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Anchor & Sophia #1

Strange Fire

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It only takes a spark.

They said that the first generation of man was brought low by its appetites: for knowledge, for wealth, for power. They said mankind’s voracity was so great, the Lord sent his own Daughter to bring fire and devastation to the world.

The survivors were few, but over the course of centuries, they banded together to form a new civilization—the Descendancy—founded on the belief that the mistakes of the past must never be repeated.

Brothers Clive and Clover Hamill, the sons of a well-respected Descendant minister, have spent their lives spreading that gospel. But when their traveling ministry discovers a community intent on rediscovering the blasphemous technologies of the past, a chain of events will be set in motion that will pit city against city…and brother against brother.

Along with Gemma Poplin, Clive’s childhood sweetheart, and Paz Dedios, a revolutionary who dreams of overthrowing the Descendancy, Clive and Clover will each play a pivotal role in determining the outcome of this holy war, and the fate of humanity itself.

386 pages, Hardcover

First published October 3, 2017

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About the author

Tommy Wallach

6 books907 followers
I'm a Brooklyn-based novelist, screenwriter, and musician. I wrote "We All Looked Up" (a New York Times Bestseller) and "Thanks for the Trouble." My newest book is "The Anchor & Sophia," first in a trilogy set in a future North America which, for asteroid-collision-related reasons, has regressed to 19th century technology levels (oil lanterns, covered wagons, whiskey used as anesthetic, etc.).

As a musician I've released an EP with Decca/Universal Records, as well as a companion album for my first novel. I also makes music videos, including one that was exhibited at the Guggenheim Museum. I currently reside in LA, where I am developing my books as TV shows and movies, so I can make enough money to afford kombucha, spin class, and my Scientology membership fees.

Consider buying me dinner.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews
Profile Image for Julie.
85 reviews19 followers
November 7, 2017
I know I keep on saying this anytime I read YA, but where were these amazing stories when I was growing up? Now, if I was still in high school (thankfully I’m not) and had to write a book report I’d pick Strange Fire. Wallach packs friendship, family, betrayal, a dusting of romance/lust but more importantly, a very strong religion vs science theme within the pages of Strange Fire.

The opening chapters of wagons and long dusty travelling were perfect for setting up this new world. It really gave me a sense of being along for the journey.

The loss and tragedy that was experienced early in those opening chapters, fueled my reading. For some reason, I kept thinking of everything that was left behind in the aftermath (even the musical instruments). As I continued to read, I found it fascinating how some events can change who we are and what we believe in. Those pivotal moments are crucial to Strange Fire.

The bond I enjoyed reading the most was that of Clover and Clive. The relationship between the brothers fascinated me. I truly loved how Wallach writes about these two. Perhaps more so as Gemma and Paz become more present as the book goes on.

And then there is the faith vs scientific aspects of the book. In all honesty, when religion plays heavily into a book, I tend to shy away from it. In this work however, I really liked how Wallace doesn’t hammer home any particular viewpoint.

This was my first time reading Tommy Wallach. The blurb got me wondering about his other book We All Looked Up and how it relates to Strange Fire. The only thing I would have liked added to my ARC would have been a map but that is me just being fussy.

I’m really looking forward to see where Wallach goes with these themes in book two. I was a little sad when I got to the last page only to realise that I’d have to wait for the sequel. If you are looking for a YA “post-apocalyptic” book along the lines of The Giver or the Road, then I’d strongly recommend Strange Fire by Tommy Wallach.

An ARC of this book was provided by the publisher
Profile Image for Leo.
4,644 reviews501 followers
January 21, 2021
Was little wary of the book, not sure why. But I ended up enjoying it, it was a bit slow but I liked it that way. Intressed to see what the next books has in store
Profile Image for Sol ~ TheBookishKing.
319 reviews188 followers
March 21, 2018
Wow I am at a loss for words. Such a weird book, but also so so good, and seriously I’m amazed at how amazing Tommy Wallach is at writing books that just suck you in. I Need More 😭


One of favorite authors wrote another book, I’m late to the show but Mr. Wallach never disappoints 🙌🏽
25 reviews
October 11, 2017
Man was destroyed for their desires, now the remnants of the human race are at odds with each other. Tommy Wallach's first novel in the Anchor & Sophia trilogy, "Strange Fire" takes place many years after a catastrophic event destroyed almost the whole world and the Descendancy is a religion that has banned all technology. "Strange Fire" is split into three parts, with an interlude chapter between them. This interlude chapter provides an escape from the main story and to the events happening else where in the world, providing for great world building. Wallach has gone back to the third person limited point of view that swaps every chapter, which was present in his first novel "We All Looked Up," but not his second,"Thanks For The Trouble". This leads to a better understanding of all the main characters thoughts and motives. "Strange Fire" alludes to many things throughout. This comes either in the form of a direct quote or as a passing remark in a conversation between the characters. Wallach has created a great trilogy starter that promises much to come that fans of "City of Ember" will enjoy and Wallcah's fans will find great joy in. Religion can sometimes go to far.
Profile Image for Sofia.
45 reviews
August 30, 2017
So, my first thought was, this is quite the detour from Wallach's normal pieces. But as I continued reading it, I realized that The Descendency is what happened to the survivors of the asteroid in We All Looked Up!

Other than that earthshaking revelation, I enjoyed the story a lot, and was invested in the characters. I really appreciated the different perspectives in each chapter, especially regarding *mild spoiler* Irene and her deceit. She seemed despicable sometimes, but other times, absolutely relatable, and almost honorable. Keeping characters 3 dimensional like that so masterfully is a real gift.

I did wish the sections about the Wesah were longer, and hope that we learn more about them in the coming books. I love the concept of their society, and would read a novel about them alone!
Profile Image for The Nerd Daily.
720 reviews388 followers
December 19, 2017
Originally posted on The Nerd Daily | Review by Blake Smith

The much-anticipated third novel from Tommy Wallach has finally arrived! For those of you who have read his other two books, Thanks for the Trouble and We all Looked Up, you will not be disappointed. Although Wallach has taken a different route from his usual style, he still hasn’t lost his knack for wrapping you up through his storytelling.

If the synopsis sounds interesting to you, I implore you to stop reading this post immediately and go to your local bookstore to pick up a copy. You have been forewarned as there are spoilers below!

Character development is one of the strongest qualities of this book. Wallach uses the same writing style and point of view that was used in his first book, We all Looked Up. Every chapter sees a new character shedding light on how each one reacts to the current situation they’re in, thus helping the reader dive deeper into how they are feeling at any given point in time. This creates that empathy towards said characters, making us emotionally involved in their personal stories.

The second wonderful quality of this book is how engaging the plot is from the very beginning. The book begins with a story within the story. Essentially, there are two cities—the Anchor and Sophia. The Anchor is the original, and the citizens focus all of their efforts on God and religion. The have a space called the Library, dedicated to the study and practice of all things religion. All is great in the Anchor until a certain scholar finds the cure for a disease that has been plaguing the people for quite some time. However, the church forbids the man to distribute and produce the cure, saying it is “interfering with God’s will.” The man decides to leave and create his own city, “Sophia” where science and knowledge reign supreme.

As you can probably deduce, the two cities have a strong animosity towards each other, which is the basis for the entire series.

As stated in the synopsis, Strange Fire is set in a post-apocalyptic era, where there are two sides of belief. Science and religion. When writing about this topic, it is very difficult to put your own beliefs aside and write unbiased. Many authors I have found struggle with this, and you almost get the sense that they are leaning one way or the other. This is simply not the case for Wallach. He tackles both sides of the debate masterfully, and truly relates to both through his characters. We come to know the inner struggle that happens inside of each character as they question what they believe. Wallach does a fine job (as he does in all of his novels) of giving his readers a character to relate to. To root for or root against. I found myself realising that I too have had these same struggles, making the characters and plot even more engaging.

Moral dilemmas are also another theme that Strange Fire touches on. Brother against brother. Lover against lover. Friend against friend. Each character has some sort of struggle they have to overcome personally. Unfortunately, this sometimes involves hurting the people they care about the most. It is interesting throughout the book to follow how each character deals with and overcomes (or doesn’t) their struggles. There of course is the larger battle against cities, in which the characters must choose a side, but there is also an inner battle that must be fought as well.

This book deserves a 7/10 rating. I enjoyed how the book is derivative of the Bible and how the foundation of the novel is built from it. Wallach did a solid job of developing the characters and creating an engaging plot, however, there were some dry moments. About halfway through the book you find yourself wanting the plot to speed up and some of the most important parts of the book also felt rushed. There were some areas where Wallach should have went into more detail, and other areas where he was maybe a little too detailed. Nonetheless, Strange Fire proves to be a very satisfying read. If you’re looking for an easy-read that will whisk you away from the mundane world, look no further. Wallach’s gift for storytelling will be sure to leave you vehemently clamouring for the next book in the series!
Profile Image for Bonnie.
1,417 reviews1,092 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
December 21, 2017
DNF @ 10%

I understand that the whole purpose of a blurb is to quickly encourage readers to pick it up, but when you do, and the blurb is nothing like it promised, that’s mighty disappointing. Oregon Trail meets Westworld was what hooked me and caused me so much excitement I admittedly didn’t even read the rest of the blurb (although this is a rampant problem for me.) If I had read the entire blurb I would have been immediately put off by the excessive religiousness and would’ve skipped this. But nooooo…. my 10-year-old brain started daydreaming of Oregon Trail instead.

Strange Fire is told from the point of view of two brothers from a religious society that views technology to be the root of all evil. It’s less fantasy and more futuristic dystopian but possessed an essence of more popular dystopian novels (Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, Handmaid’s Tale, as well as the more recent Blood Red Road.) The writing was well done but the plot was slow to build which makes more sense when you consider it’s the start of a series. I tried to keep an open mind regarding the religious aspects but this ultimately just failed to capture my interest.

I received this book free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Profile Image for Figgy.
678 reviews224 followers
Want to read
February 28, 2016
The little synopsis doesn't sound particularly enticing... But it's Wallach, so I must read it.
Profile Image for Hilary.
228 reviews9 followers
September 17, 2017
I received an advance copy of this book from Simon & Schuster Canada in exchange for an honest review.

I was really excited to read this book. The science/religion debate is one of my favourite things to discuss or hear opinions on, and with a comparison to books like The Giver, I was immediately intrigued by what this whole thing might be about. Especially with the people in the lightbulb on the cover.

And I was super pleased with what I found inside. I've read so many disappointing or underdeveloped post apocalyptic stories over the years that this was a fantastic surprise. The writing and world development is fantastic, and the characters are so well done, with their family and internal struggles. There were so many good things going on that I was actually rather disappointed when I turned the last page and realized that I was going to have to wait for the next one to come along.

The Good Points of Strange Fire:

The thing that really struck me about this book was how the author handled the whole religion versus science debate. There was a lot of potential that this could have gone really badly, and been posed to offend a lot of people by leaning one way or another. But Wallach does an amazing job of presenting everything as the characters see it, and not pushing on side or the other on you. It's just there and you can make what you want of it, and draw your own opinions. It was really well done, and made for a fantastic story.

I really enjoyed the characters in this book. They were well developed, they each had distinct personalities, and their struggles seemed pretty honest as far as a less than 400 page book goes. Irene/Paz in particular really stood out to me, and I enjoyed her character so much throughout the book.

I loved the variety of locations and communities we got throughout this book, and how each had their own belief system and traditions. It made for a really interesting story. My ARC didn't have a map, but you don't really need one with this book, because you can easily imagine what the world might look like. The world was very well developed, which is not something you can say about most books these days.

The Downsides of Strange Fire:

This book doesn't so much have a conclusion as it just stops at good point. You get all this build up, and then the book just stops, and you're left waiting until the next one is released to find out what happens. I don't mind cliffhangers, but give me some sort of conclusion to the book I'm reading.

Some of the middle section of this book dragged like crazy. There was a lot of great information and stuff like that happening, but it was slow and dense for a while. It does clear up towards the end though, and the pace picks back up.

I would have loved more about the Wesah. Or a whole book about them. I'm guessing that more will come in later books, but I don't have that sort of patience.

All in all, I really enjoyed Strange Fire, and I'm so excited to see where this series is going. It's a great discussion on religion and science that leaves you to make your own decisions, but will definitely get yo thinking about it, if you've ever considered the two subjects together before. If you enjoy religious debates, post apocalyptic stories along the line of The Giver or The Road, or stories with strong family relationships, you likely enjoy Strange Fire!
Profile Image for Amanda.
447 reviews23 followers
November 21, 2017
3.5 stars. Unfortunately, this book didn't live up to my expectations. I really liked Wallach's book (which apparently is loosely connected to this one which is so cool!!) We All Looked Up. I was super excited when I came upon Strange Fire while walking by it in a bookstore. I picked it up and started reading it almost immediately.

Sadly, it was slow. So... very... slow... However, the world-building was fantastic. So detailed and fleshed out, but still leaving room to explain so much more. The characters, though not exactly likable, were certainly dynamic and ever-changing, and I think enjoyed Paz the most.

The writing was also fantastic. Intelligent, sometimes amusing, easy enough to follow, and at times lyrical and beautiful. Even though this book wasn't one that kept me riveted, I will still always be a fan of Wallach's writing.

I think I plan to read the next book because the world is downright fascinating I really need to know what happened . It'll be a while before the next one is out so I hope I can remember everything that happened in SF because there's no way I'm reading it again lol. I do have higher hopes for the sequel though. I think the plot has the opportunity to move somewhat quicker in the rest of the series if it's done right. Finger crossed.
8 reviews1 follower
November 16, 2017
The story is a terrific page turner, and the world is a fascinating combination of Wild West homespun, and hints of a revolution im the making. When I realized when and where the story was actually taking place my mind was blown. This is ultimately a science fiction fantasy about a face off between science and religion. Each side is represented plausibly under the given circumsantces and the lead characters are teens discovering relationships, their (alternate) history, and hypocrisy. Heartfelt and swashbuckling with something for everyone. Loved it!
Profile Image for Liv.
124 reviews
April 19, 2023
teenagers in dystopias always make me laugh like lol isn’t life hard enough now there’s no electricity??
Profile Image for Angela Nuñez.
99 reviews10 followers
Want to read
July 30, 2015
Yes yes yes yes!
Lo quiero, lo quiero, lo quiero!!!!!
Profile Image for Isa (Pages Full of Stars).
1,163 reviews111 followers
Shelved as 'didn-t-finish'
December 7, 2017
This cover actually leaves me in awe, the person who created it has fantastic skills *__*

I enjoyed Thanks for the Trouble by Tommy Wallach, so I'm really curious about this one!
Profile Image for Liberty.
706 reviews19 followers
April 29, 2021
Actual Rating: 2.25 stars.

Oh boy. I was having such a good reading month until I read this book. This was a book I picked up from a library book sale a couple of years ago and hadn’t picked up. SO I put it on my Read It or Leave It list for 2021. And I kinda wish I had left it instead. This is a book about a holy war between people who want to stick to the religious foundations for their people and people who want to develop scientific methods. But it’s got the phrase “holy war” in the synopsis and I was still bored.

I think part of the problem with this book is that it is so old time-y that this felt like a historical fiction novel which wasn't what I thought I was getting into at all. And we don’t even get a real glimpse at this holy war that is hinted at. Part of the problem is that this book is just setting up the rest of the series. The rest of the problem is that we see a bunch of political maneuverings of 16 to 18 year old characters who have almost no actual power. We do see a family basically implode on itself which was something at least. We spend about half of the book wandering from place to place regurgitating Bible verses that have been restructured to look like a new religion and fighting about the proper way to handle non-believers.

There were moments when I was interested in what one or two of the 16 year old characters were doing, but it never went in a direction I wanted or expected. It was always some cheap twist to get the reader to keep turning the pages. I would hope that in the next book the author would really utilize the one character with any sort of personality. But given the way the book ends I doubt it.

I really wanted to like this one and I just didn’t. I think the book could be for people who like more character based novels or who wants a world of basically only world building to lead up to the next novel.
Profile Image for Kendra.
405 reviews12 followers
November 17, 2017
"Was it the scientist in him,always eager to research a new subject, or just the sinner?"

Let me start off my review by saying this book was not at all what I expected.. But kind of in a good way. It threw my expectations off and that's what I like. When a book can surprise me! Reading the inside book flap I figured this book was going to be about some modern day fire cult type thing. Either way I was intrigued and most of that credit goes to the AMAZING cover! Let me tell you this book is not set in modern day. It's set back in the day when electricity and knowledge was hidden from the world and forbidden to discover.

You have two cities if that's what you want to call them.. Anchor and Sophia. Anchor is more with god and keeping things simple. They don't believe in guns or fire or electricity and if you do you are going against the gods and sinning. Which can be punishable by death. Sophia is more advanced and knowledgeable. They know all about fire and electricity and how guns work. They have a huge academy where they teach of there knowledge.

It doesn't take rocket science to know that the opposites did NOT attract. So war! (just kidding not yet)

Anyways it was a very good book. I really liked the way the author developed the characters and showed there growth over time. Clive and Clover. Like I said I also liked the way the book surprised me! It wasn't really a fast read tho.. it does start slow so give it some time. I see in the title it says Anchor & Sophia #1 so high hopes that there will be another book in the near future! :D
Profile Image for Becki .
361 reviews11 followers
September 29, 2020
How much does the existence of a hero or villain depend on someone’s perspective? When survival is at stake, doing the right thing for one group may mean condemning another.

As the world starts over, the Descendancy has decided the advances of technology are what led to society’s initial demise. While those chosen to learn at the Library read about some evidence of the previous technology, their faith is strong and they are supposed to know that the simple way is better and safer. There are also missionaries from the Descendancy who travel to share their faith with those outside the safety of their city.

On a missionary trip, some teenagers and young adults learn of other viewpoints and begin to question their beliefs and their loyalty to the Descendancy. At the same time, another person joins their group, but with a real goal of seeking revenge for the death of their family at the hands of the Descendancy missionaries. Was it self-defense? Are people all good or all evil, and is this based on the way they believe the world should be? It’s teen angst, but the result of their questioning could mean life or death. The characters and their dilemmas felt reasonable and believable. Of course, teenagers also have to drop in a good dose of hormones with the rest of their troubles.

Overall, I’d give this book 4 out of 5 stars. Luckily it is labeled as the first book in the Anchor & Sophia series, so more books will be available about these post-apocalyptic societies and their battles. Other books by this author may also be of interest, as they seem to deal with the end of the world as we know it, and what happens next.

Profile Image for Vera.
292 reviews
September 28, 2017
I picked up an ARC of this book at ALA 2017 and I'm glad I did! It definitely exceeded my expectations by far! I mean, everyone these days is trying to write the next big dystopian YA novel, right? And this one doesn't sound particularly different from any others, at least from the blurb. It's your standard dystopian YA of the "religious cult has taken over the world and stopped technology from progressing beyond swords and covered wagons" variety, and, let's be honest, there are plenty of those out there. What set this one apart, though, was, for me, the characters and the relationships between the characters, especially the relationship between Clover and Clive, two brothers who are the central characters of the novel. I appreciated getting to see events from multiple perspectives, and I thought the level of intrigue and deception between the various characters was spot on. The plot was fast paced and fun to follow. There were certainly some predictable moments, but overall, this book was an excellent example of how to write good dystopian YA. Definitely recommend to fans of the genre!
Profile Image for Jen.
746 reviews7 followers
November 25, 2017
I have really enjoyed Tommy Wallach's previous books, so I was so excited to check this out, especially a post-apocalyptic vision of the future where technology has somehow (mysteriously until maybe about half way where we finally learn what happened) destroyed society as we know it and now groups of people have sprung up with varying philosophies and beliefs. The majority of the story is told from two brothers from a religious society that worships God and his "daughter" and believes technology to be the root of all evil.

For whatever reason, the story feel a little flat for me. There were some interesting twists, although I somewhat saw them coming and the characters weren't as engaging as I've come to expect from Wallach's writing in the past. I might check out the next installment to see where the story goes, but I'm not overly excited about it. Some interesting ideas but not required reading like Thanks For the Trouble and We All Looked Up.
Profile Image for Stacey.
588 reviews11 followers
January 27, 2018
Interesting concept about when something deadly happened on earth, a group of powerful people tried to restart their civilization by being very religious using God, his daughter and the Holy Gravity. They banned anything science in ways to used the first human technologies (our modern times which is their past) for it didn't make the world a better place. In this story, there were a small group of people discovering their ancestors' technology and sciences; they couldn't use them or they would be killed off by the religious sect/government. So they ran away somewhere to live the life they wanted and bring science and technology to an isolated village. It was through the accidental encounter between religious people and those who use technology banned by Descendancy met, it brought on fighting.
February 1, 2018
Even though it took me two tries to finally get into it, this was a good book...except for the ending. The end was really disappointing as I left off at where I felt it was supposed to be the climax of the story. I felt like there was all this build up and then it was just over, and not in a good cliff-hanger kind of way. It was a real let down.

That said, I like the characters and the plot was really interesting. I liked this back to the beginning, not technology or modern inventions take on a dystopian novel - I feel like those usually jump forward into futureland and I like that this seemed to take a step back. It even had some basis in old Hebrew bible stories and I thought that was cool.

All in all a good book, but I can't say it was an easy or satisfying read.
Profile Image for Jenelle.
915 reviews33 followers
November 11, 2017
Well, hmm.

I went into this cold, having forgotten what the book was about, so it took a little while to get the lay of the land.

The story is somewhat interesting, with a similar feel to Blood Red Road and others, but it’s also a wee bit dull, as well.

It seems like the author is trying to write his own 1984– like this is a multi-layered social commentary underscored with the historic patterns of human civilization.

And then it’s also just some dumb teenagers.

Meh, there’s definitely potential for depth, here, but unless it’s assigned reading, I don’t see it being a reader favorite.
Profile Image for Kelsey H.
401 reviews3 followers
October 12, 2021
(Rounded up from 4.5 stars)

This is an extremely compelling, smart, well-written book that almost seems misclassified as YA-- if the protagonists weren't teens, I could see this easily fitting into any regular adult sci-fi and fantasy display, what with its expansive concepts and vocabulary.

I removed half a star for the jarring perspective shift in the Interlude-- I'm not sure we needed that peek into the world of the Wesah, and it brought everything to a grinding halt for a few pages.

Looking forward to reading the next entry in this series!
Profile Image for Adam Sockel.
85 reviews35 followers
February 9, 2018
There is a lot going on in this book but it mostly just feels like a very long prologue to book two of the series. It tells an interesting, murky post-apocalyptic story about society after a mysterious tragedy and a battle between religion and science. The problem for me was that it required so much world building that all of the build up of what seemed to be happening never really lands...

I'll read the rest of the series and hope it pays off.
846 reviews24 followers
March 3, 2018
2.75 stars

The premise was interesting but application was nothing new. It's entirely a science vs. religion debate where you can only choose one side and the other side has to go away, to die and never come back. So really, nothing new. There is some decent world building.

About 200 or so pages in the story started to drag. I honestly didn't care much to finish but I did to see if it improved any. It didn't. Not a worthwhile read.
Profile Image for Gemma Stewart.
37 reviews6 followers
April 3, 2018
I really enjoyed this book but it did take a while to get in to it. The one thing I want from young adult fiction is a good plot and an intelligence and this is what I got - never did I feel patronised. I sometimes lost my way a little - the plot is complicated and I sometimes confused the 2 main characters but it is definitely worth a read - I shall definitely be reading more of these writer’s books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews

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