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Legends of Today brings together the first three volumes that Enki Bilal has created in collaboration with the scriptwriter Pierre Christin: The Cruise of Forgotten (1975), The Stone Vessel (1976) and The City That Did Not Exist (1977).

Antagonised by an enigmatic character with supernatural powers, which serves as a theme for the trilogy, the three stories delve into the lives of various traditional communities (a village of the Landes, a Breton fishing port, a small working-class town in the North) as they fight against the police, the army, and all those in power, whose action, at the time, was very controversial.

An endearing panorama of the generous utopias of the time, nourished by modern fantasy and a certain humor that still preserves freshness today.

176 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2003

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Pierre Christin

245 books113 followers

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Profile Image for Metin Yılmaz.
1,054 reviews117 followers
July 2, 2019
Çizimler tamam ama hikaye ne demek istedi? Bir diğer sorun ise, Enki Bilal kitabı diye bu fiyatların artması ve yayınevinin sadece buna göre fiyatlandırma yapması doğru mu? Üç cildi tek cilt yapıp 150TL gibi bir fiyata satmak nedir? Zaten çizgi roman okurlarının az olduğu, hala çizgi romana bakışın değişmediği ve süper kahraman zırvaları haricinde alternatif çizgi romanın çok az geldiği ülkemizde bu fiyat politikası nedir? Hiç bir kontrol yok denetleme yok kalite yok! Canım Türkiyem...
Profile Image for Ihor Kolesnyk.
498 reviews3 followers
August 16, 2023
Тиждень коміксів триває і цей випуск із трьох книг є гарним стилічно.
Сюжетні лінії доволі незвичні, складніші, ніж типові американські комікси і цим можуть захопити.
Profile Image for Ivan Jovanovic (Valahiru).
267 reviews10 followers
December 18, 2023
"Legende današnjice" sastoji se iz 3 misteriozne priče. Sve tri imaju zajedničkog glavnog lika, koji je u pozadini svake priče.

Dve priče imaju političku pozadinu, uz elemente fantastike. Tu su i sociološka pitanja, društvo generalno i razmišljanje ljudi, kao i korumpirane vlasti kojima je cilj vladanje, moć i novčana dobit. Ideje su interesantne i provokativne, ali po meni nedovoljno razradjene i ne baš efektne.

Stranac koji je naš junak iz senki podstiče narod na promene, na drugačije razmišljanje i na odbacivanje loših vodja.

Uprkos tome što su scenarista i umetnik iza interesantnih crteža vrlo hvaljeni, meni je ovo bio jedan od najčudnijih stripova koje sam pročitao. Ne mogu reći da mi se nije dopao, ali definitivno nisam doživeo ništa specijalno u toku čitanja. Bilo je nekoliko vrlo dobrih delova, dok su mi ostali bili monotoni i nisu mogli da mi izazovu veće interesovanje. Sve u svemu, dobar strip. Vidim zbog čega su autori hvaljeni, ali ovo definitivno nije strip za mene.
Profile Image for Mikael.
162 reviews8 followers
April 16, 2021
If you're looking for some new stories then just move on, because this book is nothing but a reprint.
But what a magnificent reprint it is, three of the great old classics, The voyage of the forgotten, The ship of stone and The town that didn't exist, all collected in a gorgeuous glossy, hardcover edition, somewhat slightly bigger than all my old trade paperbacks which means lots more details emerge in the old stories. Truly a masterpiece.
453 reviews
July 24, 2022
3 mystical, quasi socialist fantasies tied together by a mysterious stranger; there are ups and downs, but my favorite parts were the vagaries of the floating village and the Count of Monte Cristo esque plot of the industrial heiress.
Profile Image for Tita.
Author 15 books59 followers
July 30, 2007
Pierre Christin bekerja sama dengan Enki Bilal dalam membuat album Townscapes ini di tahun 1970an. Album ini berisi tiga cerita pendek, plus satu cerita sebagai awalan yg memperkenalkan tokoh utama pada cerita2 pendek tsb. Kisah2 dalam album ini semuanya bertemakan protes terhadap kebijakan2 pemerintah, militer dan kaum penguasa dan pemodal, yang berakibat ke pengrusakan lingkungan, ketidak-pedulian terhadap situs bersejarah, dan kesejahteraan rakyat. Meskipun fokus dan contoh2 kasus pada kisah2 ini terasa usang, namun tema2 yg diangkat Christin dan Bilal tsb nampaknya masih berlaku hingga kini.
Meskipun dibuat di awal2 karirnya, karya Bilal untuk album ini sudah sangat mengagumkan. Ia telah berhasil menggambarkan berbagai ekspresi dengan jitu, mengajukan visual berbagai detail dengan unik, dan menciptakan suasana sesuai dengan mood yg sesuai dengan cerita. Pada intinya, album yang dibuat pada lebih dari 30 th yg silam ini mengajak berpikir: apakah pembangunan selalu berarti perbaikan kualitas hidup bagi kebanyakan orang? Apakah yang sebenarnya diinginkan manusia, demi kepuasan hidupnya? Sejauh mana lingkungan, budaya dan sejarah akan dikorbankan, atas nama "kemajuan" dan "peningkatan kesejahteraan"? Tiga setengah bintang untuk album ini, yg telah kembali membukakan benak pada pemikiran2 tsb.

Berikut ini adalah ringkasan kisah2 pada Townscapes..
(untuk lengkapnya, baca di [http://esduren.multiply.com/reviews/i...])
Profile Image for osoi.
789 reviews38 followers
February 3, 2016
Не помню, что меня подтолкнуло к тому, чтобы взять с полки именно эту книгу. Я получила минимум удовольствия, оставшись в легком недоумении от истории и собственной неосмотрительности. В последнее время я читаю неприличное количество какого-то бреда, пора бы уже, на самом деле, порадовать себя и почитать то, что заведомо придется по душе.

Книга состоит из трех новелл, в каждой из которых появляется мутный блондин, помогающий простому люду одержать победу в борьбе против.. всего подряд. Гнусных капиталистов в том числе. Одну деревушку он отправил летать (не фигурально выражаясь), старинную крепость с криповатым стариком он перетащил в другое место дабы ее не снесли, а в третьей истории он одновременно помог даме с психически-утопическим видением мира и бесправным рабочим.
Если история с летающей деревней меня еще как-то заинтриговала, то к ее развязке мне захотелось поскорее стряхнуть с колен крошки этой скукоты и окунуться в богатый мир любой другой вселенной. Причем идеи довольно небанальны, фантастический флер добавляет интереса, НО боже, как же все это скучно читать. Феноменально.

Рисовка неплохая, хотя у меня в начале и рябило в глазах от точечности. Откровенный юмор детектед моим придирчивым взором всего единожды.

Profile Image for Norman.
480 reviews1 follower
January 16, 2016
This cover reflects the later work by Bilal. The earlier material presented in this compilation of three of his 70s work were done in a more 'Moebius' style - emulating the champion of bandes dessinees of that era. The three stories are self contained and for me don't work too well, compared to Bilal's later solo writing and illustration. The ideas are interesting and thought-provoking especially the last one which I suspect I need to re-read. 2 of the 3 are political in nature but with that fantasy element - castles as ships with the population of that site from centuries past; a village that floats off one day; and the very political and strange latter "the town that didn't exist" However they are worth a look especially if you want to break free from the superheroes monopoly
Profile Image for Madison.
Author 1 book7 followers
August 25, 2016
This was one of the weirdest graphic novels I've ever read, and I don't think it was really my thing. I can see why Enki Bilal is such a celebrated illustrator though.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 reviews

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