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Κόκκινη 1-2-3

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«Δεν με ξέρετε, όμως εγώ σας ξέρω. Είστε τρεις. Έχω αποφασίσει να σας ονομάσω: Κόκκινη Ένα. Κόκκινη Δύο. Κόκκινη Τρία. Ξέρω ότι κάθε μία από σας έχει χαθεί στο δάσος. Και ακριβώς όπως συνέβη σε εκείνο το μικρό κορίτσι στο παραμύθι, έτσι και εσείς έχετε επιλεγεί για να πεθάνετε».

Η Κάρεν, η Σάρα και η Τζόρνταν, είναι τρεις γυναίκες άγνωστες μεταξύ τους, με διαφορετική ηλικία, διαφορετικό επάγγελμα, που ζουν απολύτως διαφορετικές ζωές. Δεν έχουν τίποτα κοινό παρά μόνο το χρώμα των μαλλιών τους: κόκκινο. Για τον άνδρα που παρακολουθεί στενά κάθε τους κίνηση εδώ και μήνες, αυτό είναι αρκετό.

Ο Κακός Λύκος, όπως υπογράφει το γράμμα, γνωρίζει τα πάντα για τις ίδιες και τις ζωές τους και απλά περιμένει την κατάλληλη στιγμή για να ολοκληρώσει το σχέδιό του. Οι τρεις γυναίκες με τρόμο νιώθουν το θανάσιμο κλοιό να κλείνει ασφυκτικά γύρω τους. Η μοναδική τους ελπίδα για επιβίωση είναι να ενώσουν τις δυνάμεις τους και να τον βρουν πρώτες –πριν εκείνος καταφέρει να δώσει το τέλος που έχει σχεδιάσει στις ιστορίες τους…

432 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2012

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About the author

John Katzenbach

53 books3,112 followers
John Katzenbach is a U.S. author of popular fiction. Son of Nicholas Katzenbach, former United States Attorney General, John worked as a criminal court reporter for the Miami Herald and Miami News, and a featured writer for the Herald’s Tropic magazine. He is married to Madeleine Blais and they live in western Massachusetts.

He left the newspaper grind to write books, racking up 12 novels so far, psychological thrillers that have made him an international success. His first, 1982's bestselling *In the Heat of the Summer, became the movie *The Mean Season , filmed partially in The Herald's newsroom ans starring Kurt Russell and MAriel Hemingway.

Two more of his books were made into films in the United States, 1995's *Just Cause and 2002's *Hart's War. A fourth book, *The Wrong Man was recently made into the soon-to-be-released French film Faux Coupable.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 707 reviews
Profile Image for Barbara.
1,562 reviews5,168 followers
September 6, 2021

2.5 stars

The story's villain, who calls himself 'The Big Bad Wolf' (BBW), is a childless married man in his sixties who had mild success as a mystery novelist years ago. Now, feeling unappreciated and forgotten, the BBW plans to write a book that - he thinks - will make him wildly famous.

The BBW is a narcissistic psychopath who's been inspired by the tale of 'Little Red Hiding Hood' - where Red gets eaten by the wolf. Thus, the BBW's big idea is to murder three redheaded women, all on the same day, and then write a book about it. The BBW thinks everyone will be fascinated by the details of his crimes - how he planned and executed them - and that he'll become a legendary criminal. Moreover, the pompous writer is convinced he's too clever to be caught.

To carry out his grand plan the BBW chooses three flaming redheads, two of whom have a connection with his wife (referred to as Mrs. BBW). The proposed victims are:

Redhead 1. Karen Jayson - a fortyish single doctor and amateur stand-up comedian. (Mrs. BBW is her patient.)

Redhead 2. Sarah Locksley - a hard-drinking school teacher who's deeply depressed by the recent death of her husband and child. (Mrs. BBW doesn't seem to know her.)

Redhead 3 . Jordan Ellis - a high school student on the basketball team, who - reeling from her parents' divorce - is struggling in her classes. (Mrs. BBW works in the principal's office at Jordan's boarding school.)

As the book opens the BBW sends a letter to each of the women, announcing that he plans to kill her.

From this point on the women's behavior is completely unbelievable. Karen (at least) talks to the cops on the phone, but lets them blow her off. She doesn't bother taking the letter to the police station and doesn't mention the threatening missive to anyone else. Sarah and Jordan don't tell a single other person about the frightening letter....not even a friend or relative.....much less the cops. Plain and simple, this would NOT HAPPEN in real life. 😏

The BBW, who's been stalking and photographing the redheads, continues his nefarious behavior. Because he's unknown to the victims the killer is able to escort Mrs. BBW to her doctor appointments with Karen, and to accompany his wife to Jordan's high school basketball games. The BBW persists in frightening the redheads with phone calls and internet videos and - soon enough - the ladies learn about each other. They make arrangements to meet up in secret and discuss ways to protect themselves.

Meanwhile, Mrs. BBW remains blithely ignorant of what's going on. The BBW - claiming he needs 'a private space' for his writing - locks the home office where he keeps his stalker pictures and incriminating manuscripts. Then one day the BBW leaves his keys behind and....(I won't give away spoilers).

The book's third person POV alternates between the BBW and the other characters. The BBW is a supreme egotist who endlessly talks about how clever he is, the thrill he gets from 'torturing' the redheads, and all his 'delicious' plans. (I HATE that term unless it's referring to food). Mrs. BBW comes across as a naïve middle-aged (almost) spinster who's thankful she finally snagged a husband - and a 'famous writer' at that!

The three redheads turn out to be rather clever and resourceful. They get gutsy and hatch a plan - however they don't get all their ducks in a row. The ladies set out to kill the man they think is the BBW.....with no proof he's the right guy! This doesn't seem like the smartest idea in the world. 🙄

I don't want to give away too much so let's just say the book's finale strains credulity (A LOT). The ending left me feeling cheated and unsatisfied. I know John Katzenbach is skilled writer but this book isn't among his best. It's amateurish, way too long, and poorly thought out. Not recommended.

You can follow my reviews at http://reviewsbybarbsaffer.blogspot.com/
Profile Image for Monica.
Author 5 books304 followers
July 26, 2019
John es un autor que me gusta y del que disfruto sus historias.

La trama de este libro es impresionante. Me gusta mucho como es que se van enlazando las protagonistas y el lobo esta tan cerca que más de una vez quise aparecer y decirles quién era. Así es como te mete en la historia.
Los matices se sienten y conforme avanzamos en la narrativa y conocemos más a profundidad a las chicas, nos vamos dando cuenta de porque fueron elegidas.
La perspicacia y la facilidad de pensamiento es la única herramienta que les queda para tratar de salir bien libradas de lo que podría ser su propia final.
Estimulante y adictivo, un final perfecto es una historia increíble que si te gusta estar pegado a los libros y no poder soltarlos hasta saber que pasa, tienes que leerlo.
Profile Image for Denisse.
517 reviews299 followers
January 25, 2020

No por nada es de mis escritores favoritos.
John sabe atrapar al lector. Bendigo el día en que lo leí por primera vez. Adoro su forma de trabajar a los antagonistas! Realmente una maravilla

No es de sus mejores libros, pero tiene buen ritmo, buenos personajes y para mi, un FINAL PERFECTO. La trama es intensa, y cuando pareciera que se mantiene en un mismo nivel saca algo que te vuelve a sacudir.

Los personajes son todos increíbles. Mi favorita fue Sarah, pero todos están muy bien detallados. Recomendadl si ya sigues al auyos como yo.
Profile Image for Jorge Gálvez.
Author 10 books176 followers
January 29, 2020
Empecemos por el final, ya que es lo único rescatable del libro.

Fuera de los últimos 3 capítulos del libro, el resto es como volver a leer El Psicoanalista, pero en versión femenina, multiplicado por 3 protagonistas, y por tanto, 3 veces más aburrido. A diferencia del psicoanalista, aquí no hay una verdadera amenaza, no tenemos esa sensación de estar vigilados todo el tiempo, y no existe esa carrera contra el tiempo tan trepidante que nos pone los pelos de punta.

En este libro, las amenazas del psicópata son argumentalmente débiles y bastante flojas. Todo lo que hace para llevar a las tres pelirrojas protagonistas "al límite", es mandarles al principio del libro una carta diciéndoles que ellas son Caperucita Roja, él es el Lobo Feroz y que las va a matar. Posterior a esto, cuando el libro avanza un poco más, les manda el link a 3 videos de youtube en donde les muestra que las ha estado grabando. ¡Y esto es todo!

¡El infierno se desata para estas 3 mujeres sólo por una carta y un video en youtube!

No puedo negar que me pareció ingenioso mostrar al psicópata como un personaje más y que además fuera escritor. Y que luego su esposa se uniera al elenco de puntos de vista fue algo novedoso. Incluso el hecho de ver a un asesino/escritor me inspiró a escribir este capítulo de uno de mis libros, el cual escribí el mismo día que empecé este libro:

Pero ni siquiera esto salva a un libro que carece de ritmo, con protagonistas planas y que se parecen demasiado entre sí (las 3 pelirrojas), sin duda no es un libro que recomendaría de John Katzenbach, y mucho menos a alguien que ya haya leído el Psicoanalista.

En conclusión, mientras leía este libro, sentí en todo momento el estar en un deja-vú del psicoanalista, pero a cámara lenta en donde no sucede nada, o bueno, casi nada.

Y ese desenlace es realmente anticlimático.

¿Realmente si nosotros estuviéramos ante la persona que amenazó con matarnos tomaríamos la decisión poco creíble que tomaron ellas?

Si quieren leer a este autor, mejor compren Juicio Final o El Psicoanalista, este libro es bastante olvidable y por varios momentos aburrido.


Profile Image for Meli.
663 reviews455 followers
June 17, 2013

Un libro lujoso, no hay otra palabra.
El giro de tuerca del final no me dejó 100% contenta, pero disfruté tanto de la historia, jugó tanto con mis emociones y está tan bien construida que no me importa.

Los últimos libros de John me habían parecido flojitos, con este se redime completamente. Muy bueno.
Profile Image for Franco  Santos.
483 reviews1,454 followers
April 12, 2015
Otro buen libro de Katzenbach. En ocasiones se me hizo un poco pesado, sin embargo la originalidad y la intensidad palpitante en cada página me hicieron mantenerme dentro de esta historia hasta el final. Es de los más psicológicos del autor, en mi opinión.
Profile Image for Mauricio.
22 reviews
April 29, 2013
El primer cuarto del libro es muy interesante pero es el punto culminante de la historia; un asesino que se ufana de planificar todo a la perfección al punto de no haber sido atrapado después de varios homicidios pero que no le llama la atención la participación de una de sus victimas (las que no tienen ninguna relación entre ellas) en el sepelio de otra.

Los tres personajes principales son bastante planos y monotematicos, es cierto que están en una situación extrema, pero salvo Karen, no hay nada que nos permita acercarnos a ellas distinto a que van a ser asesinadas. Las 3 pelirrojas están en una etapa mala pero al final del libro parecen salir adelante sin que el lector pueda apreciar el crecimiento o transformación de los personajes.

El final me desilusionó y dejo cabos sueltos; ¿que conecta a Sarah con las otras?, ¿por que las eligió a ellas?, ¿que se supone que era lo especial de estos asesinatos?; el thriller psicológico se resume en una carta, un vídeo y una llamada, lo cual es escalofriante pero no me parece suficiente para que el asesino se considere especial y mucho menos el hecho de que las mate a las 3 el mismo día.

Como dije antes el final fue bastante flojo, parece una película de Disney.
Profile Image for Maria.
120 reviews1 follower
December 12, 2012
This is by far the worst book I've read in 2012, or maybe in my lifetime. It is stupid. The plot, the characters, the writing, it's very bad. It feels like something a 14 year old would write.

In the first place I hated that he called the villain the bad wolf. Seriously. His wife is mrs. Bad wolf. We find early on that red number one is his wife's doctor and red number 3 goes to school were mrs bad wolf works as the principal's assistant. We never find out how he knows or where he meets red number 2. We don't even know what it is about the reds that caught the bad woods attention.

The book synopsis tells us he inflicts this mental psicological torture upon his victims, and while I think that being stalked is creepy and scary I wouldn't go as far as to say there's psicological torture involved. He sends them an anonymous note telling them he is going to kill them a link to a YouTube video of each of the redheads doing something in their everyday lives and he calls them once and doesn't say anything.

Maybe it's the lawyer in me but those things do not constitute a crime, yes it's creepy, yes it's scary but how can we know that he really is going to kill them?

Of all the redheads just one goes to the police, which offer no help at all, and I know this happens constantly in real life, because unless he actually acts on his threats there's nothing the police can do. Apparently he chose his 3 victims because they were vulnerable and redheads, each so different from the other, different ages different careers different backgrounds, yet all 3 redheads act exactly the same, no one tells anyone about the wolf and his threats, no one skips town or leaves the country, not one of them hires a bodyguard. And it is specially hard to believe in the case of Jordan red number 3, she is 17, an I don't care that her parents were absent and fighting and going through a divorce, I remember being 17 and if something like that we're to happen to me I would tell someone, plus she has been to therapists and counseling and everyone around her is worried about her, she is acting out, she wants Attention yet when she gets the ultimate Attention ruse she doesn't tell anyone? C'mon!

Redhead 2 is a widow who lost her husband and child in a car accident, she's drunk and high all the time depressed and wants to die, and when someone threatens to kill he she suddenly wants to live? It's just not credible, there's no process in which redhead 2 slowly awakens from her depression it's sudden and not subtle.

Bad wolf is a crime writer a dark novella author who thinks he is so suave and smart and he has found the way to commit the perfect crimes and wants to write a book afterwards because he is going to get rich. I'm not American yet even I know about son of sam's law. And he is not a sophisticated killer he uses disguises and is an average joe stalker driving around and following them. But the worst part of the book is when reds unite and suddenly they want to kill the bad wolf, they aren't even sure bad wolf is this guy, they don't follow him, stalk him, have him investigated they just break into his house one day in the middle of the night, the silent alarm goes off and they manage to make mrs wolf give the security company the code and tell the alarm company it was an accident, but this conversation took at least 10 minutes, I'm pretty sure any security company would send the police just to Check things out, specially because they live in a small town in which exciting things and crime never happen.

The ending is ridiculous, they bound and gag bad wolf and his wife, take a sample of their hair some blood and saliva as well as a scrapbook with newspaper clippings about some murders. He is a crime writer the scrap book proofs nothing it would be circumstantial at best, and that is if that evidence had been obtained legally. He is supposedly a great killer has never been caught thinks through every possible scenario yet he suddenly feels beaten at his own game and let's them go without revenge afterwards. Katzenbach seriously needs to talk to lawyers before publishing stupid things, specially since he was a crime reporter before becoming an author and his dad was US attorney general. There is no case even if the evidence would convict him it was obtained illegally.

Twice in my life have I thrown a book across the room in anger, katzenbach underestimates his readers intelligence and it made me angry. And the ending really is they all lived happily ever after except the wolf. Red number 3 was failing every single class in school yet she obviously graduates. I could go on and on and on about mistakes and stupidity in this book, all I can say is I was very generous giving him a star and katzenbach you owe me money!

Wouldn't recommend this book to my worst enemy.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Natalie.
278 reviews29 followers
March 8, 2018
Ένα άκρως ενδιαφέρον βιβλίο και μια πρωτότυπη ιστορία βασισμένη σε ένα παιδικό παραμύθι!
Profile Image for Paula .
295 reviews31 followers
March 5, 2015
Otro libro de John que no podía soltar, admito que en varias partes me daba miedo porque estuvo lleno de momentos de tensión, suspenso puro. Me gustó mucho que haya salido el punto de vista de el Lobo Feroz pudiendo conocer su vida y su mente psicópata, debo decir que lo odié por lo de los gatos y se llevó todo mi odio, también me pareció realista el hecho de que el asesino tenga una vida normal y como en la mayoría de los casos no aparente para nada ser despiadado porque suele pasar en conocidos asesinatos que la gente defiende al sospechoso por "ser bueno" lo cual es erróneo ya que dentro de su cabeza puede haber pensamientos crueles, al igual que la falta de arrepentimiento y miedo en momentos extremos, algo típico de un psicópata, respecto a su esposa sigo en duda de si es igual de enferma que el lobo o si pasa el límite de lo ingenua para ser estúpida, creo que es ambas y hablando de las pelírrojas Jordan se volvió mi favorita una chica super fuerte y decidida. Por último me encantó que haya nombrado varias veces a Stephen King, mi preferido nombrando a mi otro preferido.
En fin, Katzenbach nunca me decepciona.


Profile Image for Lucía SRamírez.
197 reviews7 followers
October 19, 2020
Un final Perfecto La verdad es que cuando este libro llego a mis manos tenia demasiadas expectativas sobre el, lo leí esperando encontrarme una historia que me fascinara, que me dejara con la boca abierta pero la verdad es que mientras leía cada vez mas llegaba a la conclusión de que iba a ser de esos libros que no me dejan nada de nada.

Tres puntos fundamentales para que toda la historia fuera un completo desastre en mi cabeza.

Punto Uno El antagonista de esta historia, nunca pude hacer clic con el, no me parecía original ni nada entretenido, menos emocionante y hasta acá escribiendo esta reseña, siento que no me enseño nada sobre el, un completo desconocido. Las partes del libro donde se refería a el eran aburridas y me parecía demasiado relleno, ni pies ni cabeza. Decepcionada totalmente de este personaje. Creo que al ser la persona antagonista de la historia dejo mucho que deseas y creo o mas bien estoy segura que fue el culpable que la historia no tuviera el fin y la puntuación mas alta.

Punto Dos El final, que final mas malo, es decir vienes de una lectura que de a poco se vuelve aburrida y que solo quieres ya saber que pasa, por que si bien en algún momento pensé que el libro mejoraría pero con ese final, se hecho todo a perder, todo rápido, en mi punto de vista irrealista, no me gusto nada y puedo decir demasiadas cosas que le hicieron falta, no me sorprendió nada y no leí nada de lo que pudiera decir woaaa, eso es lo que quería que pasara.

Punto Tres Siento que la escritura tenia demasiadas cosas que era innecesarias, no le aplicaban nada de valor a la historia y son de esas cosas que solemos llamar relleno. Me pareció que quitando todo esto podemos tener un libro de 150 paginas y no 420 casi. Creo que de verdad ha sido el libro de Katzenbach pero calificado en todo en GoodReads.

Realmente la dos estrellas son por que quería saber el final que como ya menciono me termino de decepcionar. la única cosa que mantenía y mantuvo la chispa de terminar el libro es que la historia de las pelirrojas me tenia enganchada, creo que el autor no se percato de que en ellas tenia todo el diamante para poder hacer de este un libro fenomenal. Pero lo desaprovecho, lo único que rescato de este libro son las pelirrojas y sus historias, que en otra historia mejor formada hubieran quedado de lo mejor.

Calificación Dos estrellas ** por que en mi tabla definí las dos estrellas que al menos lo termine pero no me dejo nada interesante y llego al punto de desesperarme y aburrirme, creo que todo lo demás que escribí antes explica por que tan pobre calificación y es que creo que las demás personas le dieron solo una, para mi una es que ni llegue y ni tuve el deseo de terminar el libro. Creo que le daré aun mas oportunidades al autor, pero si su tendencia es la misma en algún punto dejare de leerlo.

" Y de repente , le tiraron la cabeza hacia atrás con ensañamiento, notó la hoja de un cuchillo en el cuello "

Profile Image for Belle Sabattin.
432 reviews39 followers
May 28, 2018
Debo decir que estaba totalmente convencida de que le pondría una estrella a este libro, hasta que llegué al 10% final que me hizo regalarle otra estrellita... pero aún así no sé si valga la pena tanta redundancia para llegar a ese punto.

Este libro lo leí porque fue el libro del mes de mayo del club literario en que participo, nos tocaba leer thrillers y este fue el que salió por votación de la mayoría. Así que mi opinión esta vez, está bastante influenciada por muchas personas.

Primero, solamente la mitad de los asistentes logramos terminar el libro. Muchos no pudieron porque se aburrieron de él... y de los que lo terminamos, entre los que me encuentro, la mayoría lo terminamos el mismo día en que se iba a realizar la reunión, solamente para llegar con la tarea hecha.

No voy a negar que fue bastante divertido destrozar este libro entre todos y llegar a la conclusión de que los personajes eran incongruentes, poco creíbles y que la historia en si estaba llena de cosas que no calzaban. Y solamente rescatamos como personaje a la sra. Lobo Feroz, quien fue el único personaje que no tuvo incongruencias y a pesar de esto, también fue el personaje que el escritor menos desarrolló.

Si no hubiese sido por ese gran final y los últimos tres capítulos, este libro hubiese sido la mayor perdida de tiempo de mi vida.... Lo bueno, es que en la reunión había varias personas que habían leído otros libros del autor y nos decían que los demás libros como "La historia del loco" y "El psicoanalista" no se parecían en nada a este libro y que eran mucho, pero mucho mejores. Así que gracias a eso no voy a descartar a este autor totalmente de mi vida, sin duda le daré otra oportunidad a alguna de sus más celebres obras.
Profile Image for Marc Jentzsch.
233 reviews3 followers
September 10, 2019
Another book I wanted to like, but really didn't.

The premise drew me in. My family has a lot of redheads, the overwhelming majority of them female, so the setup was like catnip. 3 badass redheads who presumably turn the tables on a serial killer? Yes, please. That sounds really fun!

But the antagonist was not compelling and his internal monologue read like word-count filler. I liked the three protagonists well enough, though even they were more dolls than characters, the hints of depth just paint on porcelain. Most of the book was consumed by either the angst of the protagonists or the juvenile, anticipatory giggling of the antagonist. There was a nearly complete lack of any palpable threat to our heroines.

This is a story that had a lot of potential but that also felt like the author's heart just wasn't in it.
Profile Image for Karen & Gerard.
Author 1 book25 followers
February 8, 2014
RED 1-2-3 by John Katzenbach is about three women who have been targeted to be killed by a man who calls himself the Big Bad Wolf. They are called RED 1, RED 2, and RED 3. Just an outstanding read! The Big Bad Wolf is fascinating in how he plots the killings and the three REDS are good in how they try to keep from getting killed. This is a real page turner with just enough twists to keep you guessing. LOVED IT! The ending was priceless!
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)

RED 1-2-3 by John Katzenbach is probably the most unusual thriller I've read about an author/journalist who writes thrillers but isn't satisfied just to write them--he actually wants to live them! He stalks three red-haired women with the intent to kill them all on the same day but when they find out they are not alone and join forces, the table is turned. Throughout the book he refers to himself as The Big Bad Wolf and his wife as Mrs. Bad Wolf. Other than his secret stalking, they appear to be an ordinary couple. I felt sorry for the wife. My favorite of the three Reds was Karen, the doctor, referred to as Red 1. Red 2 was Sarah, a middle-aged woman who lost her husband and little girl in a car accident, and Red 3 was Jordan, a student who played basketball at a private school.

I liked this one which had a surprise ending. I liked all three women but felt sorry for Mrs. Bad Wolf, realizing she's been married to a killer! I didn't care for all the detail, but suppose it was meant to show how ordinary their lives were. It just seemed to drag along sometimes, but it had built up enough suspense along the way to keep me turning the pages and anxious to see how it was going to end. It's quite a story!
(Karen's review, 4 stars)
Profile Image for Liz Barnsley.
3,585 reviews1,057 followers
October 15, 2013
Coming January from Grove Atlantic/Mysterious Press.

Three women. They have nothing in common. They are different ages, come from different background, and lead drastically different lives. The only thing that binds them together is their red hair--and that each of them has been targeted for murder.

Well I really enjoyed this one. Instead of painting by numbers, we have murder by numbers. One man, a writer of thrillers and also a killer, decides to write himself into history by performing a perfect set of murders. Three women are chosen, linked only it seems by the colour of their hair, his intention to stalk and then kill all three on the same day, in various ways and watch as the police fail to link the crimes...

A fairly simple concept and it does exactly what it says - we meet the Reds, 1,2 and 3, both through the killer's eyes as he announces his intentions towards them, and through their eyes in their reactions and thoughts to this new reality. Will they stumble, fall and die quietly? Or will the hunter become the hunted...

This one flows nicely, is far more psychological in nature than thriller, and whilst it is not going to win any awards for being the best crime fiction ever written, it is an enjoyable and involving read. I loved the three women and their very varying reactions to what is happening to them and the killer himself is intriguing. His parts read like he is giving us a lecture in how to pull off the perfect murder - and his thinking and planning seems flawless. But is it? This is what will keep you reading...who will win. Girl Power or the power of an evil man? Well I won't say of course, if you love a really good bit of crime fiction have a read for yourself. It will be a fun few hours.

As a huge Katzenbach fan I can say this is nowhere near his best work for me (The Madmans Tale and Hart's War are both stunningly good novels - if you have not read Katzenbach before then start there) but I still loved it for what it was. A terrific if not exceptional piece of crime fiction.

Happy Reading Folks!
Profile Image for Linda Strong.
3,880 reviews1,690 followers
January 11, 2016

Red 1 - Dr. Karen Jayson is an internist.

Red 2 - Sarah Locksley is a former school teacher. She lost her husband and young daughter in an auto accident. Every day is a day of grieving for her.

Red 3 - Jordan Ellis is a college student. Having a lot of difficulty dealing with her parents' divorce. She's acting out and failing all her classes.

What do these women have in common? For one, they are all redheads. For another, they are all being stalked by the same man and have received letters from "BBW" stating he is going to kill them. They have all been selected randomly --- or have they?

The BigBadWolf is how he thinks of himself. He is an older man, an author of murder mysteries from several years past. He feels forgotten, abandoned. He wants to leave this world after committing the perfect murder. Kill the three redheads hours apart on the same day, while writing a "fictional" book describing what it's like to be a killer.

This is a quiet romp through a madman's mind as he plots and stalks and plans multiple murders. But the action picks up in leaps and bounds when the Reds meet and do some planning of their own.

It's not listed as such, but I regard this one as a psychological thriller. The book is very well written. The characters are fascinating, as they are all so flawed, so incomplete, and how they deal with this situation changes all of their lives.
Profile Image for Barbara ★.
3,497 reviews276 followers
December 9, 2017
I found this book incredibly boring and lacking suspense. The villain is a pathetic old man looking for his 15 minutes of fame who thinks he, and only he, was clever enough to murder three women without being caught. IMHO the three chosen women over-reacted to a creepy letter, a YouTube video and a silent phone call. Heck they attacked a man and his wife without a shred of evidence which was simply ridiculous. And the ending was totally unrealistic.

Profile Image for SpookySoto.
1,047 reviews136 followers
April 14, 2017
2.5/5 Este libro tiene una buena idea, pero una ejecución decepcionante. No es malo, pero para ser un thiller psicológico es lento y demasiado largo.

Encontré errores en la historia, o digamos que incongruencias e inconsistencias. También nos deja cabos sueltos.

Pienso que debió ser más corto, lo que lo haría ser mucho más agil y "page turner".

No es un mal libro, pero si es uno olvidable. No lo recomiendo porque hay thrillers mejores.
Profile Image for Gabriela Moreno.
78 reviews6 followers
August 16, 2022
Lo mejor de este libro es la manera de escribir del autor. Sus palabras, sus diálogos, sus personajes, TODO hace que te sientas atrapado en la historia; SIEMPRE quieres saber más....

Sin embargo, el final no me convenció del todo. Me sorprendió, porque no termino como yo esperaba, pero le faltó ese algo que me dejara con esa sensación de satisfacción.

Este autor lo recomiendo a ojo cerrado. Ya he leído varias de sus historias y nunca me han fallado.
Profile Image for Agustina.
115 reviews15 followers
May 11, 2021
I really enjoyed this book.
The mistery is unique and you follow the perspective of the victims and the killer so the book reads pretty fast.
The characters are well done and, especially, the victims are very likeable. The three of them have a sad life. Aditionally, they solve this mistery in a very inteligent way.
I only disliked that some things are not explained and that the ending is quite odd.
Profile Image for Ana Carolina.
160 reviews4 followers
January 29, 2021
Un final perfecto narra la vida de un escritor, detras de este, se esconde en realidad un asesino. Él quiere dejar su historia y lo desea hacer narrando su máximo asesinato. Para ello escoge 3 mujeres pelirojas, llamándolas peliroja 1: Karen una doctora; peliroja 2: Sara una ex profesora que perdió a su esposo e hija en un accidente; peliroja 3:Jordan una joven adolescente que sufre el divorcio de sus padres y con ello su mundo se ha venido abajo.

La historia transcurre como el asesino quien se hace llamar Lobo Feroz les envía una carta a cada chica donde les dice: "y al igual que la niña del cuento, has sido elegida para morir". Ellas quienes no tienen nada en común, a parte de ser pelirojas y tener problemas, se contactan y comienzan a investigar quién podría ser su futuro asesino.

Es una historia que todo el tiempo te mantiene en suspenso, juega con el lector, haciéndole pensar que ya va pasar algo, que ya viene, pronto, prepárense y nada sucede, hasta el final. En general es una buena historia, sin embargo es larga y lenta, se me hizo un poco monótona.

Creo que el Lobo Feroz para ser un asesino tan experimentado, descuidó muchas cosas, las pelirojas se conocieron, descubrieron quien era él e hicieron un plan para acabar con él y este ni cuenta se dio 🤷‍♀️

De todas las historias de las tres mujeres, la de Sara, me pareció muy dura, revela la fragilidad de la vida, que en un abrir y cerrar de ojos perdió a su familia y con ello su vida se derrumba. Sin embargo, después de recibir la carta del lobo lucha incansablemente por permanecer con vida.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Érika.
511 reviews21 followers
June 27, 2017
No me gusto, le sobran página y eso ya es malo. La verdad como novela de suspenso no es emocionante, es más bien densa. Le valoro el final inesperado pero no le alcanza para ser un libro medianamente memorable, es más que ganas de olvidarlo.
Profile Image for J. Yandell.
Author 7 books15 followers
September 30, 2014
I have made a promise to myself to stop reading things that make me cringe. I really hate to say terrible things about any book, because I know that somewhere out there is an author who worked really hard on it.

But.... okay, here's what bugged me about it so much that I couldn't finish it.

1) Redundant writing. A lot of it. For example.... "it was a rhetorical question and she knew it didn't require an answer...." and "unnecessary excess" are the ones that I remember off the top of my head. This is hard on the editor in my soul. I want to whip out a red pen and mark it up. I want to rewrite it.

2) I understand that a serial killer has delusions of grandeur but give me a break. After the fourth or fifth chapter of his arrogant preening — that doesn't really tell me anything about the story, btw — I just couldn't stand it. I get it already. He thinks he's gonna be the world's most famous serial killer. Hurry up and show me WHY he thinks he's so smart before I get so bored I hurl the book across the room.

3) I just didn't buy his characters' reactions. Three women get anonymous letters in the mail saying they have been targeted for murder. My sensibility tells me that at least ONE of them would blow it off as a prank and forget about it. Oh, she might be a little creeped out, but an hour or so later, her normal routine would kick in, and she'd forget about it until something else happened.

Most people really do believe that they are safe, that the world is okay, and bad things are what happen to other people. They wouldn't do such stupid stuff otherwise. That all three of them immediately panicked just doesn't ring true to me, and doesn't work for building suspense in the story.

4) I got tired of something being described as two things at the same time. "Familiar and yet totally foreign...." "calm and at the same time, frantic..." Grrrrrrr.

I just didn't like this book. Maybe my standards are just too high. It's hard to find a good book by sheer chance. Serves me right for just grabbing something off the library shelf in a hurry.

Profile Image for AJourneyWithoutMap.
791 reviews79 followers
December 15, 2013
What happens when three different women who didn’t know each other, but all living within a few miles of each other are targeted for murder?

Red 1-2-3 by John Katzenbach is a gripping psychological thriller about a demented killer who targets three women who seemingly have nothing in common other than their strikingly red hair, and how their only hope for surviving this fiendish plan is to turn the predator into the prey.

One was an internist. One was a public middle school teacher. One was a prep school student. They are seventeen, thirty-one and fifty-one. They had little in common, except for one obvious detail: they were all redheads.

Red One was standing by helplessly watching a man die when her letter was delivered. Red Two was dizzy with drugs, alcohol, and despair when her letter was dropped through the mail slot in the front door. Red Three was staring at a failure, thinking that more and far worse failures were awaiting her when her mail arrived. All the letters end, “….I know each of you is lost in the woods…you have been selected to die.”

A demented novelist, a writer of thrillers who is also a killer, decides to write himself into history by performing a perfect set of murders. Will he succeed? The killer had stalked and studied them for months. He thought he knew them all. But what he didn’t bargain for was for Karen, Sarah, and Jordan to join forces and turn him into prey. Red 1-2-3 is a thrilling piece of crime fiction. If you loved John Katzenbach’s earlier novels, this one is not to be missed.
Profile Image for Vitalija Bagočienė.
260 reviews2 followers
May 4, 2023
Tai jau tryliktasis autoriaus romanas. Šis romanas turi visus geram psichologiniam trileriui būdingus bruožus: įtemptą veiksmą, nerimu alsuojančią atmosferą ir nenuspėjamą atomazgą, be kurios neįsivaizduojamas joks geras veiksmo romanas. Būtent subalansuota intrigos ir įtampos pusiausvyra ir lemia dažno trilerio kokybę. Knyga patiks tiems, kurie mėgsta klaidžioti painiais žudikų bei aukų pasąmonės labirintais, mėgstantiems detektyvus, trilerius bei psichologiškai paveikiančias knygas. Nuo pačio pirmo puslapio knygoje netrūksta veiksmo, beprotiškų minčių ir idėjų, intrigos, o noras kuo greičiau versti puslapius nedingsta iki pat pabaigos. Ši knyga išsiskiria iš kitų tokio tipo knygų tuo, jog pastarojoje visiškai kitokia idėja - pasirenkama vaikų pamėgta pasaka, o pagrindinio veikėjo psichologija iš tiesų sunkiai perkandama. Nuo knygos vidurio supratau, kaip visa istorija pasibaigs. Dėl šios priežasties knygos pabaiga man pasirodė visiškai neprofesionali. Kuomet skaitai detektyvus ar trilerius, skaitytojas niekada negali suprasti, koks bus tolimesnis veiksmas, o tuo labiau, kokia bus knygos pabaiga argi ne, detektyvų ir trilerių mėgėjai?
Profile Image for Karla.
1,045 reviews165 followers
January 26, 2020
Una buena historia con un final bastante interesante, aunque se ve venir a la mitad del libro. Sin embargo, hay algo que pasa entre las tres mujeres que no cuadra en la imagen del lobo feroz (o quizá es una forma de decirnos que no era tan bueno como nos lo hacían creer) y es un bajón a la trama
Profile Image for Clau.
73 reviews
May 24, 2023
John Katzenbach es sin duda uno de mis autores favoritos y aún cuando la mayor parte del contenido de este libro me atrapó y tenía a mi parecer todos los elementos para ser una gran historia el final me quedó mucho a deber🙊.
Profile Image for Laura.
4 reviews1 follower
August 5, 2018
Aunque por partes denso, disfruté mucho la visión del cazador que predomina en el texto.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 707 reviews

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