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Fins de siècle series #2

The Hunting Party

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1983. In the icy haze of the Soviet forests, a unique “hunting party” is organized. A young French translator is invited there by his mentor, Evguéni Golozov, interpreter and trusted man of the mysterious Vassili Alexandrovitch Tchevtchenko. This silent strategist of communist power, appears throughout the intrigue as the Machiavellian conductor of the bloody abuses of decadent rulers. When the little story merges into the big one, the reader rediscovers the dark events that marked the period of the Eastern Bloc. With this title, Bilal signed with Christin, one of the major works of modern comics.

88 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1983

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Pierre Christin

245 books113 followers

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Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews
Profile Image for Michael Finocchiaro.
Author 3 books5,947 followers
June 12, 2018
This comic from Bilal's early career is the transcription of a book by Pierre Christin of the same name. It is an allegorical tale of bear hunting in Soviet Russia, but also about political strife and assassination plots. As always, Bilal's drawing is incredible - each page is a separate watercolor as in most of his work. It is a bit weak on dialog however, not his most powerful graphic novel even if the story is original and interesting.
Profile Image for D.M..
713 reviews12 followers
September 27, 2010
I'm a sucker for Bilal's art, so it's often hard for me to look past that to the success or failure of the narrative. Here, the narrative somehow takes over. The story is simple, but the depth of the history they've (for whatever reason) thought out for every character makes it seem considerably more complex. Perhaps a little more education in Soviet bloc politics would help in understanding all the intricacies at work amongst these characters, but not understanding most of that didn't spoil the read.
And then there's that art. There's absolutely nothing science-fiction or fantasy going on here, but Bilal still manages to impregnate scenes with his own unique style of symbolism -- somewhere between political cartoons and hieroglyphics. The people are the same profiles any Bilal fan recognises, and the stony texture that tends to come with his work is just as noticeable here. It's nice that the reproduction in this edition is so pristine and large.
Overall, a decent read, but tries just a bit too hard to be something more than it is. And of course it's gorgeous.
Profile Image for Dudley Starks.
72 reviews2 followers
May 7, 2021
Da un punto di visto politico/storico “Partie de chasse” è senza dubbio un racconto complesso e di non facile approccio per chi non ha una buona conoscenza della materia trattata, Pierre Christin mette in scena un impietoso resoconto di decadenza umana e lo fa presentandoci queste grigie figure di gerarchi comunisti riunite in uno scenario quasi alieno dominato dalla neve, dalle montagne e dai boschi.
Fin dalle prime pagine si intuisce che la battuta di caccia organizzata dall’ormai anziano generale Cevcenko nasconde ben altri intenti, non si fatica a capire di cosa si tratta perché non è questo che interessa l’autore, non ci troviamo di fronte ad un giallo/thriller ma ad un racconto che cerca di fotografare un’epoca ormai al tramonto puntando i riflettori sui personaggi e sui loro percorsi politici e umani.
In tutto questo il lavoro del geniale Enki Bilal ricopre un ruolo fondamentale, oserei dire quasi predominante, perché le emozioni della storia veicolate dall’alternarsi in scena dei diversi protagonisti sono amplificate dai disegni dell’artista, tavole di gradissimo impatto in grado di creare un’atmosfera pregna di tensione malsana e ambiguità.
Più che mai è l’ambientazione a fare la storia, la fredda rappresentazione di una natura inospitale in contrasto con il lusso di una tenuta ricca di comfort (una piscina riscaldata, un osservatorio, opere d’arte e servitù), uno spazio allegorico dove uomini con un passato di ideali infranti e di sangue versato si confrontano tra ironie, battute velenose e disillusioni, “compagni” che si guardano dentro con la consapevole malinconia del fallimento.
Letto a posteriori Battuta di Caccia ha il sapore della preveggenza, pubblicato nel 1981 a puntate sulla rivista Pilot la storia anticipa di alcuni anni la caduta del muro di Berlino e la fine dei regimi comunisti, lo fa con una messa in scena impietosa e cinica e con l’arte di un Enki Bilal assolutamente grandioso.

Profile Image for Philippe Malzieu.
Author 2 books129 followers
February 9, 2014
That occurs before the fall from the Berlin Wall. All that will occur is envisaged in this book: the perestroika, bursting of the Soviet block.
All the dignitaries of east countries are invited to a shooting party. There is the old leader Bolshevik who can't speak after a neurological accident. It is him who very organized. There are the memories which haunt them. The goal of this hunting is to allow regime's liberalisation.
this liberalization will destroy the communist bloc.
Bilal is an immense artist. Its works are sold expensive in auction.
An historic masterpiece
Profile Image for Paul.
Author 862 books396 followers
December 26, 2008
Perhaps a bit overly ambitious for the format, or at least for the page count. A good fifty percent of the work does no more than set up the characters in the plot, rather than advancing the plot itself, and that becomes both tedious, and somewhat confusing.

Bilal's artwork is beautiful, though. As always.
Profile Image for Orçun.
Author 1 book51 followers
November 22, 2021
SSCB ve onun hegemonyasındaki demir perde ülkelerinde devrimci umutların tam karşıtına dönüşmesi üstüne makale yazılsa, bu kadar etkili olmazdı. Üstelik, 1983'te, henüz SSCB dağılmadan önce yayımlanmış. Bir av partisinde bir araya gelen SSCB, Çekoslovakya, Macaristan, Polonya, Romanya, Bulgaristan ve Doğu Almanya'nın önde gelen bürokratları, geçmişi anarlar; bu arada her bir ülkenin tarihine de onlarla birlikte göz atarız. Gerek buluşmanın atmosferi, gerekse anlatının trajikliği, sayfalar ilerledikçe, Enki Bilal'in dışavurumcu üslubuyla yoğunlaşır. Av Partisi, Christine-Bilal ikilisinin bence en iyi işi ve siyasal eleştiriye yer vermesiyle, Kara Tarikat Tugayları'nın kardeş kitabı. Stalinizm kabusunda yitip giden ütopyaya, sol cenahtan yakılmış bir ağıt...
Profile Image for Mendousse.
241 reviews5 followers
August 9, 2021
Seconde partie du dyptique "politique" de Christin et Bilal.
Après l'Europe de l'ouest, c'est au tour du monde soviétique du début des années 80 d'être traité.
Même bonheur que pour ma relecture des phalanges de l'ordre noir, plaisir intense de lecture.
Ici, Bilal s'affirme plus, on le sent plus concerné, lui, le yougoslave d'origine.
Son dessin est magnifique et l'on voit apparaître des choses que l'on retrouvera dans ses œuvres ultérieures, les animaux de fantasmes, l'ambiance de son futur film Bunker Palace hôtel.
L'ambiance du communisme finissant est superbement captée, près d'une dizaine d'années avant son effondrement réel.
Chef d'oeuvre.
Profile Image for Rex Hurst.
Author 13 books38 followers
December 30, 2019
From the author of the long run Valerian series comes a very different type of story. Set in the 1980s, a group of men of power, each very active in their various Eastern European communist governments, each member states of the Warsaw Pact, come together to honor their Russian patron, Vassily Chevchenko, who has suffered a stroke, become non-verbal, and thus must step down from his position in the politburo. They celebrate their patron through a few days of hunting. Starting first with birds, then stags, then boars, and finally bears.

To truly understand this book, one must first have at least a cursory understanding of communist political life in Eastern Europe during the first half of the 20th Century; the countries involved, the key players, the deceptions, the brutality, and the endless rounds of purges when men were ground underneath the Soviet machine, forced to confess to non-existent crimes then locked up for slave labor in some Siberian gulag, or killed outright. Many mentions are made of now-footnote-in-history political leaders whose downfall brought sorrow and tragedy to the men in this story.

The hunt is symbolic of an inhuman political system which routinely eats its young. As the men progress through the days of killing animals, we see each of their personal stories, of the horror they witnessed and the horror they had to commit in order to stay alive. Starting as idealists, ultimately the men had to become greater monsters than those they fought to keep their scalps. We see the communist/socialist lie for what it truly is a never-ending series of murder and violence.

While the story is dramatic enough, what truly elevates this book is the superb art (as always) by Enki Bilal which captures the darkness, the gloom, and menace of the cold Siberian landscape. Everything is haunted, even during the happy scenes of relation, when the men are enjoying themselves, a menace and gloom shrouds them. The book is worth a look if only for the art.
Profile Image for Paulo Teixeira.
776 reviews12 followers
March 6, 2019
(PT) "A Caçada" passa-se algures nos Montes Tatra, na Polónia, onde os membros dos Politburos do Bloco de Leste, quase todos velhos comunistas, se reunem para uma caçada. Liderados por Vassili Alexandrovich Tchevchenko, um dos últimos sobreviventes da Revolução de 1917, viveu toda a segunda metade do século dentro do aparelho politico, forjando relações com o Bloco de Leste.

Contudo, Vassili está muito velho e já não fala devido a uma paralisia facial. Mas todos o respeitam porque foi ele que, de uma maneira ou outra, os fez avançar na vida. Alguns deles até tinham sido reabilitados de purgas que tinham vivido, salvo das execuções sumárias ou dos enforcamentos, passando apenas um mero desterro.

Entre os presentes está um jovem tradutor francês, e outro jovem membro do Politburo, Serguei Chavanidze, que pretende manter o rumo do comunismo, com a ajuda do alemão Gunther Schultz. Para o resto da comitiva, ambos são mais uns incómodos do que outra coisa...

"A Caçada", desenhada pelo (então) jugoslavo Enki Bilal e com argumento de Pierre Cristin, de 1983, é um espalho das coisas que iriam acontecer. Os regimes soviéticos estão paralisados e envelhecidos, e o comunismo parece em perigo. Ao longo do livro vemos os fantasmas que todos têm, intercalados com as recordações do passado, a desilusão do "socialismo real" e de como o poder, cego, pode devorar os seus filhos mais dilectos. É, de uma certa maneira, um aviso do fim.

No final, a profecia concretizou-se, e 35 anos depois, "A Caçada" tornou-se num dos melhores livros da carreira de Bilal.
Profile Image for Alex.
780 reviews34 followers
June 19, 2017
Η παρτίδα κυνηγιού ήταν το δεύτερο μέρος του chaos effect. Μου άρεσε εξίσου πολύ αλλά με τελείως διαφορετικό τρόπο. Ενώ οι φάλαγγες βρίθουν δράσης και ενέργειας (έστω και σε μια κατάσταση ημιδιάλυσης) η παρτίδα παίρνει το χρόνο της και με σκληρή ψυχραιμία σε εισάγει στην καθεστωτική παρακμή του ανατολικού μπλοκ λίγο πριν την πτώση της σοβιετικής ένωσης. Δεν σε κερδίζει με τις εναλλαγές στα περιβάλλοντα ή τις σκηνές δράσης οι οποίες λάμπουν δια της απουσίας τους.

Αφού μιλάμε για κυνήγι, θα έπρεπε να βάζει τον αναγνώστη και στη θέση του θηρευτή και του θηράματος, και το πετυχαίνει άψογα. Ταυτόχρονα η ιστορία ντύνεται από διάφορα flashback κυρίως του πρωταγωνιστή Αλεξάντροβιτς και λιγότερο των συντρόφων του στο κυνήγι (όλοι σημαντικές για τον χ,ψ λόγο φιγούρες στα διάφορα σοσιαλιστικά καθεστώτα) που σου περιγράφουν μέσα από τις προσωπικές τους εμπειρίες την ιστορία του κομμουνισμού.

Άλλη μια άψογη συνεργασία όπου ο Μπιλάλ στην κυριολεξία ζωγραφίζει και ο Κριστίν γράφει μια ιστορία πολιτικής ίντριγκας η οποία σου δείχνει ένα τελείως διαφορετικό και απάνθρωπο πρόσωπο των ηγετών της κόκκινης αυτοκρατορίας και των ιδεών με τις οποίες λειτουργούσαν και όριζαν τις τύχες εκατομμυρίων, βάζοντας στο μείγμα λίγο ρομαντισμό και αρκετή προσωπική φιλοδοξία με σημαία το δόγμα "Ότι πρέπει να γίνει, θα γίνει ανεξαρτήτως κόστους." Ιδιαίτερη αναφορά στο πόσο περίτεχνα τοποθετούσε ο Μπιλάλ στα σκίτσα το αιματοβαμμένο γεράκι.
Profile Image for Al Capwned.
1,776 reviews13 followers
July 15, 2019
The art is great but the dialogue gets quite cheesy trying to force anti-communist elements all over the place in a pseudo-philosophical, pretentious way. Plus, the ending is extremely anticlimactic.
Profile Image for Mikael.
715 reviews6 followers
August 4, 2018
Perfectly conveys the cloak and dagger dealings of soviet party politiks. i don't mind the surreal parts but in the end a lot of the dialog is left quite rambling.
Profile Image for Dragan Nanic.
498 reviews12 followers
March 13, 2016
Unbelievable thriller set in the mystic times of socialist Eastern block. The story gets horror innuendos straight from Dracula and weaves them in the even more horrifying events happening under socialist rule. Though fictional it reads as if it is true, including the short biographies of all the protagonists at the end.
The narrative had to have someone who understand it from the first hand to give it the proper artistic treatment and Bilal has done amazing work here. Though he only lived in the Yugoslavia (which is even a source of the threat for some of the participants) I'm sure it felt more than familiar to him. At the same time he kept his recognizable signature. He masterfully used color to paint memories making them larger than life and crucial for understanding both the story itself and the inner lives of everyone involved.
Remarkable graphic novel that will be truly appreciated by anyone interested or familiar with the times, lives and deaths of (socialist) Party members and ordinary people around.
Profile Image for Antonio Ippolito.
344 reviews36 followers
February 21, 2019
Un lavoro decisamente magistrale, questo dell'accoppiata Bilal - Christin: decisamente superiore alle già ottime "Falangi dell'Ordine Nero".
Pubblicato nei primi anni '80, quando il mondo comunista appariva più che maturo ma non si era ancora capito quanto fosse già in decomposizione, aggiornato nel '90, è una struggente e potente elegia dei settant'anni di bolscevismo, scritta con amaro disincanto e ideali non ancora spenti; oggi è anche la rievocazione di un mondo che non c'è più.
In un paesino di montagna polacco, un gruppo di leader dei vari paesi del Patto di Varsavia si ritrova per una battuta di caccia di più giorni, che cominciando dal cinghiale culminerà con la preda più ambita: l'orso. E' una girandola di ricordi di tutte le fasi gloriose o infami della storia comunista: il rimbalzare dei ricordi e delle prospettive davvero dialettiche dei protagonisti offre a Bilal l'estro per disegni che dal realismo scultoreo passano all'onirico e visionario. Su tutti campeggiano il rappresentante del PCUS, Cevcenko, che per una geniale trovata narrativa è muto, e il suo delfino Shevanidze.. e c'è, naturalmente, un'agenda segreta.
Profile Image for Isabelle.
245 reviews61 followers
January 25, 2012
We are in the midst of a kitchen refurbishing project, so I have very little time to myself, very little time to read right now. So, why not go back and re-read some of the Graphic novels that taught me to love the genre?

I am very partial to Enki Bilal's very recognizable graphic style: the gaunt, lost faces, the haunting landscapes. I also happen to like his choice of stories, whether he actually writes them himself or collaborates with a writer.

"Partie de Chasse" has aged inasmuch as the plot that takes us within the USSR's aparatchik is no longer at the cutting edge of political fiction. Now that the USSR is Russia again, and that the Communist regime has fallen, or at least recycled itself into an essentially undefinable "something else", this novel becomes a historical document of sorts.
During a hunting party, intrigue, secrets and a cold, boundless lust for power are unleashed against a snowy background.

This was my first Bilal novel, and it got me to read so many more of them. I loved it then, I love it now!
Profile Image for Henrique Vogado.
245 reviews4 followers
August 29, 2014
Excelente desenho de Bilal com o texto de Christin. Um livro de 1983 que antecipa a queda do muro de Berlim 6 depois. Revisão da história da União Soviética e dos países da cortina de ferro num encontro de velhos dirigentes comunista para uma caçada. As memórias duras, o apagamento da história numa sociedade que apodreceu por dentro.
O traço de Bilal é único.
Profile Image for Joan.
179 reviews18 followers
June 28, 2011
To enjoy this book, I think one must be very interested in the history and hidden politics of the Soviet block through the last century. I myself, am not, so I found this book obscure in its references to historical events. Nice art, though.
Profile Image for Agostinho Matos.
186 reviews
February 5, 2023
Os personagens oriundas de vários países que se movimentam nesta impressionante história de "A Caçada", têm todas um poder subjacente, que é proporcional aos objetivos que se propõem alcançar, tendo intenções políticas dissimuladas. Para ler e reler.
Profile Image for Timo.
Author 3 books12 followers
October 21, 2013
Vaikka kukaan ei osaa piirtää kylmyyttä ja talvea kuten Bilal, tarinana tämä oli tylsempää kuin uskonto.
Profile Image for Printable Tire.
788 reviews117 followers
July 7, 2015
So much time is spent setting up characters with complicated back stories that when the denouement finally comes it seems predictable and anticlimactic. Takes itself too seriously.
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews

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