounce around the timeline like a runaway ghost train. This book is mostly a linear story of the train, Luke and Jane’s attempts to get off it, Matthew’s adventures in the Time map, trying to discern its whereabouts (and whenabouts), and Lt Grint’s Team 236, efforts hurtling after the train to rescue their missing officers. (Though, let’s face it, Grint is mostly about rescuing Jane and if he saves Luke as well, no harm done.) A straightforward story which enhances the relationship between Team Weird and Grint, who is possibly not as dumb as he has appeared to be in the past, and also reveals a secret that the TP is hiding which sows a little seed for the future. Another excellent book from Jodi Taylor.
Profile Image for Alison.
3,398 reviews129 followers
June 12, 2024
Three and a half stars.

Someone is selling Moai from Easter Island. Mikey has developed Rapidly Hardening String and testing it on Time Police volunteers. Two young trainspotters have built a time machine in their shed and used it to travel back to Italy where they want to witness the inaugural journey of the notorious Zanetti Train which departed Rome in 1911 and was seen entering the Lombardy tunnel as planned, but never emerged from the other end of the tunnel. Various alleged sightings of the train have been recorded in Mexico, in the Ukraine, in Russia, in Modena all through time. The Weird Squad or Team 236 as they prefer to be known are barely speaking to each other. The Time Police are stretched very thin.

I really enjoyed this, but at the same time I wanted it to be longer and have more going on! I'm intrigued with the Grint/Jane/Luke dynamic and I'm warring against myself as to what outcome I'm rooting for (that should probably be 'for which outcome I am rooting' but it feels too stuffy).

Anyway, it isn't really a cliff-hanger, but also, THAT ENDING!
Profile Image for Clara.
105 reviews3 followers
June 15, 2024
4,5 stars

Another remarkably funny adventure with the time police! The character developments that started over the last few books, are continuing in this installment. This time the three chaotic main characters have to hold up on their own and it's interesting to see them act and grow in these situations.

A weird critique of this book: The thing that Jodi Taylor writes best is visceral suspense, injecting a real fear in the reader. And somehow this was missing in this book. I was looking forward to the chilling scenes and am a bit disappointed that there were none. Not to say, there was no suspense in this. It just wasn't as intense.
7 reviews
June 7, 2024
Amazing as usual

Jodi Taylor has done it again. An excellent read, I'm just sad I'm going to have to wait some time for the next one!

Profile Image for Vintage.
2,563 reviews562 followers
June 16, 2024
This has a distinct Cthulhu Orient Express feel to it and ...oh LT Grint!

Team Weird spends minimal time together and poor Grint!
468 reviews8 followers
June 13, 2024
Jodi Taylor has never disappointed me before this--yet here we are. All her characters from previous iterations of the Time Police series are here again; they pop into life without exegesis, so this is definitely NOT a stand alone novel, and I'm fine with that, as one of her most avid fans. I find Team 236 endlessly endearing: Luke Parrish for his devil-may-care-rich-boy attitude, when he really cares deeply about being such a wastrel and yearns to be a better man. Jane Lockland, the bullied child whose alter ego mind-whisperer, Bolshi Jane, encourages her to steadfast greatness with hilarious snark, and Matthew Farrell, the adopted child of St. Mary's, the once enslaved climbing boy sweeping chimneys in the 1800s, who has a strange affinity with the 3-story Time Machine; in a previous novel, he actually broke it. And in this one, the Time Machine speaks to him!

The story revolves around a supposed historical event about a phantom, sentient train that vanishes in 1911 with Luke and Jane aboard in the usual Team 236, unwitting SNAFU. The Zanetti train is said to have celebrated its first (and only) public run in Rome on June 14, apparently with 106 high-falutin passengers aboard. It allegedly disappeared shrouded in white smoke and indeterminate blue lightning shortly before entering the Lombardy Tunnel. Years later, it's claimed the passengers showed up--in Mexico. All insisted they'd arrived from Italy on that same train. The distance between Rome and Mexico is 10,000 kilometers, separated, of course, by the Atlantic Ocean. Now, when I read the book I was completely unaware that there's quite a lot of "news" out there about this alleged event; I was prepared to downgrade Taylor one star, sheerly for the insanity of her tale. Turns out, add one star for her having delved into mystery events beyond my poor scope!

Returning character historian Lt. North, previously of St. Mary's ("Don't call it time travel!") has investigated the Zanetti train and tracked its many appearances over time. It really likes New Zealand and Australia, but also a monastery in the 1500s, among many other "unplanned" stops. It shows up in Mexico in 1840--71 years before it left Rome. Lt. Grint, head over heels for Jane, is determined to rescue her--well, Luke, too, coincidentally. Matthew will almost destroy both himself AND the Time Machine while trying to identify the bare silver threads of the train traversing time. He'll need rescuing, too, and emerges in a semi-permanent fugue state with silvered bits in his eyes. Imprisoned in a Mexican insane asylum, Luke sadly informs a 73-year old Italian gentleman with the perseverance and stoicism of a soldier that if they aren't rescued soon, he will be born in about two years, and nature cannot tolerate a a duplicate of one being in the same time--a conundrum inevitably resulting in an unimaginably painful death. Their reality in the asylum being itself so painfully grim, we can indeed imagine.

This genre is one of those that encourages authors to: "put your beloved characters through hell and only rescue them in the nick of time." And Jodi does this so well, but my goodness, it's long. Mind you, when a novel is fully, thoughtfully rich with the best and worst of us, like, as one example, We the Drowned by Danish novelist Carsten Jensen, I don't mind a thousand pages--another shining example is the Hild sequence by Nicola Griffith, whose two novels together run to about 1700+ pages--I'd thankfully give these supreme works ten stars, if I could, and I'm aware that Taylor is producing entertainment for its own sake. As I was reading it, though, I had the impression that, after some 25 full length novels and who knows how many novellas, Taylor is growing bored. And I shared some of that with her. Along the way, she's milking the budding romance between the giant Lt. Grint and heart-of-gold rookie Jane for all it's worth. I'd like our author to enjoy a heady vacation before tackling Book 6 of the Time Police. Or maybe return to St. Mary's for one--? Frankly, the Time Police series has never quite brought me as much joy, or the same kind of joy, as St. Mary's did.

Apparently her next novel will trace the story of Lady Smallwood and her sidekick Pennyroyal, spies who weave in and out of the series as peripheral characters. I dunno, maybe--? Nevertheless, I miss St. Mary's.
Profile Image for Julia.
Author 1 book49 followers
June 11, 2024
Finished book 5 of the Time Police series in one go. Combined eBook and audiobook.

No St Mary's this time, a pure TP affair; but it has a historical component. This time the TP Disaster Magnets, aka Team 236, have to catch a steam train that's gone rogue.
Profile Image for Amber.
87 reviews26 followers
June 29, 2024
I’ve been eagerly awaiting this for at least 6 months and as I suspected, it didn’t disappoint. In fact, when I woke up at 4am this morning and picked it up to read a few pages before turning off my light, I ended up reading the last 150 and found the sun had come up.

As always the dialogue is spot on & so is the characterisation. It is very rare for me to find I have a crush on book character but I have a very big soft spot for Mr Luke Parrish. :D

I also love how Jodi Taylor makes such a complicated topic as time really easy to understand. People jumping around in space & time could be super confusing but this just happens in its stride.

As is usual there are a couple of ‘will-they-won’t-they’ situations in Killing Time and I have everything crossed for one in particular. Every time I thought it might happen here I actually held my breath. & wanted to jump into the book & shout “WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?”. Which is probably the best way a book can be.

I have recommended this series so many times. I’ve not read The Chronicles of St Mary yet but looking forward to starting them. This is the sort of book where not only am I a little bereft that I’ve finished & have to wait a long time for another, but I’m actually a little panicky that there won’t be another. Please Jodi Taylor, keep writing Time Police novels. I need more Team 236.
Profile Image for Daggry.
986 reviews
June 9, 2024
Oh Team 236Weird, how I’ve missed you, unresolved differences and all. Because of course those didn’t get resolved tidily in the last book. That turns out ultimately good for Luke’s growth, the team, and a whole lot of unsuspecting Italians. (And I love that Jane is allowed her anger, including some regrettable lashing out possibly thanks to Bolshy Jane.)

Captain Farenden’s briefings and Commander Hay’s response to them continues to entertain me. Grint and Lockland’s awkward, thwarted relationship attempts continue to make me laugh. I’m glad to see more of minor characters like Varma and Rossi, and Grint developing further. Matthew is as delightful as always, and his role in this one hints at exciting Time Map shenanigans in the future.

The mission here results in some serious intensity, although I suppose they always do. A misogynist from the past returns and has truly gross things to say. And time in a 19th century asylum includes treatments as vicious as the punishments.

Can’t wait for the next installment.
June 13, 2024
A mad dash through time…

This was one of the best yet. Will-they-won’t-they with Grint and Lockland. Will anyone try to kill Luke Parrish for being, well, Luke Parrish? Will Matthew break the Time Map…again! And there’s a train. Enjoy the ride.
Profile Image for Teddi.
1,086 reviews
June 20, 2024
It's been a while since the last book and because of that, it's hard to remember the various sub plots that run through the series. There was one situation that I'm not sure is new or something I don't remember.
Sadly, St Mary's doesn't appear at all.
Profile Image for Michael Smith.
1,802 reviews59 followers
June 26, 2024
This is the fifth volume in the excellent “Time Police” series, a spin off of the even more excellent “St. Mary’s Institute” series (now up to fifteen volumes), both of which are brimming over with time travel adventure, Good Guys vs. Bad Guys (not all of whom remain on their original sides), blaster battles, time slips that threaten Time itself, conspiracies that span generations, and a good deal of very British humor of the wry and snarky variety. But there’s also some very thoughtful writing on the nature of loyalty, friendship, duty, and doing the job no matter what. The principal characters are Officers Luke Parrish (nominal leader of Team 236, a/k/a Team Weird), Jane Lockland (hard done by in her earlier life but doing much better, thanks to her inner Bolshy Jane), and Matthew Farrell (still the strangest of the group but he’s going places Time-Map-wise), all of whom have matured considerably since they were trainees. And their latest mission will really show the world what they’re made of.

So, it starts out with what should have been a routine assignment. Two adolescent trainspotters with technical skills have built them a very, very illegal pod so they can jump back and see the famous Zanetti Train embark on its inaugural run from Rome to Milan in 1911. In the opinion of everyone, Luke and Jane look the least like Time Police officers, so their job is to go back, merge into the crowd, grab the boys at the train station in Rome, and bundle them back to TPHQ for interrogation. A routine arrest, really, the sort of thing TP offices do all the time. But nothing is routine when Team 236 is involved. Luke and Jane are about to make the grab when someone else (can’t tell you who) beats them to it and forces the two young sightseeing illegals onto the train. Luke and Jane follow, determined to not let them get away, and it all goes downhill from there. Because this is not your ordinary train. There’s a device aboard that, when it’s critically damaged by blaster fire, sends the train off on a series of wild jumps through time with the two officers, the two young illegals, and a hundred innocent Italian passengers.

It’s a hair-raising journey for the several TP rescue parties who go after them, trying to predict where the train will appear next -- especially for Lieut. Grint, who is trying to figure out how to handle his slowly developing romance with Officer Lockland. And it’s even scarier for Luke and Jane, and considerably more life-threatening. (Trust me, you’re going to want to save a quiet uninterrupted evening for the final third of the book.) As with all of Jodi’s novels, I recommend this one highly -- but don’t even think of starting anywhere but at the beginning of the series.
296 reviews
June 21, 2024
This wasn’t my favorite Time Police book, but there is nothing significantly wrong with it. The fun parts of this series are ever present (the lively dialogue, goofy predicaments, Taylor’s wit), and the book does have a couple or really well executed moments . This is a more straightforward and standalone story; nearly all the characters involved are part of the Force. I didn’t find myself missing any of the outside influences here, but when I realized we went a full book without any of Team Weirds family members, or St Mary’s, or a certain criminal mastermind, I came to a surprising realization- this series might just have too many characters.

Perhaps it is realistic that a police force is going to be large, and with the story being told here, where the lead trio is effectively sidelined, there are others that will need to step in. Taylor has done an okay job with developing out other members of the force through these books, but it is beginning to strain a little bit. The original secondary characters like Ellis and North aren’t even being given the focus here, rather people like Varma or the Senior Mech (who I don’t think even has a name yet). It’s all well and good to have a well rounded cast but there is a tipping point where more new characters take too much away from the originals. The best parts of the story all revolve around the original main characters, with the exception of Hay’s briefings, which I don’t think is a coincidence. I’m never going to be as concerned with what Grint’s subordinates think as I am with Jane’s inner monologue.

The other problem I had here is that the train plotline, which is intriguing initially, loses steam (Pun Intended) pretty quickly. It becomes way too easy to predict, and the most exciting flourish to it barely gets explored, ending with “I guess we will never know” as the resolution, which is just so bland. I’m not really a reader who demands that everything gets explained, but I can usually only let go of unsolved mysteries when I am engaged in everything. The train just didn’t have enough to keep me hooked.

I don’t want to sound overly harsh here though. Taylor’s writing can cover up a ton of flaws, to the point where I don’t know if I could actually dislike a book in this series. I guess this can just be chalked up as one of the less successful ones, but it in no way makes me turn on the series. I mean how could I after the final line in this one? (Grade:7/10)
Profile Image for Laura.
519 reviews1 follower
June 22, 2024
Team 236 are undecided on their future in the Time Police, so when a Mikey experiment goes wrong and leaves them as the only officers available to go on a rescue mission it really is make or break for them. Tracking down 2 would be trainspotters should be simple. Of course nobody has anticipated that the teens will actually board the mysterious Zanetti train. With Jane and Luke following the teens and getting stuck on board, it's up to Matthew and Lt Grint to figure out how to get them all back - a feat easier said than done when the train gets itself lost in space and time.

Jodi Taylor does it again! I loved this book. It's got everything I've come to expect in the Time Police series, and was actually a bit easier to follow than some of the previous installments.

I was fascinated by the idea of the Zanetti train, so much so that I've spent some time reading up about it after finishing the book. I have no idea how Taylor finds these mysterious real life events but she does a brilliant job of incorporating them into her stories, and bringing some of the more unusual historical events into the public eye.

There's a small side story in this with one of Mikey's experiments going horribly wrong, and nearly exposing a secret that TPHQ will do anything to keep hidden. I'm wondering if that will become a larger story in future books. I'm curious to know more so I hope so!

I'm thoroughly enjoying this series, and will be waiting with baited breath for the next one to come out.
Profile Image for Laura.
66 reviews
July 6, 2024
It's taken me an age to finish because I have two small children and as soon as I hear the comforting, familiar tones of Zara Ramm, I'm out like a light.

I enjoyed it, as always, but there were a few bits in this one that had me like huh? For example at the beginning when we have the train briefing with all North's information, it didn't seem to occur to anyone that the train was a time incident until it all happened and they were all like Woah! Like duh.

And some moments dragged, when it came to jumping off the train, it eventually took Jane five minutes, it was infuriating. Then that EPILOGUE. The slowest of slow burns to be left with blue balls?! I swear if Jodi Taylor makes it so it ends up as Luke and Jane, I'll be so disappointed.

Having read some other comments, I *liked* that we didn't see St Mary's in this one! TP holds up on its own in a universe that St Mary's built, we don't need to see them every time.

I liked the multiple POV in this one. I thought the multiple storylines worked really well, I'm intrigued about what was happening in the corridor. Matthew and the time map was something I didn't see coming but I hope we'll revisit. And I loved the scene with them all in Medsen at the end. Until next Time.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
46 reviews1 follower
June 8, 2024
Once again, Jodi has not disappointed. What an incredible listen!

Team 236 is in crisis. There is concern that the team will no longer survive. Then, thanks to some inventive thinking, Mikey creates a rather curious method of criminal restraint and the Time Police HQ finds itself struggling to recover. (I have to admit, I thought Mikey's idea was quite a solution to a problem, but I never expected what happened...)

On top of all of that, Jane learns of 2 underage time travelers (illegals) who might be in trouble and we are off on one of the most amazing, astounding, and impactful trips.

I have always appreciated Jodi's way with a story. She has a way of gathering older threads, sneaking them into the current story, surprising us with the unexpected and moving forward with character evolution all while tossing in some well needed doses of humor. And that is even before she drops the cliffhanger in our laps.

Once again Zara Ramm does an amazing job as reader for the audio version of the book.

I could, okay am, thrilled to be spoiled by both Taylor and Ramm.

What a Summer Read (listen)!
643 reviews2 followers
July 4, 2024
Jodi does it again! Recommendation: reread the other books again before you dive in. I found myself scrambling to recall a few names and plot points from the last book.

We learn about the fabled Zanetti train which shows up all over time and space! We learn that much of the world went dark for a year and a half in 536 AD— seriously!! Apparently a volcanic eruption blanketed the world in darkness, which caused crops to fail, widespread famine, and death. Can you imagine?? And I learned about the charge of the light brigade, at the battle of Balaclava during the Crimean war. A misunderstood order led British light cavalry to charge against Russian artillery to their certain deaths. Tennyson wrote

Half a league, half a league
Half a league onwards
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred
“Forward the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!” He said.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

“Forward the Light Brigade!”
Was there a man dismayed?
Not through the soldier knew
Someone had blundered.
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
Profile Image for Margaret.
627 reviews16 followers
July 5, 2024
People have been saying for years how hilarious the Jodi Taylor books are - both the Chronicles of St. Mary's AND the Time Police series. But Killing Time was the first laugh-out-loud-uncontrollably book in either series for me. I absolutely loved this one!!

The MacGuffin in Killing Time is an out-of-control steam engine train with a malicious mind of its own. And it is jumping randomly through Time. The only good thing is that the Time Police have in their favor is that they have all of the recorded sightings, going back hundreds of years.

A lot happened in the previous book and in this book, it has yet to be decided whether Team 236 (our protagonists Luke, Jane, & Matthew) will even stay together or be broken up or even if one or more members might be leaving the Time Police entirely.

Come along if you dare for a real roller-coaster of a ride and be prepared to face an out-of-control train which just happens (of course) to have two Team 236 members trapped onboard with the original 1911 passengers!

Highly recommended for all Time Police series fans, time travel fans, and fans of ripping good yarns!
Profile Image for Diana T-C.
110 reviews5 followers
June 8, 2024
Jodi Taylor is a talented storyteller.

This is an action-packed book and the story quickly moved from one group of people to another as it wove their parts in the story together. Characters are still growing and while there are some bad characters doing their selfish deeds, no one is written as an annoying dummy. The romance in the story is still written with restraint, humanity, and humor. It's flavor, not filler.

I am glad Tucker made it to this book. I must secretly enjoy match-making while still hating detailed descriptions of sex in sci-fi or urban fantasy books.

Everything happens so quickly and every so often we are reminded that much of the book happens in one day, then there are a couple more days and resolution, then a delicious epilogue as well.

I love Jodi Taylor's writing and the Time Police series is top-notch story telling.

Bonus if you can get the audio book version - talented narrator Zara Ramm is able to do many voices and there is no doubt who is speaking and she deftly conveys humor and emotions making the audio book especially entertaining.
Profile Image for Book Monitor.
824 reviews13 followers
June 18, 2024
Not the best in the series
Jodi has me laughing out loud one minute and gasping with horror the next. She is a master manipulator of emotions no question. The plot however needs a bit more work. She has ideas but to hang the whole book on the train made the whole thing feel like an extended short story- to it's detriment.
For me the splitting up of team weird (again) lessened the story and the cliff-hanger ending feels like cheating; especially as there is 2 years to the next TP story.
I was also a little disappointed by the lack of progress in the lives of the characters. The lack of momentum and character/relationship development makes me wonder if the ideas for this particular series are running out and the author is focused on newer projects.
Zara Ramm is an excellent narrator and totally brings the book to life.
Don't get me wrong this was worth a credit and an enjoyable listen but it's against the superb previous books in the series and doesn't live up to them.
Overall- 3.5 stars
narration - 5 stars
story - 3.5 stars
856 reviews
June 9, 2024

Story: B, Narration: A

Not a review, just some thoughts for personal reference. Spoilers.

I always look forward to Jodi Taylor's books, and have noted that my high expectations sometimes lead me to quibble. My main issue was that I didn't find the main ghost train storyline very effective. The Zanetti Train was a weak hook to hang the main storyline on and was more just a vehicle (bad pun) for the characters and the developments in their individual storylines. And those were mostly satisfying.

I admit that my attention may have wandered, but was anything mentioned about what happened to the four women in the asylum? Were they left? Were they saved? Do they have anything to do with those odd references at the end of the book? With the rest home or the blocked off corridor at TPHQ? I'm left with questions and may need to go back and reread/re-listen.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Emmalyn Renato.
604 reviews13 followers
June 12, 2024
I read the previous one in the series in October 2022, and it's frightening how much I'd forgotten. Luckily one of the three author's notes (yes, three) gave a recap that helped with the main points. Other details started coming back as I got into the new story. This one features the apocryphal tale of the Zanetti Train that vanished in a tunnel from Rome in Italy in 1911 and came back in Mexico in 1840. Two of Team Weird (Luke and Jane) end up on this "ghost train" and their rescue begins. If'you've read the other four books in the series, then this one is similar (in so many ways). I particularily liked the Commander Hay / Captain Farenden debriefings and the string subplot with Mikey, but the whole relationship between Lt. Grint and Jane is starting to get tedious. One star off for that. Will I read another Jodi Taylor book? Of course.

(Bingo squares that this would fit: Self-Published or Indie Publisher; Multi-POV(HM); Published in 2024; Survival; Reference Materials).
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
35 reviews
June 7, 2024
This series never disappoints. Like the St Mary’s Chronicles, it just keeps getting better. The audiobook narrated by the excellent Zara Ramm was difficult to pause for a minute. I was quickly invested in the story, and ended up listening to the whole book in virtually one sitting. Absolutely loved the idea of a runaway train whizzing around the timeline, with Grint leading the chase to save the two members of Team 236 stuck on it. Good bit of character development also for Jane, Luke, Matthew and Grint. I have to admit to having a soft spot for Grint, so it was nice to see him taking a more prominent role. You’ll need to read the book to see what I mean. It’s going to be interesting to see where Jodi takes these characters next. Needless to say, I can’t wait to get my hands on a physical copy of the book for the first of many rereads, while I wait for the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Emma.
200 reviews2 followers
June 28, 2024
4 stars.

Another thoroughly enjoyable instalment in the Time Police series, which did not fail to leave me entertained. I love Taylor’s sense of humour and the delivery of comedy in her books never fail to impress.

I enjoyed the action in this book as well as the historical periods we travelled through and I would have loved if there had been more of this. I loved the train element too and would also have loved if more had been made of this and of the time on the train.

I do however, absolutely despise the character of Lt. Grint and I hate that so much of the book was spent on him. I am very tired to the relationship between him and Jane (the hotel scene was a tough read), though I do like Jane’s character. I am biased though as I am team Luke all the way.

Looking forward to the next one.
Profile Image for Nicole.
84 reviews2 followers
June 8, 2024
Team 236 are back…well sort of. After the last book they are not in the best place and don’t even seem to know wether they will remain as a team. Fortunately their decision is side tracked by an pair illegals who have decided to go and see the Zanetti train and sets in motion a string of events that time travel legends are made of. Luke and Jane end up being trapped on board the train as it rattles round the globe and time continuum, whilst Matthew tries to track down his friends by communing with the time map.

I think this is actually the best of the Time Police books. It is very fast paced and full of humour and drama and the characters in this St Mary’s spin off are really developing well. I can’t wait for book 6.
Profile Image for Michael Davis.
507 reviews2 followers
June 14, 2024
All aboard!

I’ve been a dedicated reader of Mrs Taylor’s forever, it seems, starting with the many tales of St Mary’s, through the wilds of Frogmorton Farm, and into the deadly serious Time Police set of stories. This one is easily my favorite of the last set.

I can’t remember when I’ve been so concerned, even scared, for the protagonists for so long in a novel. Expertly bouncing from their plight to several others’ while managing to keep all of the steel strings between them taut is an ability seen all too seldom, but it struck me that in this book she’s used all that she’s written to date to hone her skills to the razor-sharp intensity demanded by this story. And, man, do they cut keenly.

I envy anyone who hasn’t read Mrs Taylor’s work yet. There’s nothing like the first time.
Profile Image for Karen.
66 reviews
June 13, 2024
I’ve just completed some serious binge reading through the Time Police series, with this last book that was literally just published.

I enjoyed the story, largely an adventure-filled trip on a crazy train, with lots of bumps and bruises for everyone involved. I really do enjoy Team 236. The quirky characters (Jane, Matthew and Luke) are each damaged in their own way, but really good people at their core. You want them to succeed, but the author keeps putting them in harm’s way, for our reading pleasure.

As I’ve mentioned before, I think her books are much longer than they need to be. But I am always entertained and enjoy the company of the characters.
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