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Ella Grey #2

Dark Harvest Magic

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Alternate cover edition of ASIN B06VWS2RLG

We Demon patrol officer Ella Grey is all about saving the ones she loves, even as she fends off the reaper that's trying to eat her soul. When a witch in her best friend's coven is murdered, Ella must set aside her own battles to take down a supernatural assassin. She'll only have one chance because her best friend Deb is next on the hit list.

But Ella didn't count on the dark and powerful magic that brought the assassin to life--or the man behind the assassin. It's a nightmare beast sent by none other than tycoon Jacob Gregori, and he aims to kill Deb and every last witch in Lynnette Leblanc's coven. It turns out Lynnette is dabbling in the same dark magic that Jacob covets. And that's not the only surprise Lynnette has in store for Ella.

To have any hope of saving Deb and the other witches, Ella will have to wield magic so rare and powerful it could kill her.

Dark Harvest Magic is the second book in the urban fantasy Ella Grey Series. Don't miss this thrilling world of magic, danger, and sacrifice in the battle against dark forces. This series is perfect for fans of Kim Harrison, Patricia Briggs, and Ilona Andrews!

316 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 16, 2017

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About the author

Jayne Faith

34 books225 followers
Hi there! I'm Jayne Faith, author of the urban fantasy Ella Grey Series and paranormal romance Sapient Salvation Series. When I'm not tapping away at my keyboard while swilling coffee and tea, I'm playing with my dog; eating, flipping through recipes online, fantasizing about food, dreaming up my next meal (you get the idea); doing yoga or Pilates; or watching TV. Connect with me on Facebook, just search "Jayne Faith" or go to facebook.com/AuthorJayneFaith

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews
February 1, 2020
January 30, 2020 Only $0.99 today!

Actual rating: 3.5 stars.

Sooooo, I just finished reading the last instalment in this series a few days ago, which means I should review the present little book and also this little book there and also also that little book there.

Territories to overtake, puny humans to enslave, murderous crustaceans to unleash and all that, ergo I cannot afford to waste my preciously nefarious time crappily non-reviewing all these books individually and stuff.

So what is left for you Little Barnacles to do, you ask? Apart from sobbing to death because you won’t be submitted to yet another one of my humongously fascinating reviews, you mean? Well, I guess you can either:

1) Trust my ever-right, never-wrong opinion, and believe me when I tell you that, although not quite as delicious as book 1 in this series, this instalment here is still slightly a little entertaining.
2) Trust my ever-impeccable, never-despicable book taste, and believe me when I tell you that, although not quite as delicious as book 1 in this series, this instalment here is still slightly a little entertaining.
3) Have some single malt Scotch whisky (scientifically proven to cure all aches and pains, be they moral or physical).
4) Sacrifice a couple of newborn babies in my honor (it’s a nice way to kill time).
5) Have some more single malt Scotch whisky.
6) Sacrifice a few more newborn babies in my honor.
7) Stop being annoying as shrimp and start reading this series already.
8) All of the above.
9) All of the above².

Bye now.

Book 1: Stone Cold Magic ★★★★
Book 3: Demon Born Magic ★★★★
Book 4: Blood Storm Magic ★★★★

[Pre-review nonsense]

Oopsy shrimpsy, looks like I forgot to review this book. Twice. Get to it already I must. Otherwise altogether forget about it I might.

Don't ask.

Full review to come and stuff.
Profile Image for carol..
1,661 reviews9,153 followers
May 4, 2020
Ah, QuarantineBrain™. I'm going to miss you. That casual, passive acceptance of the way the days blended into each other, and the passive way I could let books flow over me without engaging. Despite finding a number of interesting elements in the first Ella Grey book, Stone Cold Magic, Dark Harvest Magic took everything that was redeemable in the first and threw it out the window.

How badly? Well, once again, serious consequences miss the Scooby Gang, except that this time we've roped in Red Shirts to show there are high stakes, although they presumably matter to someone. Ella's low-level magic and low-level job become powered up here, giving her Super knowledge and Super capabilities. The easy, clear cut lines between evil demons and non-evil magic workers is blurred by Ella and a friend using small demons to send a message to each other (so much for her work as a demon-catcher!), without any serious introspection. But most serious and damaging to my enjoyment was a scene where Ella is magically forced into doing something she doesn't want to do, with serious consequences.

Digression. What's the point when you cut your losses on a book or series? I've figured for awhile that I generally want happy endings, with protagonists who aren't generally stupid or thoughtless, but I can live with it if I'm given decent writing, an interesting world and interesting side characters. Start playing too much with that and I get more than a little kvetchy. Then commit an authorial trespass and I'm done. In this case, it was a character binding Ella into a coven in such a way that it had physical, financial, emotional and social consequences. Sounds like rape to me (there are no secrets in the group; there's tithing; there's mandatory practice). To make it worse, though Ella sort-of struggles with it, she ends up 'going along' with it. Her bestie Deb has a hard time seeing how it is a bad thing, because now they are 'together.' It's funny, because for some readers, this won't be a big thing; they'll see it as Ella adapting, or another challenge, or whatever. But for me, it was the choice that broke my enjoyment. I was done. 

I should also note, for those who have been following and who have noted that this book is described as a 'paranormal romance,' that in this installment, Ella makes steps forward in one of her relationships... but there's heavy black-out curtains drawn over the scene. Nothing to see here, kids! 

She continues to be super-selfish, particularly in taking her partner Damien for granted. When he shares his fears about his family with her (after hearing about her family all the time), here's her reaction: "I shrugged a shoulder. “Eh, let’s not worry about it unless they find a way to press the issue. You’re an adult. You have your own life. We’ll figure it out, right?” 

The power-ups in abilities, the TSTL moments, the super-selfish moments, the authorial condoning of an unacceptable behavior all add up to a series I'm comfortable abandoning.

Oh, and as an aside, I don't recommend reading the Goodreads blurb, unless you also plan on forgetting it, because it spoils some of the events in the book.

one and a half stars, rounding down because even writing this is irritating me.
Profile Image for Katyana.
1,639 reviews248 followers
July 30, 2019
This book really suffered from asshole-itis. By which I mean, 95% of the characters are assholes.

Deb is an asshole.

Lynette is an asshole.

Johnny is an asshole.

Pretty much everyone in the police and SC force is an asshole, except Damien.

And worst of all, Ella is an asshole. A huge, TSTL asshole. Her ego is so mammoth that she just runs roughshod over everyone, assuming she knows best about every damn thing, even though you could put all her magical experience in a shot glass and still have room for a shot. I hate how she lets herself get manipulated by everyone - Deb, Lynette, the SC people - and it made me honestly hate those people. But then she does nothing to change the situation. And then she is adamant that ONLY she can handle the situation, and she decides to leave everyone vulnerable by blowing off the plan and going off to do her lone cowboy thing. And even when that blows up in her face, she doesn't take the lesson that she needs to get her ego under control. No, she just makes her next plan to use people and do her own thing.

She never thinks, for one damn second, about the consequences. And that makes her as bad as Lynette. And Lynette - - is evil. There's no excuse for what she did. It's evil. And the fact that Deb doesn't see a problem with it, and is in fact happy with the results, means Deb is trash.

I don't think I'll continue on with this series, because I basically want everyone to die. There's not one primary character that I'm rooting for. I like Damien a lot, but he's sidelined and barely developed. So ... yeah. I think I'm done.
Profile Image for Devann.
2,457 reviews176 followers
July 20, 2019
I didn't like this book quite as much as the first one, but it's still a pretty good series so far. I think part of what bothered me about this book is that I hate most of the voices the narrator does for the audiobook, but unfortunately my library only has the series in audio format. Also I am not buying the whole Ella/Johnny romance but that is probably because he doesn't really have a personality yet [and also because I hate the voice she gives him in the audio lol. It makes him seem really douchey]. There was a lot of interesting stuff revealed in this book about Ella's reaper spirit so I can't wait to see what happens with that next. I wish her search for her brother had been more prominent as well but it seems to take a larger part in the next book so looking forward to that. They are very quick reads though and the magic system is interesting so I think I will continue with the next one.
Profile Image for Kari Marie.
279 reviews6 followers
March 2, 2018
I would have really enjoyed this book but Deb's response to how Lynette treated Ella just ruined it for me. The rant below is a spoiler.

Ella was forced to join and give up not just her money but part of her magic and Deb acted like the coven was still great. If my friend was being forced to join a group I would not willingly and happily join as well. I would join to help protect them. That dynamic ruined the book for me. How cam Deb do that to her best friend who has been there for her for years.

Otherwise I would have given this a 4 stars.

I edited this review because there were some major annoying typos. I should not write reviews on my phone. I am still mad about this book and Deb months later. 3/2/18
Profile Image for Samuel  Flanigan.
259 reviews16 followers
January 23, 2023
The second book is as good as the first

This book picks up where the first book leaves off. If you thought the author could not get any better you were wrong. I feel like I'm right there in the story and can't wait to start the next book.
Profile Image for Rachel.
288 reviews48 followers
September 14, 2017
Torn between 3 1/2 and 4 stars. Decided to give it a 4 based on the very end of the book and the hope that the series is finally going to have the "OMG", Wow", or swoon moments that I'm looking for. This started off right where the first one left off. I enjoy the characters and world building in the series, I just hope the pacing picks up a bit!
790 reviews39 followers
June 26, 2021
I don’t like books with a lot of tell and no show, I also felt that the world building and the pacing were awful. I tried but the story just didn’t engage me, it was frustrating and was guilty of the biggest sin a book such as this could commit which is to say, it was BORING!
643 reviews
July 2, 2019
Th beginning was a bit rocky because the main character kept doing things for weird reasons, without thinking of possibility or consequences, and she reacted very strangely (negatively for no reason) to the SC (a different branch of police). You would think an officer would have some familiarity with the laws she’s supposed to uphold.
But once all the weird reasoning for specific actions was out of the way, the story was able to flow better and was interesting.
I think this is a really cool universe with a lot of potential, but it’s difficult for me to get past the somewhat frequent gaps in logic and the complete lack of consequences for the main characters bad decisions.
Profile Image for Noone.
760 reviews12 followers
November 13, 2020
I usually write actual reviews but I am too pissed off to form my notes into a review. Have fun with my notes <.<

initial murder accusation, foot shackle, forced to switch departments and all this time she is treated worse than shit. Shit at least gets a toilet.
forced to join the coven, forced to swear to the coven
and the entire time she keeps her mouth shut
She just takes it all. 404 backbone not found.
She never actually tries to do research on any of the incredibly important issues she has either.

She doesn't say anything about the huge daemon she sees beyond the rift. WTF?

Her best friend just does the exact same thing she leaves her husband for doing and no one realizes it? Join a new coven! Get rich quick! More like get sacrificed quick. And she ignores every sign this is a very bad idea. coven leader forces her best friend against her will into a contract, then literally opens rifts into a hell dimension to harvest its energy and she doesn't think there is anything wrong with any of that?

The worst part is how the entire coven thing will almost certainly end up with the MC finding her "home" and being accepted and relying on each other and all that YA clicée bullshit. I wanna puke.

the end with the daemon thingies is a horrible plothole, deus ex machina

The entire thing with her uncle stinks to high heaven. Summoning thousands of assassin daemons and the authorities don't try to shut him down? I am certain the entire thing will be forgotten in the next book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Marsha.
2,986 reviews55 followers
April 16, 2018
"Dark Harvest Magic" is a great addition to the Ella Grey series. This time Ella is stressing out because the reaper demon living inside her is continuing to take on more and more of her life force. In addition, she desperately wants to find a way to rescue her brother from the vampire feeding den.

Ella is also adjusting to having Johnny in her lofe. As they attempt to get closer, Ella receives a call from Jenny, Deb's coven member whose wards have been breached and her home trashed. Ella and Johnny go to investigate and discover a varying mirror was stolen. Johnny has to report it to the paranormal containment force and now Ella is in their radar. When another member of the coven is killed by a creature known as the baelom the containment unit place a monitoring device on her. In a positive note, Ella comes in contact with a demi n who took over the life of a mage. He informs her of the origin of the baelom and soon they are working together. They learn that the Berlin want the witches dead and they are coming for them on the new moon.

Meanwhile, Deb is dealing with her pregnancy and wayward husband. Ella learns that Deb is next on the hit list of the baelom and she is having none of it. The question is will Ella be able to stop the baelom without losing any more of her soul to the reaper demon.

I really enjoyed this installment. There was plenty of action and intrigue. My only complaint was I wish there had been a little more romance. If you haven't already discovered this series I highly recommend that you add it to your to read list starting with book one.
Profile Image for Chrissy.
1,390 reviews56 followers
July 4, 2018
Even better than the first book

The thing with series is that the first book is often weakened by the need to construct the world in which they are set. This is particularly true with fantasy, sci-if and urban fantasy books. They can’t take the short cuts that contemporary fiction can.

With this second book of the series we start to really get in to the meat of the story arc. We find out more about Ella’s new magic and the sort of nasty work Gregori Industries has been coming up with. We see more about her relationships with her friends and it’s nice to see that Roxanne, the teenager she helped out in the previous book is still a part of Ella’s life.

In this book we also learn more about how the magic of this world works as Ella learns to master her magic skills with the help of Damien her Demon Patrol partner. In this book Ella doesn’t work for Demon Patrol, she is seconded to Supernatural Crimes which gives her much more flexibility in solving problems.

It will be interesting to see how her magic continues to develop and what impact that has on her relationships with her friends and colleagues.
Profile Image for Ellen Williams.
320 reviews2 followers
February 2, 2019
So many choices

In this novel Ella faces a lot of choices that she willingly and unwillingly has to make and decisions on what or who she’s willing to sacrifice. She learns more about her own individual powers and the friendships she already has. Can’t wait to see where the next book leads.
Profile Image for Just Jese.
515 reviews
May 19, 2021
I want more

I feel like this story has soooooo much potential but for whatever reason the author just doesn’t want to commit. It’s so frustrating.
Once Ella found out that she needed to figure out a way around the path to circumvent her promos, how come she just didn’t ask Lynnette what it means to be in a coven? Wasn’t anyone interested to know how the all powerful lynnette had come to be able to open a mini rip/demon world portal all on her own in a matter of seconds? Was she brought up on charges or whatever?
In the previous book, the Other took possession of Ella’s body when she was in her deep sleep state or whatever, since the Other has more than half consumed her soul, why hasn’t it tried to take possession more frequently? What’s the point of Loki? How come he doesn’t tag along more often? He didn’t try to come to Ella’s aid at all during this story btw. What’s the point of the gargoyle roosting in her yard?
If Rogan has suddenly become much more communicative with Ella, how come she never approached him about learning more about underworld magic? She’s kept up lessons with Damien... so what gives? How come Damien is a one note character? We still haven’t learned anything of note about him? Why hasn’t Ella pulled Rafael St. James aside to ask the shifter question? What was the point of having him in that one scene? Just to get the idea about the Nevada desert thing?
Like I have waaaayyyyyy too many questions and none of them seem to be getting addressed anytime soon.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,258 reviews
October 7, 2018
I re-read the first book given I got the box set, and have to admit, glad I'm did as it refreshed my memory on what was going on. This book picked up where book 1 left off. They rescued Nathan and Roxanne is back home. And just as Ella and her friends are settling back into everyday life, several of the witches are attacked, by someone or something unknown and Ella becomes a suspect.

I like how in this one, Ella learns quite a bit more about what is happening to her and that she is not the first. Interestingly enough, there is less Johnny, but the introduction of a couple of new characters. I have to admit that I like Atriul and think he should become a regular part of the team. I was a little disappointed in Deb and her reaction to Lynette's manipulation of Ella, but think that by the end, things are just going to get worse and having all the support she can get will benefit Ella. The ending of this book ended on a cliffhanger, but shows that although Ella may not be high on the magical scale, she has definitely inherited some new "gifts". Still waiting to see how she got the latest and when she'll be able to look for Evan, but figure the next book will lead us closer.
1,214 reviews9 followers
March 8, 2018
Ella Grey is way over her head, yet she fights. Protecting her best friend with the help of her demon patrol partner and a reaper. The coven her best friend wants to be part of is targeted for death. Ella is the only one who has been able to kill a demon and her uncle is behind it all. It takes all her earth magic, some help from her inner reaper and a trip to the in between to save the coven, You can't help but cheer for Ella, want to fight along side of her and help her through her struggles with accepting her new reality. Its a relatively fast paced story. And, you want to whoop ass the head of the coven for sucking Ella into the coven.
Profile Image for Rachel Chiapparine.
1,204 reviews5 followers
April 24, 2018
I picked up this book in the Nook store on my tablet because I had to know what happens next with the characters my personal review of the book is as follows:

Ella has really started to grow on me as a character I really enjoyed seeing more of her personality, I am excited to see what happens next with the series as a whole the only thing that personally kept pulling me out of the storyline was that some of Ella's actions didn't really fit with what I've come experience from characters who are law enforcement in fiction in my personal opinion(trying not to give too much away). Overall I personally rate this book a 6 out of 10.
Profile Image for Rachel.
338 reviews22 followers
June 3, 2017
Extremely enjoyable. Ella Grey is a very likable heroine, and the supporting cast also stand out. We learn a bit more about the reaper soul and Ella's race against the clock to find a way to halt its progress.
Someone or something is murdering the witches in Lynette's coven, and it quickly becomes personal for Ella because Deb is on the cusp of joining their ranks. While hunting for the killer, Ella runs into someone like herself...
Keep 'em coming Jayne! I can't wait to read the next one!
Profile Image for Shawnee.
153 reviews
June 6, 2017
Amazing realistic book in spite of all the unquantifiable details!

Yeah, normally I'm not into time travel and things that don't make sense because I am big into science. However with that said this book takes a giant leap into the world of magic, not time travel. However again, yes I know I'm being redundant, this book pulls you then from the beginning and doesn't let you go like a darker reaper with this hooks on your soul. Warning do not begin reading this if you want to get any sleep at all because you won't want to put it down!!!
58 reviews
October 13, 2017
Ok, so I one thing I loved about Ella Grey, #1 was the humor. In this book, the drama is ramped up and it is sooo good. But, the plot moves so quickly, I wish there was more detail and more humor - which is what I was anticipating when I purchased the second book. Even her love life was rushed through the entire book. I would love to see the story truly develop.
106 reviews1 follower
March 10, 2018
An exciting read in the Ella's Grey series

The action and magic continues in this second book in the Ella Grey series. If you enjoyed the first book then this one will have you reading at a record pace. I think book 2 was even better and can't wait to read the third installment.
August 11, 2021
Slow build with blazing finish

Well written, the story comes to life giving you characters that you can identify with. The drama building to the final fight is action filled and leaves you wondering what happened to the brother? How did the little girl grow into her magic? Will Deb find the one she deserves? I'm pumped for the next book!
Profile Image for Rosemary Hughes.
3,560 reviews19 followers
April 27, 2024
I have submitted this review after listening to the audiobook of this title. (Audible Membership

Ella is bombarded with situations that an average person could never handle. However, she seemed to thrive on the most deadliest situations.
To be faced with the magnitude of creatures, only someone like her, could come up with a solution that would enable them all to survive.
Profile Image for Jana Gundy.
1,919 reviews17 followers
May 9, 2017
Can you say more please? I found a new author that will be a one click for me from now on. This book takes it up another level in intrigue, action and the world building. If you like urban fantasy and a strong lead characters with great secondary characters, this is a book for you!
Profile Image for Rose Marie.
89 reviews2 followers
March 14, 2018
Relatable and fantastical.

Once again, Ella is put between a rock and a hard place as she tries to save her best friend and her friend's friends. While she is clearly the underdog magically speaking, she has determination.
Profile Image for Julia Stephanie.
2,044 reviews6 followers
August 10, 2018
Honestly, I'm ashamed it's been long enough since I read the first book that it took me a while to recall the particulars, but I am really fascinated by how things have been unraveling for Ella! Look forward to book 3!
Profile Image for Ariane.
84 reviews1 follower
December 3, 2018
This second installment was a great read. The only issue I had was before the ending battle - I understand Ella's need to protect but she ended up putting the coven in danger. I'm looking forward to book 3.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews

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