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Lorelei Clay has spent a lifetime keeping her secret. Now that Kane has discovered it, the prince of hell has cut her off but she has no idea why. Not only has he disappeared from her life, he's also disappeared from Fairhaven, and his vampire assistant refuses to divulge his whereabouts.

When a series of attacks threatens the town, Lorelei is thrust back into the magical spotlight. This time, she isn't sure she can weather the storm on her own without drawing too much attention to herself and, even worse, endangering the lives of everyone she's come to care about.

Dead Wrong is the fourth book in the Crossroads Queen series, featuring a strong female protagonist, a slow burn romance, magic and mayhem, and a coterie of paranormal friends and found family.

260 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 11, 2024

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About the author

Annabel Chase

158 books1,158 followers
Annabel Chase is the author of urban fantasy and cozy mystery novels. She would love to live in a magical town where she can shop at Ready-to-Were for the the perfect outfit, flirt with hot angels and vampires, and cook gourmet meals without exerting any effort. Visit her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Annabel-Chas... or on her website at www.annabelchase.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 137 reviews
Profile Image for TJ.
2,986 reviews197 followers
January 22, 2024
I’m still enjoying this light, no-brain gymnastics needed, UF confection of a series. There are enough small but noticeably frustrating glitches (like the reasons underlying Kane’s leaving Lorelei) that keep it from a full four star read. But, it’s also such a fun escape that I just can’t round it down to a three star.
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,379 reviews483 followers
May 28, 2024
*Source* Kindle Unlimited
*Genre* Urban Fantasy
*Rating* 4


Dead Wrong is the fourth book in the Crossroads Queen series, featuring a strong female protagonist, a slow burn romance, magic and mayhem, and a coterie of paranormal friends and found family. Lorelai Chase moved from London to Fairhaven hoping to settle down. She purchased a rundown castle named after Bluebeard, and has since tried to keep away from the supernatural shenanigans. But with a Crossroads located in Fairhaven, Lorelei's secret was sure to come out.

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*

Profile Image for Hayley.
797 reviews35 followers
February 10, 2024
better than the last

Lorelei is starting to come more into herself. She is hiding less from her need to caretake and finding her place in Fairhaven. We also, finally, get some Kane action. Brody seems like fun, hope we get to interact with him again.
Profile Image for Jumms.
167 reviews5 followers
January 13, 2024

This is what I've been waiting for since the 1st book. The fun quips btwn characters, great storytelling, resolution, and answers! I am going to pretend the last two books didn't exist! All the issues I had with how Lorelei was behaving were rectified.

The story starts out with our girl being asked for help by none other than the local Moody alpha West. Things are a bit random at first, but you have characters like Gun and Ray who bring needed laughter and truth to the story and Lorelai. For once, she actually asks for help.

It was also interesting to see how things progressed with her and the Prince of Hell. They both eventually act like adults.

If you loved the first book, you will not be disappointed. The set up we have for the next book was great. No real cliffhanger. There was a resolution to this book and promise for the next one.
Profile Image for Catherine S.
69 reviews3 followers
January 14, 2024
Rounding up to 4 ⭐️ because this book is SO much better than the last 2 or 3. We saw some personal growth in Lorelei, more communication between characters, and just a better sense of community. I also loved seeing more scenes of Lorelei working on the castle!

The book is still a 3.5. I'm generous with the 4 stars because Lorelei's character has SO much potential. I still think things seemed a bit scattered and that the plot could have been expanded on. The mythology was great, but I would have loved more details.

There was a bit of a plot hole when a discussion with Dantaleon makes Lorelei think the issue she is dealing with is potentially but it turns out they are not, which causes the conversation with Dantaleon about the issue to feel more like an excuse to info-dump about Kane and Dantaleon’s past, especially since none of the characters mention the misconception.

The hot and cold nature of Lorelei and Kane’s relationship had exited the “huh I wish they would get that figured out” arena and entered the “what the heck is wrong with these two?” stage. I’m glad they seem to have come to an understanding now, although the way they acted in the first part of this book was annoying. I hate the misunderstanding/keeping secrets trope. At this point I wouldn’t be totally shocked if they suddenly start avoiding each other again for some stupid reason down the line, so it feels uncertain. I don’t think their frenemies to lovers/misunderstanding style relationship trope is written as smoothly as it could be, and I'm not sure I would even classify these books as romances.

Overall I’m happy and think the author showed a lot of growth in the planning and execution of this story and I’m looking forward to what happens in the next book! Lorelei is a character that I really enjoy and I’m excited to see a more fleshed-out version of her emerging. I believe that the books were only supposed to be a series of four in the beginning but now we are getting more. I wonder if the author would have slowed down and fleshed out details throughout the series if they had gone into the series without a specific number of books in mind?

Also… the part with the goat cracked me up.
Profile Image for CB.
227 reviews11 followers
January 16, 2024
Great entry in this series, and I love how the characters in the community all came together to try to track down and capture the entities plaguing the town. Lorelei continues to be an interesting, witty character and her interactions with her fellow supernaturals are engaging and fun. (My favorites continue to be the members of the La Fortuna assassins guild, whose characters crack me up).

I’m not a fan of the two ghosts living in Lorelei’s home as I think they are too pushy and annoying, and I also thought Kane was kind of all over the place in this book, which felt like a jump from the character we’ve read about in the last few books. But those are minor issues, and overall I really enjoyed this book and feel like this series is starting to hit its stride. 4.5 stars.
47 reviews
March 29, 2024
This book was sorta confusing for a while, while I liked the angst and loved the story, it seemed more like a filler for a while. Of course, by the end, we got our connection and the story to move along. As much as the angst made me roll my eyes, Kane and Ms. Clay are cute together but they both have to move beyond torturing themselves for what could be or what has been. I look forward to the next books, I bet we get to see what a real Goddess can really do. I also want to see Kane's real form. I like this little community that the lost souls are forming. Oh btw, I enjoyed Kane's speech at the end, well done.
Profile Image for Annelie.
551 reviews16 followers
January 21, 2024
Still good!

I still liked very much this serie! Lorelei is really a funny and likeable character. She's fierce, powerful, clever but sensitive, and a bit broken as well. Instead of Kane...😠 This guy was so unnerving! Breathing hot and cold, he was in fact a coward, and I hoped he will get a very painful wake-up call when he finally decides to put his head out of his *ss!
Profile Image for Kebaklgmail.com.
158 reviews
April 24, 2024
Love is in the air

Can two people find love in a crazy town? Lets hope Annabel Chase writes in a great love scene. Join the residents of Fairhaven foe laughs, fun and adventure. Great book!
Profile Image for Megan.
55 reviews
March 16, 2024
This is a story and main character that drew me in deeper with each book. The first one had me hooked. As a person who prefers my own company best most of the time, I related to the main character on that level immediately. But Lorelei is so much more than she seems at first, not just in power, but in who she is deep in her soul and it’s a lovely journey to witness.
27 reviews
January 11, 2024

This series started out good but each book I read I liked fmc less and less.
I didn’t really click with most of the characters, they were bland except for a couple of the la Fortuna mages oh and the two ghost…that’s it.
As goddess goes I find these the weakest in a story….I’m. Very disappointed with these books and won’t be going any further, just not interesting enough…
Profile Image for Mike Lewis.
1,663 reviews2 followers
January 21, 2024
exceptionally entertaining urban fantasy/paranormal cozy mystery series

This is an exceptionally entertaining urban fantasy/paranormal cozy mystery series. Spectacular cast of characters and a fun and entertaining storyline. Lorelei Kane is a unique individual she came to town and just wanted to be left alone. She has ability to speak to ghosts among other things And a few people find out about that particular skill. What they did not know was that she was actually what they call avatar a goddess born into a human body. She is the goddess of ghosts and nightmares and has the ability to control either. Read on and see where her venture leads are this time as someone is trying to figure out who and what she is. They are throwing anything and everything at her to see what will stick to make her reveal her abilities and who she is. Can Lorelei and her friends stop the evil Doer and save the town. Read in this book and find out.
Profile Image for Kathy.
2,771 reviews18 followers
January 26, 2024
Entertaining but somehow felt like a filler story.
Profile Image for Jessie.
64 reviews
June 24, 2024
Rant first: So the ghosts can break the house rules when it suits them but her shutting them up when they are driving her nuts is unacceptable? I love the two ghosts but their inability to follow the house rules and trying to exert their will over Lorelei drives me nuts. When they break the rules I wish she would force them out with a command. Or force them to not talk. Also, why in the world would you keep the flowers? Those would have gone in the trash or out the door immediately. Gun also needs a swift kick AND how did no one notice how beat up she was after encountering Brody in the woods? She was cut up and scraped up and it goes unnoticed? The pure exhaustion is just ignored? And another thing, little miss keeps saving the town and it's people and supernatural community but no one thinks to pay her for putting her life on the line, for spending money (she doesn't have!) to keep them all alive? The least they could do is do work around the castle. Fix the heating, buy her furniture, pick up a paint roller, something (besides salt for the walk way and bridge). And why is it she is the only one who has the ability to pick up a book and do research? No one else is capable of going to the library or talking with other supernaturals about events and theories? Only the new comer is capable of research and brainstorming and juggling multiple issues at once? On top of all of that....how many times do we have to be told she is a goddess. It's like now that the cat is out of the bag we must be at it like a dead horse and she has to remind herself at every turn. We get it, she's a goddess,

Now to the review: We pick up 6 weeks after we left off and things kick off with a new comer to town and a rash of issues, including a snow storm that tests not just the town, the people and the "castle" but Lorelei also. The alpha wolf continues with his love/hate of Lorelei, loves her when she is willing to help with problems but hates her being there. Lorelei gets pulled into another supernatural crisis, that just proves once again she doesn't really want to live in a house all by herself. She gets to hear some hard truths that she doesn't want to face and realizes she has more than acquaintances. There is a love interest that comes to light and a relationship that blossoms. There is a small bit of spice, but nothing too scandalous. Dan makes a return and we learn about Cane's past (finally).
Profile Image for Marcella.
150 reviews3 followers
January 11, 2024
I love it when I wait months for a sequel and then finish the book in half a day. Well, it does mean that I enjoyed it - just as much as I did the first three. There are all the elements I like so much about this series: humour, great banter and dialogues, bizarre characters and weird relationships forming (I just loved when Lorelai befriended her assassin... Cue to the part where Kane went something like "have you met yourself?"). We finally saw some form of evolution in the relationship between Lorelai and Kane, and I know that they are not the focus of the story, but I was still hoping for more scenes of the two of them together. I feel like there is too much unsaid between them and it is time for them to have a full, open conversation about the past and the future, but I guess it will have to wait yet another book. Which brings me to my biggest complaint. It's book four and I feel like we are nowhere close the actual plot of the series. Who is the villain? Is it the corporation? In some points of the book I was almost afraid it was going to be Lucifer in the end; it will certainly feel weird if Kane's exile is just... Accepted and ignored. Again, my biggest complaint comes from a place of just wanting to devour everything related to this series so I guess it's not really a critique. I'll go back to waiting for the next one.
Profile Image for Sara Henry.
246 reviews1 follower
January 18, 2024
I want to be clear. I really, really enjoyed the first three books of this series. And while this one wasn't bad, it was less good than the others. I'd round down to a 3.5, maybe. The plot threads were a little less tight. The interactions between some of the characters felt a little... mistimed? There was some nonsense in this book where one of the other characters gets Lorelei involved in something, a bit of detective work that she gets invested in. And she has some developments, but the way/timing of dealing with the character who asked her to look into it in the first place felt a little off. Like, she found out some stuff that directly related, but didn't make a point of contacting him with the new information right away. That felt... wrong. And there is some personal interactions in this one that just didn't feel as good as relationships between characters in previous installations. Lorelei was a little slow to recognize some things in this story, that I had no reason to think she would be slow to figure out based on previous things we have seen her handle in the series. She had some outbursts of being a petulant child, which, honestly, I don't really want to read about. Not my favorite, but the series isn't dead to me over this book either, if that makes sense.
Profile Image for Olivia.
58 reviews2 followers
January 20, 2024
I really enjoyed the first book, and was slightly disappointed by books two and three, so when this one came out I was hesitant but other reviews indicated that this one was worth it and they were right!

There's always something going on in Fairhaven... exploding werewolves, strange animals and weird weather set the background for this adventure. This book pulls the story together and the characters feel like there finally settling in to their storylines. Lorelei has revealed her true identity to Kane and while it didn't go well initially, it seems like they're going to work through their challenges. There's a bit more in their relationship this time but definitely a slooooow burn romance. The rest of the characters have much better banter in this book, the writing about the collective townspeople seeming much more cohesive and purposeful. Brody the nature mage was a fun little addition to the group. West's weird attitude gets explained and the rest of the quirky cast, including the house ghosts and staff at the bar are funnier and more entertaining this time around. I did miss the interactions with Otto in this story but hopefully he'll make an appearance in the next one. No abrupt cliffhanger but definitely enough to be excited about the next book.
Profile Image for Spinneretta.
2,495 reviews13 followers
January 11, 2024

With Kane mysterious absent, Lorelei finds herself taking responsibility for some weird goings on about town.
Exploding werewolves, snowy weather, and unusual behaviour are the kinds of things that might not be exactly unrelated to the paranormal denizens of Fairhaven…

Now Kane is in the know, Lorelei isn’t quite sure where she stands with him, or just how much danger she is in from the people she went up against.
Fortunately, she has some friends now, and now just the ghostly residents of her house. Trouble is coming, and Lorelei needs to make some choices.

Since this is book four in the series, it’s pretty obvious that it’s not a standalone, nor can this be read out of order (because it might spoil things). That’s ok though, because the book is an entertaining read, with some amusing characters. I personally loved the Rudolph references- it’s our family’s Christmas favourite too!
There’s a lot going on in this book, and it’s definitely setting up for more: I’m eager to see where it will lead us.
A thoroughly entertaining read for the contemporary/urban fantasy lover.
Profile Image for D K.
403 reviews2 followers
January 18, 2024
Absolutely Loving this Series!!!

The more this series progresses the better it gets! Don’t get me wrong, the first, second and third books are as good, but I love a story where we see the main characters grow and evolve, making it that much interesting. Annabel Chase created a magnificent FMC. I love Lorelei”s personality and fierceness. Her sarcasm, smarts, protectiveness and kick-ass attitude make her the star of this series and a joy to read. There is action, magic, mystery intrigue and great secondary characters. I especially love Ray and Nana Pratt. Those two ghosts are a hoot! There is also a bit of romance, but not as much as I would have liked. This is my only complaint. I would have wanted to see at this stage of the series, a more established relationship between Lorelei and Kane. I am all for a self-reliant and strong FMC, but I am disappointed that Kane was not more involved. At least the ending was promising, which I hope it means the start of a stronger bond between both of them from here on out. I cannot wait for the next book to come out 😍 Highly Recommended!
Profile Image for Lita.
2,174 reviews7 followers
April 29, 2024
Really good story. I've been collecting these books as they come out and finally decided to read them. The characters are well written and very likeable. The story is amazing and the world building is fabulous.

Lorelei is a natural born goddess - a reincarnation of the goddess Menolie who was the goddess of nightmares and ghosts. Born to human parents who died in a car crash when she was a baby, she was initially raised by her grandfather who taught her everything he knew or could learn before he passed away. After he died she was entered into the foster care system. She bought a "castle" sight unseen and moved to Fairhaven to escape the world at large. Turns out the castle is a money pit and she's more involved with the citizens of Fairhaven than she ever wanted to be. Fairhaven is a town full of supernaturals and humans and it sits on a crossroads to several other worlds/dimensions.

There's an entity called the Corporation who is interested in Lorelei but the interest is one sided.
Profile Image for Shannon.
652 reviews3 followers
January 20, 2024
I am really enjoying this series. The books are straightforward and to the point... in that there is an issue and the characters rally to fix it, all in 300 pages or less. I don't need every fantasy book I read to be 700+ pages... "short" stories of a week to a few months of time in the characters' lives are fine. And yes, because it is a series, we see development across the books, as one would expect, but it feels natural.

I'm glad Lorelei's secret is out to at least one other character . And we finally get a reference to the series name as well. I also like how she is creating a community and family despite her "best" intentions. We finally see some real growth in Lorelei this book, with real interactions with some other characters (looking at you West!).

I was ready to take a break from Kindle Unlimited, but I can't give up on this series.

1,090 reviews2 followers
January 16, 2024

I was so excited when this book came out because I really like Lorelei. It took me a while of reading this to remember what happened between her and Kane in the last book and why they’re treating each other like they don’t really want to see each other but yet they still want to tear each other‘s clothes off. Lorelei, even though she wants a quiet life has stuck herself in the middle of a murder investigation. Three people have been murdered by some interesting animals and they’re trying to figure out how and why they did it. Lorelei also acquires an interesting person trying to kill her. There is also a new woman in town that has been hanging around with the sheriff deputy and Lorelei is trying to figure out who she is as well because she’s also threatening, Lorelei‘s life. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Anita.
2,550 reviews175 followers
January 25, 2024
There's something almost autistic about the main character of this book - like she just doesn't get certain principles of communication and may have been raised alone with no one to learn from. That's not her real backstory, but it would make more sense with her decision pattern. There's something off about her. Still, the stories are relatively lower-stakes, or at least lower stress to read, which is a bonus from my perspective. And there are some ridiculous elements that are fun - like the new nature mage, Brody. He's very entertaining.

This book is about the heroine solving a mystery about magical animals loose in the town, and supernatural snow. Only there's more - like what those animals can do and who put them there and why. It's also about her starting to reconcile with her love interest, Kane, the prince of hell.
Profile Image for MaD.
655 reviews
January 30, 2024
Entertaining to say the least. Lorelei's character is really starting to grow on me. She's once again feeling abandoned. What? The prince of hell can't handle her secret? She finally trusts someone enough to tell the whole truth and Kane disappears. No one will tell her where he is.
Now with a strange thundersnow storm and even stranger creatures roaming the town, Lorelei has a new mystery to solve...and you can bet it is highly paranormal! If that isn't enough, she now has a nature mage assassin after her well, until she converts him! Brody is a hoot! Hope we see more of him.
Mayhem continues. Is it Magnarella? The Corporation? Both? Neither? Nice twist. Oh, and finally some movement of the Kane front..."glacier speed" as it may be!

Where's Book5???
232 reviews2 followers
January 13, 2024

Every book leaves me fulfilled and wanting so much more at the same time!!! Loreleis character is so unique,funny and I can't wait until she let's her power really shine!! I love Nana Pratt and Ray so much it makes me laugh and smile every time I read a book in this series Annabel Chase is amazing at world building and characters. Lorelei has a magnetism that just draws people and supernaturals in her life and now she has many allies to help with the enemies that are coming to control her the next book it gonna be so freaking amazing I can't wait!!!
780 reviews1 follower
March 9, 2024

by this point, you've really bought into the small town world and diverse human and supernatural characters.

We get a little more plot and character development with a big adventure.

It's fun.
Doubtful this series is going to end I could see it strung out to 8 or more books at this pace.

unsure it would hold my interest that long but the romance is a real slow burn.

we are talking a kiss or romantic moment per book.

For those of you looking for spicy this is not the series you want.

fast paced fun adventure full of supernatural and a grumpy heart of gold heroine
Profile Image for Miss W Book Reviews.
1,476 reviews122 followers
December 1, 2023
Dead Wrong is Book 4 in the Crossroads Queen Urban Fantasy series by Annabel Chase.
HOLY COW! This book I was glued to from beginning to end.
I absolutely LOVE Lorelei and her gang of paranormal misfits.

The world building in this book is beyond next level. The relationships are dynamic and the story telling is easily 10 starts.

Lorelei is unlike any character I have read before, and I am hooked on her. I love the slow burn romance going on.

There is a lot of action and secrets revealed in this installment.

Definitely want to read this series from Book 1 so you don't miss an exciting moment!

Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Millennium65.
191 reviews
January 12, 2024
3.5/5 - Middle of the pack

This fourth book was good (but not great). The characters were excellent, as per usual, and I enjoyed their quippy banter. There was also some much needed progress with Lorelei and Kane's relationship, which I appreciated.

Unfortunately, I didn't love the mystery. It was ok but not nearly as exciting as the last book. There was no personal connection--Lorelei was just trying to save the town folks in general--so the danger wasn't as intense.

Overall, it's a decent read, though not an amazing one, and I look forward to the next book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 137 reviews

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